Saturday, June 9, 2012


Today as part of our Bicentennial, we celebrate 200 years of marriage at Christ Church Quaker Farms. During that time, hundreds of women & men came together here, in the presence of God and their families, to make vows of lifelong fidelity. And some of those couples are with us today. • Would any of you who were married at CCQF, including those of you who are widowed, would you please stand up so that we can recognize you? Here is our living history of 200 years of marriage at CCQF. You are part of the rich heritage of this church, in the past, present, and future, and we honor you all. In my hand is an antique CCQF Prayer Book, which has been in this church since the year the building was completed in 1814. The first couple married here, stood before this altar and head the pastor read these words: Of course, that was a long time ago. During the past 200 years, the institution of marriage has gone through many changes. • Back in the Early 19th century, parents arranged most marriages. It was only around the turn of the 20th century that marriages were inspired by romantic love. • Back in the 19th century, women pledged to obey their husbands in the marriage liturgy. In our day and time, most couples share in decision making with one another. • Back in the 19th century, women were solely responsible for raising and managing the children. 19th century social custom dictated a formal and distant relationship between a man and his children. In our day and time, most fathers are much more involved in child rearing. • Back in the 19th century, holy matrimony was understood as a holy union made by God himself. But today, many people have dropped the word “holy” out of the title. Many , many couples now choose to have secular marriages, which are merely human arrangements, with human values and rules. • Back in the 19 century, the divorce rate in this nation was around 3%. In 2011, among new marriages, the divorce rate is between 40 to 50 % of new marriages. Roles of men and woman may have changed some, but it seems to me that God’s plan for Christian marriage has not changed: God’s word defines marriage as a sacred covenant between a man, a woman, and God himself. God’s plan for marriage is a lifelong union , characterized by mutual respect, mutual honor, mutual fidelity, mutual sacrifice, and mutual joy. However, what many non believers do not understand, is that the love needed for a successful marriage is love which only comes from God. Human beings are not capable of such love, over the long haul of a lifelong commitment. To unintentionally or intentionally exclude God from the marriage, is to deny the depth of love necessary for marriages to prosper. To be honest, we Americans have trouble with “Love,” because the word is thrown around so loosely. • I love pizza. I love my country. I love my fiancĂ©. I love my children. I love my grandma. I love my friend. Certainly, I do not love pizza in the same manner that I love grandma, nor do I love my fiancĂ© in the same way I love my children. Some of the confusion about love is caused by the fact that in English, we have one term, “love,” which describes a variety of different “love” experiences. However, the Greeks have actually 4 different terms: • “Eros,” which means romantic love. • The lives of their children.“Philia, “ which means brotherly love or friendship • “Storge,” which means the love of family; • And “AGAPE”--love, which is committed, self sacrificing love. Agape-love, where you choose to love someone so much, that you put his or her interests and well-being and happiness above your own. So, looking at question # 2, which type of love is the most important in marriage? (All important—but one is vital). Romantic love, or Eros, without sacrificial love, agape, will not last. Agape- love is not all about me, but directed towards you. That’s why God , in his infinite wisdom, decided to create a setting for romance to grow and to become infused with agape-love. • And within this sacred commitment, they are free to love and to trust and to depend—because they both have made a solemn vow to continue loving one another, no matter what. • And that, is real marriage….where vows mean something, and both parties choose to love one another by honoring their vows and promises. Of course, the sad reality is that not all marriages fulfill God’s plan. When agape love is missing form one or both partners, then trauma , betrayal, disappointment, and sorrow may follow. For all its brokenness, however, my guess is that each of you knows of one or more marriage which Have fulfilled the God- given promise of agape love. Today, following the sermon, there are 18 couples who are going to publicly reaffirm their marriage vows. By doing so , they gave giving honor and thanks to God and each other. On Thursday night, I met with them all and asked them to identify one way that God has blessed them through the love of their spouse. • One jokester eagerly raised his hand and shouted, “Her chicken Marcella is fantastic.” • Then, everyone spoke of the blessings of children and grandchildren, and extended families. But, then the discussion took a more intimate turn, as they said such things as • He is someone that I can always count on.” • His love of me has strengthened my love of God.” • “He’s hoped me to become a better person.” • “Always loving; always my friend.” • “He helps me to get through the hard times. By working together, we’re not just two people, we’re more like 3.” • She has helped bring balance to my life.” • And finally, “He makes me laugh.” That was a very moving conversation; and it made me think how happy I am that today, all of us can share in this celebration of Love. That, is the way that God agape-loves you and me. Lets’ look at question # 3 in your sermon notes: As designed by the creator of the universe, all relationships , romantic, family, friends, are better and more lasting when both parties practice agape-love. Agape-love is patient and kind. It is not self-seeking. It keeps no record of wrongs. Agape-love will never end, All other things in life, and all relationships without agape-love, will fade away. Church is meant to be a school to learn how to love, because God is agape-love. This love is intended for all people, whether you are married or not. Jesus agape-loved us all by laying down his life that we might be forgiven and loved by God. So on this day of love, let’s remember the Prayer of the King of Love, that the whole world would know that we are His disciples, because of the way we love one another.

"WHAT ON EARTH...... Pentecost Sunday, May 27, 2012

50 days after Jesus had risen from the dead, and ten days after He ascended to heaven, Peter and the rest of the disciples were praying together, just as Jesus had commanded. Then, the God the Holy Spirit fell upon them and within them, and they were filled with enthusiastic joy and courage. Then they ran out into the streets proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ, and then they and their successors went to the ends of the earth. For the past 4 Sundays, we have been exploring this Good News, together. So, today, we are gaping to have a pop quiz to see if you have been paying attention. If the person at the end of each pew will pass down the pens from the white baskets and everybody take out your red insert. So, let’s all work together and we can all receive an A plus Please look section A, question # 1: 1. I am here on earth because God _(created)____ me (pp 12-15), so that He could __Love_____ me (page #15) ; and so that I can __Love_______ Him back.(pp. 51-52). 2. His plan/purpose for me is to have an__abundant _______life (pp. 39-40, John 10:10), which begins when I believe and __receive__ __JESUS___ into my life (pp. 56-58). Good job. You all pass!!! Now, the next part of the Good News, as that the Bible and the Episcopal Prayer Book teach, is that we can believe and receive Christ by praying a prayer, similar to the one in section B of your sermon notes. • As ow as we have heard, God invites us to freely and voluntarily make our own faith commitments to him, to take responsibility for our own spiritual lives. Such commitments are never to be coerced or pressured, but made out of a conviction fo the heart. • Last Sunday, over 57 of us voluntarily made faith commitments or recommitments, and in doing so, we invited and received Christ into our hearts. Now, I know that some of you may be thinking that “this is no big deal,” (PAUSE)…. but a little thing can be a big deal to God. This is where your seed comes in. Please hold it in the palm of your hand, and reflect upon its profound significance: The Bible tells us that when we believe and receive Christ into our hearts, God plants the seed of the Holy Spirit into our lives. The seed of the Holy Spirit, like all seeds, has been designed to grow. Receiving the seed of God the Holy Spirit is a great honor, but to fulfill its purpose in your life, that seed must grow and mature. This happens as we each voluntarily choose to trust Jesus with more and more of our lives, by giving him greater and greater authority to guide & direct us for our great good and his great glory. To explain how this works, please look at your red sermon notes, section C. Here you see a couple diagrams, which require some explanation for the symbols. • The circles represent each person. • The black dots symbolize our personal interests, concerns, activities, emotions, problems, and all aspects of our lives. • The chair in the center of each circle is the throne of our lives, or our decision making capacity. • In the top circle, there is a big S on the throne—which represents our SELF. So, the explanation of the diagram reads, REGULAR CHRISTIAN—SELF IS ON THE THRONE: We may still primarily make decisions and take actions to satisfy our own wants and desire, like everyone else. This results in an unbalanced & conflicted life at best, and/or a life which may hurt us and/or others. The “Self” still wants and seeks money, recognition, self-serving love, and peace & happiness (based on achieving the right outward circumstances, which are unstable). Now, the cross in the circle represents Christ, in whom the regular Christian has received through prayer. However, the regular Christian has not given Christ the authority to provide the spiritual leadership each person requires us that we can live an abundant, purposeful, and meaningful life. So, now lets’ look at the second diagram. What is different about that one from the first? (Discussion) • Note—there is greater harmony and order in the Spiritually Growing Christians’ life. SPIRITUALLY GROWING -- JESUS ON THRONE: We give Jesus authority to be our Lord (manager, boss, the one in control). This results in a more harmonious & peaceful lives, as we seek his direction in making decisions and taking actions. We then see the manifestations or the “fruit” of God: the Holy Spirit: exuberance for life; agape-love; inner peace; compassion; loyalty; perseverance; clearer priorities; wisdom; generosity; and hope. (See today’s reading from Galatians 5) So, our task as Christians is to nurture the growth of the Holy Spirit within us, by learning to trust Jesus, more and more, because He invented the seed, and as the master gardener, he knows how to make it grow to the max, just like any wise farmer. Our spiritual seed grows by watering it with Word of Christ, whom the Bible calls “ THE living water.” • So, first of all, we ALL need to personally read the Bible. Now, I know that some of you think, 'Oh, the Bible is too hard. I cannot understand it.’ Well, you have to get a modern translation. Even I have a hard time understanding the 500 year old King James translation of the Bible. Get a good modern translation. Today’s reading from Galatians , which is very understandable, comes from “The Message Translation” of the Bible, which is one that I am primarily reading now. You can buy it on Amazon. Or, we have a table downstairs today where you can see my copy of the Message Bible, place an order, and we can get a copy fo you. So, first, read the Bible for yourself. I suggest that you start with the Gospel of Mark. • Secondly, come to a bible study group. This fall , CCQF will host an expanded program of Small Bible Study groups, which will be offered at different times to accommodate busy schedules. There is no better way to grow in Christ, then to participate in a small group bible study. You see, it is within such small group setting that we can grow to understand and appreciate the rich inheritance which God has planned for us. What am I on earth for? We are on earth to prepare ourselves as heirs of the Kingdom of God. When a child or older person is baptized, the sign of the cross using holy oil, will be made on the forehead of the child. In ancient times, holy oil was poured on the heads of future Kings and Queens, symbolizing their royal inheritance. This is what that oil symbolized when you were baptized. You have been chosen by God the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit to be a royal heir of Christ, because you are important to God. Amen. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On this Pentecost Sunday, churches all across the world today are witnessing to their faith by reaffirming the universal Baptismal Covenant, which we shall do, too. Please open your red prayer books to page 415. We will begin with the questions at the bottom of the page, Dear people of God


Today we are running to 3rd base in our 4 part exploration on, “What on earth am I here for?" • First base, Week One—We heard that we are not accidents; God intentionally made us so that we could be objects of his love. • Second base, last Sunday: We explored how we seek things, outside of us, in order to find fulfillment, such as money, somebody to love, recognition, and other outward circumstances to make us happy. However, such things do not bring lasting fulfillment, because they are illusive, or disappointing, or on temporarily fulfilling. That indeed, in every person there is a God shaped hole, which only God can fill. • Today, 3rd base, I want to discuss how to fill this hole—(h-o-l-e) that we can become whole (w-h-o-l-e). As a young man, I was painfully aware of the big black hole in my life, which I experienced as loneliness. Some of you have been surprised to hear that I am a natural introvert. For most of my earlier life, I was just painfully shy. I experienced a fair amount of social anxiety, and was always tongue tied when meeting new people. • Growing up in a dysfunctional family with an alcoholic father taught me to keep quiet in order to protect myself Like everyone else, I wanted things which I imagined would fill the void: • First, I wanted friendships. While I had a couple of close friendships, they did not fill the void. • My dating relationship started with promise, but mostly went up in smoke, thereby making my void even deeper. • Then in high school and college, I thought that I could fill the void by winning the approval & recognition of others, by making straight “As’ and getting elected Student Body President. But none of that filled the void. However, in my 2nd & third year in college, I found a group of friends who seemed to fill the void. They laughed with me; I felt confident around them; we always hung out together; and it really seemed like I had found my nitch. But unfortunately, this was not a good group of friends. In order to win their approval and acceptable, I joined them in getting drunk and stoned. Getting high with them initially appeared to fill the void. However, these so-called friendships were all chemically induced—so these relationships were superficial at best, and dangerous, at the worst. My life almost ended one night when my friend, Bruce, and I were both stoned. • My judgment was impaired, so I agreed to let Bruce take me home in his little sports car. Bruce put his foot on the accelerator, and before I knew what had happened, the car sped off the road and over a cliff. The car rolled down the hill, over and over, until it was stopped by three trees, which kept the car from falling further into the creek below. The car was totaled. Miraculously, both of us walked away with a scratch. The police were amazed that we were still alive. After that close call, I was very ashamed, and filled with the conviction that somehow, God had saved us. A silly thought popped inky mind, one which I originally dismissed as mere superstition or wishful thinking. Those three trees that saved the car from rolling into the creek, I wondered if three represented the 3 persons of God: Father, Son & Holy Spirit. But that thought sounded too superstitious for me to tell anyone. However, about 10 years later, after Bruce had stopped abusing drugs, he told me that he had had the same thought. So, that night I swore off drugs, believing that God had a better purpose for my life. I grew to believe that God had better plans for me then lying dead in a creek. Shortly afterwards, I joined a bible study group, where I learned some basic principles, which helped me to see the broader picture of my life and God’s purpose. To help explain this, we are now going to see a 31/2 minute video, called “God’s Graffiti.” This remarkable film summarizes the teaching of a person who, for the last 55 years, has been in the top ten list of most admired men in the United States—the Rev. Billy Graham. ---------------------------------------------- Although the format is decidedly modern, the content of this film is the Good News proclaimed by the Hebrew prophets, by Jesus Himself, by the apostles, and by countless millions of other Christians during the past 2000 years, Like some of you, I had heard this teaching previously with my head, but after the car accident, I embraced it with my heart. That’s when I decided to invite God into my life by praying the prayer of believing and receiving. Would you please take out the yellow prayer card from your bulletin, and if you would please pass those pens down the table. Let’s look at the prayer----- Some of you personally may have previously prayed this prayer, or one like it; and others of you may have not. I really see this prayer as an expression of our love and faith in God. Since God made you to be the recipient of his boundless love, He now invites you to tell him that we love him too. By praying this prayer, you do not proclaim that you have all the answers. Rather, you ask Jesus to , quote, “COME INTO MY LIFE AND HELP ME TO LEARN TO KNOW YOU, TO TRUST YOU, AND TO LOVE YOU.” unquote. So, when I initially prayed this prayer at my bible study, I did not initially feel anything at first. But later on, as I looked back, I could see that this invitation was the beginning of my finding fulfillment. I returned to church, where I began to form new friendships with people who like me, wanted to grow to better trust, love, and follow Christ. • I still have problems, like everybody else. • I have grown in my relational skills, and learned how to better give and receive love from my friends, my wife, and my children. • I have grown to care more about the approval and recognition of Christ, and less about that from people. • My wife and I have never had a surplus of money, but I have seen how the Lord has consistently provided for the financial needs of my family and churches, I have served. And it all begins by praying the prayer of believing and receiving, so that Jesus might begin to fill your HOLE “H-o-l-e” so that you can become “W_H_O_L_E” WHOLE. Now, I have prayed this prayer, in one form or another, hundreds of times, because love always needs to be renewed. • IF I had told my wife that I loved her 25 years ago, and never did it again, she world rightfully question my initial sincerity;....and frankly both of our hearts would have grown cold, if I never reaffirmed my love to her. • Likewise, this prayer is not a onetime obligation. Rather, it is a milestone in a spiritual journey that serves as the foundation of our personal faith. So, I recommend that those of us who have previously made such a prayer commitment, also join me in praying it again, as one expression of love to the one who created us to love us. So, in A MINUTE, AFTER THE PRAYERS of THE PEOPLE, I am going to pray this prayer, and if you feel that you wish to express your love to the Lord in a similar fashion, feel free to do so, as well. But whether you pray it or not, keep an open mind and an open heart in the one who demonstrated his love for you through his death and resurrection.

What on Earth am I here for? May 6

4 week sermon series based on "What On Earth Am I Here For? by Rick Warren --The Rev. John Donnelly WONDERFUL. FANTASTIC. INCEDIBLE. That’s the way I describe our 4 week sermon series and bible study. I am not boasting about myself, because our sermon series is based on the internationally bestselling book, The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. • Now, I believe that some of you have read this book, yes? Did you like it? • Now, just in terms of book purchases alone, this is the most significant Christian book in the past 50 years. • Well, the first 7 chapters of that book have been repackaged as the booklet that you received this morning, called “What On earth am I here For?’ This is your book and you are free to take it home today, but you will need to bring them back, because we are going to need these books during all of May. So, if you would like to leave it here, and then write your name on the back—pens can be found in white baskets in each pew. On your way out, you may leave your book in the basket by the door, and it will be waiting for you for the next time. Before we continue, we are very pleased that our 8th through 12th graders are joining us. Our bible study will be made better by you being here. So, I want to begin by this very serious biblical study, by inviting one of your young people to come up here, and to join me in a game of dice. Yes, today we are making history at CCQF—because this will be the first occasion in 200 years that any clergy person will play a game of craps right before the altar. So, you roll the dice. To win, you have to get the same score again before you get a 7, 11, or snakes eyes. Now in this crap game, we are not playing for money—rather, we are playing for IQ. In this game, we are pretending that ______, here, has as not been born yet. So, you are going to roll the dice, and see what you end up with. Now, you continue rolling the dice until that number comes up—and if you do, you win an average or above average IQ. If you lose the crap shoot, then you will receive a below average IQ. There are some big thinkers in our society, who believe that everything that happens, happens by pure chance. “All that happens is purely random—including all the creation of the universe, our planet, animal life, and even human life.” In this worldview, there is not God, or if God exists, God is entirely irrelevant. There is no benevolent presence or spirit behind the universe. Rather, we are all at the mercy of the scientific laws of nature, which operate totally dispassionately until we die and exist no more. Such a world view has been around for several hundred years, and has a strong following among our friends, family, and even without our own community. So l what do you think? Was the universe created totally by random chance? Was your DNA make up a total roll of the dice? So, let’s look at the Christian worldview. Turn to page 12 in your books, and let’s read the first 2 paragraphs. YOU ARE NOT AND ACCIDENT.YOUR BIRTH WAS NO MISTAKE OR MISHAP, AND YOUR LIFE IS NO FLUKE OF NATURE. YOUR PARENTS MAY NOT HAVE PLANNED YOU, BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN THAT GOD DIDN’T PLAN YOU. HE WORKS EVEN THROUGH HUMAN ERROR AND FAILINGS, AND HE WAS NOT SURPRISED BY YOUR BIRTH." The dropping down to the line in bold print, “YOU ARE ALIVE BECAUSE GOD WANTED TO CREATE YOU.” Now to me, that sounds pretty heady. The Lord God king of the universe willfully created ME? Maybe he made a mistake. Why would he want to make little you and little me? You can find the answer to that question by turning to page 15, looking at the line in bold print, “God made you so that he could love you.” This is the heart of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the central power point of today’s message. • So, I want you to get this down, but I also want you to personalize it. So, please repeat after me, “GOD MADE ME----SO HE COULD LOVE ME. Now in the Bible, the Greek word for love, agape, is a verb—its and action. True love expresses itself to the beloved. • So, let’s open up the floor and hear from some of you: If YOU are an object of God’s love, how does God express this love to you? (Make a list) What a great God we have! His purpose driven life, is to love us!!!! As part of God’s love fours, He has a plan for our lives. As Jesus says in today’s Gospel, his plan is that we would have a good life, that our lives would be abundant is hope, abundant in peace, and abundant in love. Ts theme is echoed in today’s Ephesians reading. You will find part of that reading on page 9 in your booklet, the 2nd section in italic print. Let us read together the first line of that passage: IT’S IN CHRIST THAT WE FIND OUT WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE ARE LIVING FOR.” Look at the 2nd &3rd word of that sentence “In Christ.” Now this simple phrase is totally deceptive. You see, to be, quote “In Christ,” actually means the opposite. It really means that Christ is in YOU. To be In Christ, means that He is in your heart and should, along with his peace, hope, and love. To be in Christ is sort of like the Alien movies, where the monsters were living inside people’s bodies. Well, Jesus is no monster; and He’ll only live in you, if you invite Him in. How many of us here today were baptized as small children?” How many of you remember it? Whether we remember our baptisms or not, your baptism in Christ was an objective milestone in your life. The Greek word baptism means to immerse, to saturate, like a sponge soaking up water. So that’s why we use the water –as an outward and visible sign of God’s inward and spiritual grace. So baptism is a promise...a promise from God that one day, we will be saturated in Jesus Christ. This occurs in a two stage process: When a child is baptized, he or she is adopted into God’s family. For most of us, stage 2 occurs later on, when we voluntarily, individually, invite Christ into our heats, to release His presence, His hope, His peace, and His love. This is the background that makes our scripture on page 9 so important. So, I’d like you to look at it again, but with my amplification. It is when we have been baptized into God’s family, and has invited Christ into our lives, that we find out who we are, and what we are living for. So, why on earth and I here? Because God has a purpose for your life and part of that purpose is that you will receive all the abundant love and life that he has planned for you. This is true, no matter if you are: old or young; rich or poor; smart or dumb; healthy or sick; religious or not. None of that matters, because God loves you anyway. So, I invite all of you, including those of you who are visiting today, to continue to join us in this journey of discovery, as we learn just what on earth we are here for. • We hope some of you visitors will come back and join us next Sunday. • Whether you do or not, take your booklet home and enjoy it for yourself. • Also, we have even launched an online bible study, to which you are invited. Details are in your bulletin. It is my hope that you will continue to reflect upon these matters. Simply to ask you the question, what on earth am I here for, is to enter a whole dimension of life that is sacred and holy. In Christ, you will find some wonderful answers. AMEN.