Sunday, October 13, 2013


TIME OUT   Part 1
By the Rev. John Donnelly 
with liberal use of material from Rick Warren

Over the last month or so, we have spoken about our need for God’s Word to help us build a firm foundation for our lives, to bring us forgiveness, to help us discover our life’s purposes.   Today we are going to explore one additional reason that we need God’s Word in our fast changing, fast paced, fast track life in the 21st century?  We need God’s word to teach us how to find rest in the midst of chaos. Not the rest you find in your grave, in the future; but rest here on earth, now and here, in this life time.   

 REST for our souls, rest for our minds, which will in turn help bring rest for our bodies. And does our culture ever need rest. The truth is: We live in a society that is in a state of constant movement, uncertainty, and frenetic activity, which takes a heavy toll on most people.    For example, let’s look at our families:   Families with children squeeze in work and chores and errands and commuting, while simultaneously trying to make everything fit in around their children’s busy schedules.  By the time everyone comes home after their busy days, everyone is so exhausted that quality family time is pushed aside. Everyone is tired and wants nothing more than to veg out or to go to sleep.  Other times, people are so stressed out that misunderstandings and conflict spring up, normally at the least convenient times.

Consequently, I know of many families who are sacrificing their marriages, sacrificing quality family time, sacrificing visits with parents and grandparents and sacrificing Sunday worship, on the altar of their schedules. One father of school age children told me that between work and home, that he had come to realize that his life was no longer his own. He had become a slave to his calendar, which had become his master.”

And, of course, this is not the way that we were meant to live.  God created the Sabbath, the 7th day, not just for worship, but for physical and mental rest, too.

This is what Jesus is talking about in today’s Gospel.  Many people initially hear the seed God’s Word and they like it. But God’s word is like a seed, which must grow in our hearts.  If we do not care for this seed by building God’s Word into our lives, then it will die.  Consequently, many people kill the growth of God’s word in their hearts through neglect: by the various cares, activities, and troubles of life, or by excessive preoccupation with earning and worrying about money.   PAUSE On another occasion, Jesus instructed his friend, Martha, to stop worrying about all her chores for a few minutes, so that she could sit down, relax, and find refreshment in God’s Word. I think that today, Jesus is offering each of us the same opportunity.

For many years, I tried lovingly family and my church and the world through my own resources, not understanding that if I didn’t get filled up with God’s word, that I would eventually be running on empty.  And each time that happened, I knew that I was in for a big crash, resulting in sickness, or depression, or trouble at home, or excessive irritability, and the like.

What we need is rest for our souls…spiritual rest.  Do you understand that “resting ion God” is not a suggestion?  It is one of the top 5 commandments, preceding even you shall not murder nor commit adultery.  Why is that so important?  Because if you do not rest in God with his word, you will never really hear it; and if you don’t hear it, then you will not receive the rest and that your soul so desperately needs.  You can go to bed, and rest your body physically.  But if you have not rested your soul, then you will remain tired and refreshed. Perhaps this is why our culture is so uptight and frantic. Spiritual rest trumps physical rest.

So, we need God to have spiritual rest.   And where does that rest come from?  God says in His word, “My presence will give you rest.”  So, Jesus says, please repeat after me, “Come to me /all who are tired/ and carrying heavy burdens/ for you will find rest for your souls.  And I will teach you/ from my Word/ so that you can receive my peace.”  You see, Jesus is the prince of Peace, and if you want to share in his peace, then you have to spend time with him, listening to and reflecting upon his word.

So, how does spending time in God’s word give us rest?
1.    FRREDOM FROM GUILT. A thoughtful reading of God’s word exposes sins, especially those sins which have slipped from our consciousness.  Our sin produces an inner burden of guilt.  So, God’s word teaches us to seek forgiveness, which we will then automatically receive. Look at brown: Nothing can separate us from God’s love through the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  .  So by reading God’s Word and becoming aware of our sins, we tell God that we are sorry.  He forgives us, and then we are freed of the burden of guilt. Therefore, we can rest in the knowledge of his love.
2.    PRIORITES.  As we read God’s word and learn or reconnect with God’s purpose in our lives, we can then make wise choices about trimming down our busy schedules.  Look at the red circle. Let us read that one together. “I will teach you and instruct you.  I will guide you with my eye.
3.    HELP. Reading God’s word builds enables us to grow in our trust of God so that we can share the secret burdens of our heart.   Of course, God already knows what is going on in our hearts.  Look at purple “I know you and I am familiar with all your ways.   So He knows us.  But, He continues on saying, “My thoughts toward you are precious.”  Then dropping to the bottom circle, because God promises that he will not fail you in any way.”
4.    FREEDOM FROM CONDEMANTION.   I know from experience that self-condemnation is so exhausting.  It makes everything harder and more difficult. However, as we continue to read God’s word on a regular basis, we grow to experience the truth that Jesus loves us more than any person could ever love us.  Looking at the yellow lines at the bottom right corner, Let us read together, saying, “I love you with an everlasting love.” Then moving to the yellow highlighted promise at the top of the page, we read together saying, “I will not forget you.”   Generally speaking, when someone loves us it boosts our esteem and confidence.   Then life is not nearly as draining, and we feel more refreshed. 
5.     REFLECTING UPON GOD’S WORD CAN GIVE US HOPE.  Like self-condemnation, hopelessness can drain the life out of you. But God’s word reassures that our future is not as bad as it may appear. Looking at the pink highlights, working form the bottom up, God promises us that “Your times are in my hands. Nothing that is good will ever be withheld from you.....and With me, all things are possible.”
6.    FREEDOM FROM THE BURDEN OF EXCESSIVE ISOLATION.    The Nobel Prize Winner, the late Mother Teresa of Calcutta, was once asked what is the greatest problem in the world?  And she said one word, “LONLINESS.”  As we read God’s word, we grow to understand that we are not alone.  my hand.”  And where does Jesus lead us?  To join His loving family.  Looking at the blue circled verse at the top of the page, God promises.  And of course, God’s family is not just in heaven, but here on earth.  It has been so wonderful to hear of the new friendships in Christ being made in our small groups, where people are growing to better know one another, and to one another.”
7.     GOD’S WORD CAN TEACH US THE WAYS OF PEACE.   This past week, one woman told me that due to what she has learned in the Bible, she NOW can read it and understand it.   J J This is so important, because Jesus wants to teach us how to live more tranquil and harmonious lives. Looking at the light blue highlights in the middle, right hand side of the page, God says, “ I will discipline you (or teach you)  not to harm you, but to free you from every enemy of peace.”  Therefore, looking at the night blue shading on the left top corner, “We can learn not to be overcome by anxiety, O so that, looking at the blue highlights across the page, so that we can rest in his love.”

How can you do this?  Well, if you would turn your colored insert over, you will see a 10 minute Bible study, where IF YOU APPLY YOURSELF, you can find greater peace of mind in ten minutes.  We have previously tested it out, and it works because Jesus, the Word of God, is the Prince of Peace, and he can lead you to lie
Is that you would like for yourself?  Well, then we need to ask Jesus for help by first, confessing that we have gone astray for the way of peace.  So now, let us confess our need for God. Our confession is on page 6 of your bulletin.

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