Sunday, September 30, 2012


SERMON NOTES Made For God’s Pleasure-- The Purpose Driven Life – Part 2 By Rick Warren 1. The Bible says you were created for ______ __________. 2. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.” Matthew 22:37-38 (NIV) 3. WORSHIP IS____________ ______ __________. 4. We love him, because he loved us first. 1 John 4: Sermon Transcript Today we continue our series called 40 Days of Purpose, by looking at the first of God’s five purposes for your life. If you would take out your sermon notes, and pass out the pens at the end of the pews, you are going to learn something amazing. Looking at point # 1--- The Bible says you were created FOR GOD’S ENJOYMENT. God made you just to enjoy you. God planned you for his purpose…to enjoy YOU. How many of you are parents? Can I see your hands? How many of you enjoy watching your kids? Most of the time! And I think the same thing is true with God, most of the time he enjoys watching you be you. You were made for God’s pleasure. When you were born, when you came out of your mother’s womb, God was there in that room, smiling from ear to ear, because he wanted you made. God smiled at your birth because he created you to enjoy you. 2 Sundays ago, we talked about how you were created to be loved by God. This week we’re looking at the flip side, the first purpose of your life, which is, please repeat after me: GOD WANTS YOU TO LOVE HIM BACK. In today’s Gospel , Jesus was confronted by know-it-all-religious-lawyer, who asked, “What’s the most important command in the entire Bible?” Jesus goes, “okay, I’m going to give it to you. If you don’t get anything else, you get this. This will summarize the whole Bible. Okay? Let’s read it together from # 2 n your notes: He said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.” Circle “first” and “greatest.” God says if you don’t get anything else, here’s what you’re supposed to do in life: you’re supposed to learn to love Me back, because I made you to love you, and you will never find lasting fulfillment unless you do what made you to do. Now, there’s a word for this. It’s a word we misunderstand so a lot of people don’t use it. It is the word “worship.” Looking at # 3, fill n the blanks--Worship is LOVING GOD BACK. Now, the problem is, that worship is misunderstood today. And when I say the word “worship,” what do you think of? Well, you may think of a priest, or a church, or ritual. But worship is far, far more than all those things. Real worship is love. Let’s look back at your notes and fall in the blanks in section # 4: “We love him, because HE FIRST LOVED US.” 1 John 4:19 (KJV) Worship is just the way I react, I respond, to God when He loves me. You see in this case, God takes the initiative. God always makes the first move. He creates us. He saves us. He forgives us. He blesses us. He protects us. He heals us. Even when you didn’t know it, he was showing love to you. And God has said over and over and over to you, “I love you.” Indeed, He sent us His own Son, Jesus Christ, to show us the way of love. All these things and then because of all these things, we love God back, which is what worship is all about. And whenever you give back to God, whenever you offer anything to God, that’s called worship. And that brings pleasure to God. It brings enjoyment to God. When your kids are grateful to you, as a parent, that brings pleasure to you. When we’re grateful to our heavenly Father, that brings pleasure to him. And what do we gave back to him? Your love. That s the only thing that God cannot make for himself. Your Love. Here’s the absolute truth and I am not making this up. The New Testament was originally written in ancient Greek, and the Greek word for worship means to KISS. So, real worship, genuine worship, is when we express affection for God. This is loving God with your heart and soul, which s the first and greatest commandment. You see, so many people do not know what you are hearing today. They think that worship is about watching the priest and the choir, or sitting in a pew, or mumbling some words that they really do not mean. But none of that is any good, unless you are intending it to express your love for God. Jesus goes so far as to say that Worship, without putting your heart into it, actually offends God because of the hypocrisy of it all. Look again at #4, and let’s read it together, saying, “We love him, because he first loved us.” You know, in many religions, God is this angry tyrant, and you have to appease God, you have to be afraid of God. But that’s not the real God. The Bible says God wants to be loved. He wants to be loved. Have you ever said, “I love you” to God? God wants that from you. If you are not expressing love to God, then your life is missing out on something just as valuable as air, water, and food. You see, the most important thing you can know in life is that God loves you. And the most important thing you can do in life is to love him back. So how can I express my affection to God? Here are two ways: First, just start n your dally life by just saying “thanks.” Start looking around at everything and start thanking God. “God, thank you for a beautiful sky today. That’s gorgeous.” “God, thank you for green trees.” Here s a favorite of mine-- “Thank you that I’m still breathing.” “Thank you that I live in America and I have freedom.” You could go on and on. Everything you look at is a gift from God. You could probably think of hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of things just to start thanking God more for. That’s a good way to start expressing your love to God. Secondly, when you are here n church on Sundays, don’t be a passive spectator. Put your heart into put your prayers, make each song a love song to God. Sing like you mean it. Look at the words. Make them your prayer. In reference to singing, the Bible says, “Make a joyful noise for God.” Don’t worry about getting the notes right. The song of an off keyed believer is sweeter to God then the song of a musically skilled unbeliever. Love God by singing. Secondly, pray like you mean it. When there are prayer responses in our Sunday services, pray -- say them enthusiastically and loudly. Put your heart into it. Also, when we proved the opportunity for the congregation to offer your own prayers, aloud or silently, then do it. Mean it. And if you do that, something wonderful happens: God promises to pour Hs JOY upon you and others who love Him. Expressing love to God n worship releases heavenly joy upon God’s people. We saw an awesome example of that last Sunday, when our children enthusiastically sang, “Up, Up, and Away we go.” The joy of the Lord was just radiating through them, and t was contagious. And later today, we are going to sing a couple Joyfull—full of joy songs, just to make God and us happy. But right now, would like for you all to join me in singing as love song to God, which summarizes today’s message. Make this a love song, and find your heart touched with joy of the Lord.

Friday, September 21, 2012

BICENTENNIAL BIRTHDAY BASH of Christ Church Quaker Farms (1812-2012)

200 YEARS AGO LIVE WAS AWFULLY HARD FOR THOSE LIVING IN QUAKER FARMS. • Like in our day and time, there were times when the local economy boomed and times it bustled. • In 1807, the shipping port in Derby closed, causing widespread economic hardship for farmers and factory workers, and for the wealthy people alike. • Housing was a problem for most people who lived in log cabins. When the cold wind blew in the winter, you couldn’t escape to a nice heated house, like we do now. Life was much more like what we experienced with the power outages after the Halloween blizzard at last year. • Of course roads were problematic. During the spring rains the dirt roads became mud city. But during the winter months going up hills & mountain roads, covered with ice & snow were almost impossible. Indeed, during such months, the people of Quaker Farms were cut off from the outside world. So, in 1812, something wonderful happened . . . something which began to improve the quality of life for the people of Quaker Farms. Neighbors and friends of many different religious backgrounds and even some who had no religious background at all . . . all came together in the name of Christ to build Christ Church Quaker Farms. One early document says, and I quote, “The Episcopalians and others contributed generously to support St. Peter’s Church (which was the mother church in Oxford center), but during the severe storms of winter, there were many times when they were deprived of the comfort offered by the church’s worship and sacraments.” So, about 50 plus people generously pledged their time, talent and treasure, to begin to create a space and a place where they could come together in the name of Jesus Christ, the Light of the world. You see, our spiritual forefathers and foremothers understood that just as there are the dark times at winter, there are also dark times in life . . . Dark times when we face hardship, pain, loneliness, grief, loss, sickness, death, and the like. But they understood that the Light of Christ could lead them through those dark times; and building Christ Chapel would provide for Jesus Christ to do just that. So, the light of Christ shined through the worship at Christ Chapel, but it also shined through the community at people who gathered here. Christ Chapel was not intended to be a strictly denominational church. Indeed, in its bylaws Christ Chapel was dedicated to be a church for everyone in the community regardless of religious affiliation or lack thereof. Within this building, and later in the social hall across the street, people came together for dinners, parties, dancing, talking, and socializing. Here, people new to the area met new friends. Here, young women and men met for the first time and some of them got married here and some of them had their children baptized here, and some of them were buried here, and some of them were comforted by their friends as they grieved their loss. And some of them saw the Light of Christ in their darkness and they picked up and resumed their lives, waiting until the time when they would enter into the heavenly light of Christ to be reunited with their departed loved one. For 200 years, the Light of Christ has shined through this community, during good times and bad; for better for worse; for richer for poorer; in life and death and in eternal life. One of my predecessors, the Rev Timothy Carberry, spoke about this in a sermon delivered from this pulpit 35 years ago. He said, and I quote, “The Light of Christ shines through this parish, and it here illuminates within and without, inside and out, hear and far. The light shines brightly, most vividly in our Sunday worship, in the Eucharist, in the reading and preaching of the word, and in and through our program of church music. The light shines in our Sunday school with our students and our teachers. It shines in our prayer group; it shines in our parish suppers, events and meetings. In times of death, in times of confusion the light is not allowed to dim or quiver, but is offered as a bright and determined guide. The light shines bright in these four walls, as we serve our community.” And of course, the Light of Christ continues to shine through this church today. Indeed, whether you realize it, the Light of Christ guided you this morning to this place to be part of our celebration of Christ. • As in the past, people return to this hallowed ground to pray and to commune with God. CCQF provides a comfortable pew to hear and interact with God’s words, and to express thanksgiving and joy to Him through song and the sacraments. Most of us have grown to realize that without worship on Sunday, the rest of the week is a shade darker and more tiresome. • Since the first Sunday School was established here n 1837, Christ Church has been the place where parents bring their children to learn about God’s love for them, to learn positive valises, and to create positive relationships. CCQF s a place where all children, whether you are 3 or 103, CAN LEARN THE TRUTH THAT WE ARE ALL IMPORTANT TO GOD. • Following our service today, we will celebrate Christ with great food, fun and fellowship at Bicentennial Birthday Bash. As has been the case for 200 years, Christ Church relishes the chance to make new friendships, and to renew old ones. You see, the wonderful thing about the light of Christ love is that once you have received it, you want to celebrate by sharing Christ’s light with others. Indeed, Jesus went as far as to say that only we have received and acknowledges His love, that WE ARE the light of the world – that His light shines through us. He went on to say that as the Light of the world, we don’t have this light under a bushel – but we place it on a stand for it to shine and shine brightly. Closing Prayer from the Book of Common Prayer Almighty God, to whose glory we celebrate the anniversary of this house of prayer: We give you thanks for the fellowship of those who have worshiped in this place, and we pray that all who seek you here may find you, and be filled with our joy and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen --The Rev. John Donnelly Christ Church Quaker Farms Bicentennial Birthday Bash September 23, 2012

Saturday, September 15, 2012

PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE TEACHING # 1 "What on earth am I here for?'' by Rick Warren as adapted for Christ Church Quaker Farms

Sermon Notes: The Purpose Driven Life – Week 1 Rick Warren LIFE’S GREATEST QUESTIONS 1. QUESTION OF EXISTENCE: ______________? a. “Why was I born? Was it only to have trouble and sorrow, to end m y life in disgrace?” Jeremiah 20:18 (TEV) b. “The Lord has made everything for his own purpose.” Proverbs 16:4a (GW) c. “I am your Creator. You were in My care, even before you were born.” Isaiah 44:2 d.. WHY WAS I CREATED? ____________________________ 2. QUESTION OF INTENTION: ____________________? a. GOD: I FIND MY PURPOSE ____________________ b. “For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible…everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him.” Colossians 1:16 (MSG) c. “It's in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for... part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone.” Ephesians 1:11 (MSG) d. “It makes no difference who you are or where you're from—if you want God and are ready to do as he says, the door is open.” Acts 10:35 (MSG) Note: The sermons for the CCQF Purpose Driven Life program come from messages by Rick Warren, designed for use on Sundays to complement the program. While the Rector s pleased to share these materials, he makes no clam of authorship. Welcome to Christ Church’s 40 Days of Purpose Program. We have been planning this journey since May and today we begin. Would you please take out the violet insert from your bulletin, and turn to the side with the schedule: Our Fall program will involve 3 components: • Looking to column in the middle and the one on the left, you see that we will have Sunday teachings from Rick Warren, which will focus upon themes,---the same themes which many of you will explore in Small groups, which s the 2nd component of the program. We are so pleased that 50 plus of us have registered for these groups, which begin next week. Although one group s already filled up, there are spaces n the others. • So, Sunday Teachings from Rick Warren, Small groups, and component # 3 is the book, itself. On the right column you can see the pages that correspond to the theme of the week. So, chose one, two, or all three of these components, and God will bless you n the next 40 days. Now, please turn the back of your sheet your sermon outline, and pass out the pens at the end of the pews, and let’s get started. Today, we’re going to look at life’s two greatest questions: 1) The question of existence 2) the question of intention. # 1 The Question of Existence,: please fill in the blank with “ Why am I alive?” This question is key, but there is a lot of confusion about the answer. SLIDE # 1 The late Isaac Asimov, famous science fiction author of the 20th century, wrote, “As far as I can see, there is no purpose to life.” SLIDE # 2 Oprah Winfrey once had a show about learning your purpose in life by looking within yourself. The hour long show was all psycho babbles and meta physical blah blah, which clearly demonstrated that none of the panel could even articulate their own life purpose, much less help anyone else. SLIDE # 3 Rap artist Ice T wrote, “The only reason we’re here is to reproduce. Just chill out and reproduce. Keep the species alive.” The hedonist writes, “The purpose of life is pleasure – have fun, party-hardy.” The materialist says, “Life is all about the acquisition of things.” Your life is measured by the things you own. You know the problem with that is that he who dies with the most toys, still dies. And so, these are not really satisfying answers. Okay, why does God want us here? Why are we on this planet? Is there a reason? Let’s read the scripture in 1 b in unison: “The Lord has made everything for his own purpose.” God has never made anything without a purpose. Every rock has a purpose, every plant has a purpose, every animal has a purpose and if you’re alive, YOU HAVE A PURPOSE. If you want to know if God still has a purpose for your life, check your heart. If it’s still beating, God still has a purpose for here on Earth. The truth is God has five purposes for your life. In the next 40 days we’re going to look in detail at those five purposes for which God put you on this planet. However, let’s first look at God’s motives in giving you a purpose. For the past year, we have reflected on the foundational TRUTH that U R IMPORTANT TO WHOM? God created you to love YOU. –THAT S WHY you are on earth, alive and kicking. SLIDE # 4 If you want to know how much you matter to God, look at the next verse on your sermon notes, where God speaks to you and says, “I am your Creator. You were in My care, even before you were born.” (Isaiah 44:2) God was caring for you even in his mind, as he thought you up. You are important to God because He does love you. He sees everything in your life, the good, the bad and everything in-between. . So the question of existence , which is question 1 B on your outline, “why was I created? “ God answers it by saying, “I made you to love you.” Now, moving to question # 2 in your sermon notes, we come to the Question of Intention: Please fill n the blank writing,” What is my purpose?” What on Earth am I here for? God made you for a purpose. The question is: How do we find t? Let’s look at 2a on your sermon notes: I find my purpose by getting to know God. Moving down to 2b, let us read together, saying, “For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible…everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him.” Look at the next verse, “It is in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for…part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone.” If you want to know your purpose in life, start getting to know God. The more you get to know God, the more you’re going to understand the ways and the wisdom of God and the more you’re going to understand the meaning and your direction & purpose of life. During the next 40 days, I pray that more and more of you will grow to see the brightness of God and His purpose for you, with dazzling brilliance. You may be asking, why 40 days? Well , in fact, in the Bible, any time God wanted to prepare people for his purposes, He took 40 days. For instance: • SLIDE # 5 Noah’s life was transformed by 40 days of rain. • SLIDE # 6 Moses’ life was transformed by 40 days on Mount Sinai. • J SLIDE # 7 Jesus was empowered for ministry by spending 40 days in the desert. • The disciples were transformed by 40 days with Jesus after the resurrection. The next 40 days are going to transform your life. I’m absolutely confident of that. Please look at the last verse. “It makes no difference who you are or where you’re from – if you want God and are ready to as he says, the door is open.” (Acts 10:35) George Herbert once said, “It’s never too late to be who you might have been.” It’s not too late. Let’s bow our heads –. Dear God, you made us because you love us; and you made us on purpose, for a purpose. Lord, we now consecrate the next 40 days at CCQF to get to know you better, and to learn or renew your purposes for our lives. Just as Jesus lived a life of purpose, which resulted n joy, healing, hope, and peace, may we likewise follow in his footsteps, all for the glory of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.” ************************ Our fall Program s being brought to you by a team of leaders, who will led our Small groups and our Youth Group in this material. At this time, I invite the Small Group Leaders so we can pray for you and your ministry. The congregation is invited to look at the bottom of your sermon notes, where you will find your part of the commissioning liturgy:

Saturday, September 8, 2012

PRE GAME WARM UP# 2 for Christ Church Quaker Farms' Purpose Driven Life Program

Sunday, September 9, 2012 RUNNING THE RACE OF LIFE (Abridged) from Rick Warren The Winner’s Circle at the Ancient Olympic-styled games n Corinth, is the setting for today’s reading from St. Paul. Historians tell us the prizes for the winners of these games were incredible: Winners received a crown for your head and a hometown parade in your honor, and a cash purse of gold. But better than that, if you won your event, your children would win a tuition-free education. And, you would be automatically exempt from compulsory military service, and exempt from all taxes for the rest of your life. Actually, today’s reading tells us how to win at the most important race of all—the race of life. Using the image of the foot race, Paul teaches 3 principles for successful living. Three things you have to do if you’re going to win at what matters most. [Please turn to page 6 in bulletin, and pass out pen. F you follow along with me, I think that this will be crystal clear} 1. Category # 1, First question--IF I want to win at life, it takes desire. If I want to make my life count, if I want to win in life, if I want to succeed in life, I must want to win. Watching interviews of modern Olympic athletes, one cannot help but see the common denominator----No matter what their event is, no matter what country they come from. THEY ALL HAVE A DESIRE TO EXCEL and to WIN. . It’s a passion. They eat it, they sleep it, they talk it, they think it, and they live it. So, are you really passionate about something? What is it that motivates you to get out of bed in the morning? What really gets you going? Whatever you call it, that’s your spark. You see, a passionless life is a wasted life. If life is to be full, rich, and meaningful, you must have passion. You must have desire. You must know what you want in life so you can go for it. Paul was a passionate person. Notice what he says in our reading---“You know that in a race all the runners run but only one gets the prize. So run to win.” Winning in life is why God created us and gave us the desires to succeed, to love and be loved, to create, to and build, and to excel. To win in life means that I want to be the best ME that I can be ----at whatever age I happen to now be. The SAD reality is most people really just live mediocre lives. They don’t run to win. They run to retire. Their whole goal in life is to just get enough money so that I can retire and veg out. 2nd question under category # 1, Let’s look at question # --God did not put you on this earth to retire. He put you here for a purpose, for a reason. He wants you to make your life count. You are capable of far more things than you’ve ever imagined. Ephesians 3:20 says “With God’s power working in us God can do much, much more than anything we can ask or imagine.” So, ask yourself a question: What do I really want most in life? Everything starts with desire. Nothing happens until you start discerning and living out God’s purpose for your life, getting God’s dream for your life. . So, looking a category # 2, first question: Wing is life also requires Direction. St. Paul says is it takes direction. I must focus on a goal. Today’s reading says, “I run straight to the goal with purpose in every step. I fight to win. I’m not just shadowboxing or playing around.” Notice Paul says, I have a goal. I have a purpose. I want to do something with my life. I’m headed in a definite direction. Notice he says," I’m not just playing around. Too many people never really get serious about their own life. They never really get serious about the contribution they intend on making in this world with their lives. They live little selfish, petty lives of mediocrity. They just play around, going first to this, then dabbling in that, and then moving on to yet something else. They never seem content with what they are dong or what they have. A fool starts off in many directions. IF YOU WANT YOUR LIFE TO COUNT, THEN YOU’VE GOT TO SETTLE ON YOUR DIRECTION. YOU’VE GOT TO DISCERN, KNOW, AND DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT IN LIFE. IF YOU DON’T DECIDE WHAT’S REALLY IMPORTANT IN YOUR LIFE, THEN OTHER PEOPLE WILL BE GLAD TO DO IT FOR YOU. Have you discovered that? You will go through life guided either by your priorities or by pressures of others. When you let other people decide for you your direction that’s called stress. Some of you are acquainted with that term. You need to know not only the desire – “I want to do something with my life” – but you’ve got to clarify the direction. So looking at the 2nd line of the 2nd category: Ask yourself: “What is my goal?” Continuing on to category # 3: Wining requires desire, direction. Also n life, winning requires determination. So, It takes determination. Life is a marathon, not a sprnt. I must press one, and never give up. Paul says, “I treat my body hard so that I myself will not be disqualified.” He’s saying I do whatever it takes to keep on keeping on. To keep going. I am not going to stop in the middle of the race. I’m not going to quit the race of life halfway through. I’m going to make it to the finish line. That’s determination. Jesus showed us determination. God’s word tells us “Let us run the race that is before us and never give up. We should remove from our lives anything that would get in the way and the sin that holds us back. Let us look only to Jesus. Think about His example. He held on while wicked people were doing evil things to Him. So don’t get tired and stop trying.” That is something to hold on to. He says remember Christ’s example when you get discouraged. He held on. He didn’t give up when people were putting Him down and criticizing Him and misunderstanding Him. He didn’t get discouraged. He just kept on keeping on. Although his emends tried to defeat him on the cross, Jesus rose from the dead finished the race on Easter Sunday. He won the race of life, so that we all can WIN with Him. So, looking at category # 3, What is the key to determination & perseverance? 1. Keeping your eyes on Jesus. The key is determination s what you have your eyes on. God’s word says,” “Let us look only to Jesus.” Focus growng your sprtual lfe, and you wll fnd the desre, the direction, and the determination to win. One day you’re going to stand before the Lord. Will you be able to say, “God, I didn’t waste my life? You gave me the desire. I waited for the direction. With your help, I determinedly finished the race. As I stand before you, I know that I am a winner in Christ. “ The Purpose Driven Life program is about empowering us all to win the race of life. The race begins when we Kick Off next Sunday, when will begin reflect upon mini-teachings by the Rick Warren, which are designed to complement his book, and the weekly Small Group discussions, for those choosing to sign up. Meaningful participation in The Purpose Driven Life has helped millions of women & men to find greater harmony, balance, and strength for daily living. And this has been true of teenagers, and the elderly; the sick and the healthy; the rich & poor; long time church goers, and those who are not. No matter where you are n your race of life—it’s never too late to get back and win in Christ. Paul says, “For everyone who competes in the race of Christ wll get a crown that will last forever.” He’s talk about living a life of purpose, for fulfillment, meaning and love now, and on and on to eternity. Let’s all run this one together. AMEN.

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Sermon on Jeremiah & God’s Purposes Readings: Jeremiah 12: 1-5, 7, 11, 14-16; Psalm 45:1-2, 6-9; & Luke 1: 46-53 Sunday, September 2, 2012 I love the prophet Jeremiah, from whom we hear in today’s first reading. Jeremiah demonstrates that if you have a grievance with God, just go tell him. You don’t need pious and lofting sounding prayers. Just go complain to God. He can handle it, and is eager to listen. Jeremiah was a good, honest, and faithful man. He found fulfillment in his life purpose as a child of God and as a prophet. However, sometimes like many of us, he compared his lot in life to that of others; and that made him resentful of those who appeared to be better off than him. In today’s Old Testament reading, Jeremiah turns to God and complains about the wealthy people in his village. To parphrase and extrapolate, I imagine him saying something like this:, “God, Look at those people in fancy houses, eating fancy food, and laughing with their fancy friends. Know those people. They are rich hypocrites. They act politely and say all the right words. But God, they do not care about you, God; nor do they care about the rest of us who have to work for a living. Indeed, they cheat, lie, and scheme to steal what little the rest of us have. And you seem to let them get away with it. This is just not fair.” So God replies to Jeremiah, saying something like this: “Jeremiah, you complain so much, but understand so little. You are like a man who is worn out from a foot race, who then decides to run another race on foot. But this time against a horse. How foolish you are.” God then explains to Jeremiah that his justice will PREVAIL in the long run. He says, “Those rich who live for their own selfish purposes, filling up their own wallets at the expense of others, will one day lose everything.” You see, the Bible and human experience demonstrates that a life built on dishonesty and earthly treasure alone, is a life that will eventually fall apart. • Dishonesty will ultimately be exposed and punished, in this life and/or the next. • Money will be spent up, or lost, or taken, and, alone, cannot bring true fulfillment. But, God assures Jeremiah that those who promote their own selfish purposes, and not those of God, will be punished. The Lord goes on to say, “Those who know me, know that I do what is right and fair. (Jerm.9:24) St. Mary, the mother of Jesus, was another prophet, and she spoke about this subject in today’s Gospel reading. She was a real champion of God, as she foretold God’s justice will prevail throughout the earth through the ministry of Jesus Christ. She said, “God ‘s mercy flows in waves upon those who love him, but he scatters all bluffing braggarts. He knocks down the tyrants off their high horses, and pulls victims out of the mud. He invites the faithful to sit down at his banquet table. But the callous rich will be left out in the cold.” (Paraphrase) So, first God promises to bring justice. Secondly, God tells Jeremiah that God will provide for the needs of the faithful, and for those who repent and turn back to Him, too. God said, “I will again have compassion…. and bring [you and ]them to receive the riches of my inheritance.” (Paraphrase, Jerm. 15). So, what does this mean for us? Well, if I am honest with myself, there are times when I, like Jeremiah, have compared my life circumstances with other people….those whom I perceived to have had more money, more recognition, more popularity, or more of something than what I had. I can remember having spoken to myself and said such things as, • “What makes him so special? He shows off his money, but he still acts like a jerk.” • “How come this dope has gotten ahead? They have promoted him to a higher position where he can now demonstrate his true incompetence. • OR “I have worked harder and longer than her, yet she was kept on and was laid off. That s not fair.” • OR “She is always telling us how wonderful her precious children are, as if her kids are better than everyone else’s. I can’t wait to hear from her once her kids become rotten little teenagers. I wonder f any of you have ever had such thoughts? (PAUSE/ SMILE). Comparing ourselves to others, whether we gossip or just talk to ourselves, is real emotional and spiritual poison. Such antagonism and bitterness does not make us feel better and , indeed, can lead to festering distress and resentment. So, the answer is to not look at others and what they have, but to look at what God wants to give us through Jesus Christ. Today’s psalm reminds that God gives out Hs grace with equity. That means that He offers each one of us a life of purpose and meaning that is uniquely designed for your happiness and well being. Once we discover His purpose for our lives, and live it out---then we become so much more appreciative of what He has given us, instead of what we are lacking. [Here the preacher reveals a clear jug of water, which s half filled] We need to remind ourselves that in Jesus, the glass is not half empty , it is more than full. Over the years, I have grown to learn that comparing myself to others does not make ME feel better. Instead it makes me feel victimized... (Pause) and later, ashamed of myself for being so small. But in the past 8 years I have more seriously devoted my energies to discovering and living out God’s purposes for me; and this hasd primarily had little to do with my vocation. Rather, its been heart change, which results in greater personal freedom and fulfillment. For example: Now when I see someone acting like a “JERK,” I am learning to suspend myself righteous judgment. Frankly, how many times have I been a jerk to others? Too many to count. Maybe I need to focus less on criticizing others, and focus more on being grateful, kind, and compassionate. Also, God has given me a good attitude adjustment, so that instead of wishing for stuff that don’t have, I now try to give away the abundant blessings, which have already received. In living for God’s purposes, I have found that He has actually given me so much, much, much more than what I deserve. Indeed, if we take the time to reflect on our blessings, we do find, in the words of the Bible, that ‘our cups runneth over. (Ps. 23) Frankly, a lot of this heart work in my life was encouraged by participating in the Purpose Driven Life in 2004. (BIG SMILE) This is the reason that I am so excited about our offering this program here at CCQF. Participation in the Purpose Driven Life has helped millions of women & men to find greater harmony, balance, and strength for daily living. And this has been true of teenagers, and the elderly; the sick and the healthy; the rich & poor; long time church goers, and those who are not. You see, wherever you are in your life journey, God wants you to receive more from Him. This is the assurance God gave to Jeremiah, and the assurance that He gives to us: “God says--- For I know the plans have for you, and you, and you, and you: Plans to prosper you, and you, and you, and not to harm you; plans to give you a hope and a future. You will seek me, and I will be found by you. I will restore your health, and heal your wounds. I will have compassion on you, and restore your fortunes.” (Jerm. 29:11, 30:17-18).


CORE VALUES SERMON By Warden Bob Knapp August 26, 2012 The Importance of the Word of God Why is the Word of God important? Does it lead you in your daily walk through the trials and tribulations of your day? Do you try to apply God’s word often in your life and live by it? What parts of God’s Word do you know well enough to apply in your life on any given day? Which of God’s teachings are you most confident in and which do you need to study more? Or, do you not altogether rely on God’s Word that much on a daily basis? If not, is that because you don’t know it that well or maybe because you might lack confidence in using it? Do you have coworkers, family or friends who have criticized you for following or using God’s Word? Do you find that some people in your life support your faith, some ignore it, and some even undermine it? When was the last time you took a real risk to apply God’s Word in your life? What are you doing each day to strengthen your faith and make your knowledge of God’s Word stronger? Let’s consider what Bible experts say about the importance of the Word of God. A. The Gideons’ description of the Bible shows that the Word of God has the greatest worth of all. (Psalm 138:2) The Bible contains the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers. Its doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, its histories are true, and its decisions are immutable. Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, and practice it to be holy. It contains light to direct you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you. It is the traveler's map, the pilgrim's staff, the pilot's compass, the soldier's sword, and the Christian's charter. Here Paradise is restored, Heaven opened, and the gates of hell disclosed. CHRIST is its grand subject, our good the design, and the glory of God its end. It should fill the memory, rule the heart, and guide the feet. Read it slowly, frequently, and prayerfully. It is a wine of wealth, a paradise of glory, and a river of pleasure. It is given you in life, will be opened at the judgment, and be remembered forever. It involves the highest responsibility, will reward the greatest labor, and will condemn all who trifle with its sacred contents. B. Christians believe that the Word of God is alive and that God’s signature is behind God’s Word. Jeremiah 1:12 says “The LORD said to me, "You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled."” Another interpretation of the importance of the Word of God, as described here in Jeremiah 1:12, is this: “The thing seen is a very proper emblem of what I am about to do, and the quick dispatch that will be made therein: for l will hasten my word to perform it.” Biblical historians believe that these words in Jeremiah are referring to the almond tree as an example of God’s Word. The almond tree is the first tree to flower in January, and its fruit is ripe by March. Therefore God’s Word is the first to flower, and quickly ripen, and it brings forth much fruit for those who hear it, read it, and study it. C. Biblical scholars teach that there are five things we need to do to better grasp the Word of God on a daily basis and to get God’s Word into our heart. We need to hear, read, study, memorize and meditate on the Word of God. We need to feed on the Word of God to be healthy Christians. Jeremiah 15:16 says: “When I discovered your words, I devoured them. They are my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, O LORD God of Heaven’s Armies.” D. In John 6 Jesus spoke with his disciples about the Word of God and Jesus said: “The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit[e] and life. 64 Yet there are some of you who do not believe.” For Jesus had known from the beginning which of the disciples did not believe and would betray him. 65 Jesus went on to say, “This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled them.” 66 And from that time many of Jesus’ disciples turned back and no longer followed Him. 67 “You do not want to leave too, do you?” Jesus asked the Twelve. 68 Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. 69 We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.” E. As Christians, we believe that Jesus Himself is the Word of God made flesh. John 1:1 says: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” And John 1:14 goes on to say: “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” As we feed on the Word of God we grow and develop the various gifts that God gave us – gifts that God provided to us for an intended mission or ministry of His design. It is for us to discover through faith what God intends for us to do, to best serve Him. And by feeding on the Word of God we feed on Christ. Once again referring to the five things we need to do to better grasp the Word of God each day (hear, read, study, memorize and meditate on the Word of God), now let us consider what it says in Nehemiah 9:3 about these special tools for dividing God’s Word: “They stood where they were and read from the Book of the Law of the LORD their God, for a quarter of the day, and spent another quarter in confession and in worshiping the LORD their God.” We must not only hear the Word of God, but also read it and strive to understand it, in order to better apply it in our lives. If we have to struggle in a given situation, we must remember that it is a blessing of itself to be “free enough” to struggle - as we go along on our Christian walk, and far better than if we had to “struggle to be free” as those in less fortunate countries have to do. Even in a free society we should remind ourselves that only the Word of God can truly set us free as we struggle each day with temptations and challenges of all kinds. If our country (or any country) should ever take our freedoms for granted, and shun the Word of God, then our freedoms and our blessings would soon begin to leave us. If God’s Word leads us to confession of our sins, we should be thankful to God. If God’s Word leads us to acceptance of Jesus Christ, or to take on a particular mission or ministry, we should be thankful to God. Faith in the Word of God, studied with a sincere heart, leads us in paths of righteousness and to salvation. One interpretation of Mark 4:8 is that some of us will hear God’s Word and use it to bear good fruit multiplying God’s Word thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times. But is hearing the Word enough? G. In Acts 17:11 we learn that just Hearing the Word is likened to only smelling food. You need to consume it after hearing it. 1 Timothy 4:13 says: “Until I come - devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching.” We need therefore to read the Scriptures, as well as hear them. The value of a meal is not in memorizing a menu. You must consume the Word. The Word has its effect even if we do not have it all memorized. H. 2nd Timothy 2:15 teaches us that we need to study the Word of God to be intelligent Christians. 2nd Timothy 2:15 says: “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” In Studying the Word of God we find that there are distinctions between Jewish truth, Gentile truth, and Christian truth that need to be divided, analyzed (broken down), and synthesized (brought together). To help yourself better divide the truth consider that the difference between reading and studying is the presence and use of pencil and paper. I. Another way to look at the characteristics of a good Bible study is to break study down into a five-step process: a. Original investigation – the Epistles were not originally delivered with ten commentaries – the commentaries had to be developed. Original discovery is always the best form of learning. b. Written reproduction – write out your thoughts to develop and refine them. c. Be Systematic and progressive. No doctrine of Scripture is to be interpreted apart from any other doctrine in Scripture. d. Personal application – try to apply scripture to your and in your life every day; God wants much more that you doing things with Him and not as much for Him. What does God need from us? Our love, our worship, our obedience and our fellowship. e. “Pass-on-able” – the lessons you learn must be simple enough that they can be passed on to others. The Navigator Bible Studies are successful because they can be passed on. J. The fourth element of better grasping the Word of God is to memorize the Word in order to be a skillful Christian. The Word of God is for everybody - not just children. The reason for memorizing is to be equipped for interacting with both Christians and non-Christians. The Word of God buried in our hearts is about the only weapon the Holy Spirit has when we start to get out of line. He is able to prick our hearts and consciences through that Word. It is indispensable in personal evangelism. It is easy to be considered an authority on the Scriptures when you have only a few of them memorized. K. The final element of better grasping the Word of God is to meditate on the Word of God to be spiritually fruitful Christians. Joshua 1:3 teaches us that we are to meditate on the Word of God day and night. Meditation is rumination – it is nourishment extracted and it goes into your life. Psalm 37:4 tells us that the Lord comes in the volume of the good book. John 15:5 teaches us that Meditating on the Word transfers Christ’s life into ours. L. After we have finished the five-step process of better grasping the Word of God, we next need to Apply the Word of God to be obedient Christians. We are to do and to teach. James 1:22-24 tells us that the sequence here is important. It is unusual for a person to look into a mirror and not see something that needs an adjustment and not make that adjustment. It is therefore an oddity for a person not to take immediate action when he sees a problem in his character that he needs to work on - after looking into the Word of God. We need to apply what we learn from the Scriptures. M. In Conclusion - Satan’s primary aim is to keep you from God’s Word. In doing this, Satan decreases our effectiveness for God. Our hope is that by learning and grasping the Word of God we develop new patterns of understanding and behavior to help us be victorious for Christ and with Christ. And in order to know Christ better, what would you say are the two most important questions you would ever be asked to answer? -What did you do with the Lord Jesus Christ? -What did you do with the gifts, talents and resources God gave you? If you are not yet prepared to answer these two critical questions, then more knowledge of the Word of God through hearing, reading, studying, memorizing and meditating will certainly help.