Sunday, October 13, 2013


By John Donnelly for CCQF, utilizing material from Rick Warren

I want to welcome everybody to week two of 40 Days in the Word.  This weekend I want us to look at the theme of How the Bible Changes Us, and the changes that are for the good.

The Bible is unlike any other book.  That’s why we call it the Holy Bible.   It has a power, a supernatural power in it, that no other book has, to change lives.   You see the Bible according to the Lord, is God-breathed.  The reason why the Bible has the power to change our lives is because it’s not just words in print. It’s not just human ideas.  It’s not just pop psychology.  It is the Word of God.

The Word of God is the most powerful thing in the universe.  In fact, the Bible says the entire universe was created by the Word of God.  God spoke it into existence.    God speaks and it happens!   So the Word of God spoke.  The Bible as God said, please repeat after me,  “Let there be light,” and then the light appeared.  God said, Let there be this and bam, there’s that.  Over and over.  God speaks life into people.   You see for God, his words and actions are intimately connected.  When Jesus was walking on the planet two thousand years ago he brought people back to life simply by his Word.  These were widely seen miracles not attested to by two or three people but four, five hundred people at a time. 

I don’t have a power like that.  You don’t have a power like that because we’re not God. But the power of God’s Word is that God can create things and bring them into existence.  That’s enormous power.

So if God can do that, then God’s Word can change our reality, too. 
·       If you have sinned, God’s Word  proclaims through his word that you are forgiven.
·       If you are sad, God’s Word proclaims that he will comfort you.
·       If you are angry, God’s Word of peace can liberate you.

Jesus said that his words were more than just words, they were spirit and life.  The Bible says this in John 6:63 “The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life.”  In other words Jesus says, when I talk it’s not just words.  We’re talking about spiritual power. 

1.    The first way that God’s Word changes me is it recreates my life.

God’s Word can recreate my life.  What does that mean?  It means when my life is falling apart, when my life has gone to the dogs, when my life is… I feel like it’s at the end of the rope, God comes in and recreates my life.  He gives me a whole new life.  He gives me a fresh start. He lets me begin again. 

I saw the power of God’s Word creating new life in a grieving couple, who found Christ’s love is this past week at Christ Church Quaker Farms.  As most of you know, this couple lost their  3 yr. old -daughter, Lily, in  an irresponsibly  reckless and unnecessary care accident that occurred on the road in front of our church.

Early this week, I visited with the parents, whom I had never met before. As you can imagine, their hearts were shattered like broken glass, shattering across the floor.  Hearts broken in pieces too numerous to count, resulting in an unending flood of tears and sorrow. Likewise, everybody who heard the news reacted with horror and sorrow.
·       As did Leigh Brooks and Anne Marie Sharon of this parish.  The 2 of them wondered how they might help the parents, whom they did not know.  So at that moment, they decided to be doers of the word of God.  The operative verse here is Micah 6:8, which I would like for you to repeat after me, “What does God  require of you…….
  So, Anne Marie & Leigh decide to love mercy.  They chose to  make heart shaped memorial pins. The next 2 days, a couple dozen of their friends joined them here at church, where together,  they made 650 of them.

·       Next, once Marilyn Stebar learned that  the child’s funeral was going to be here, she decided to love mercy by hosting a reception for the grieving family and their friends.  And then, lo and behold, dozens and dozens of people joined her in making food donations, decorations, and more.

·       Next, as we were preparing to receive the little girl’s casket for the funeral, we encountered the big problem.  Normally at a funeral, the casket is covered by a pall, which is like a beautiful ornate blanket.  However, all of our palls were made for adult caskets.  If they were to be used to cover the little girl’s casket, it would look like she had been covered in a circus tent.  So, upon hearing the problem, Wanda falconer went home and made a beautiful child sized pall, one which we hope never to use again. But Wanda acted upon God’s Word to do mercy, too.

Then meanwhile another couple dozen folks volunteered to help out with the service by ushering, assisting with parking, and serving in the worship and at the reception.

So, meanwhile, I met with the parents and I told them how our church and community had rallied behind them, and they both were speechless…overcome this emotional sense of blessing and love from people they did not even know. Jon, the father fell to his knees, choked up with by this outpouring of love and affection. Then, he begged me to tell all of you just how touched they were by our support and care for them, and care for their late daughter.  There broken hearts were changed because so many of us chose to be doers of the word, and not just hearers. Bible is often compared to a seed. . It’s like a seed planted in your life.  Once it takes root in your heart it begins to sprout and it begins to grow and then it begins to bear fruit.  Then you see all these changes for the good in your life.

The Word of God is not just words.  It is alive. The living and enduring Word of God.  So we, as James says, “Humbly accept the Word planted in you which can save you.”

So it starts off by recreating my life.  But it’s got a lot more to do than that.

2.    It activates my spiritual growth

Learning, loving, and living the Word of God is so important because it gives me confidence. 

You know what I’ve discovered today?  Most people are not confident.  Most people are not courageous.  Most people are flat out scared to death. They’re afraid to take risks.  They have a fear of failure.  They’re afraid of dying.  They’re filled with all kinds of fears.  They’re not walking confidently because they’re not people of faith.

Faith is Word activated.  The Bible says this, Romans 10:17, “Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the Word of Christ.” 

.  If you’ve ever been in a service where I or some other pastor was teaching or you’ve been in a Bible study and you heard the Word of God and all of a sudden you thought, “I can do this!  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!”  You just had your faith activated by the Word of God.

But the power of God’s Word not only tells what to do but it gives you the power to do it.  And it increases your faith.  And as you grow in faith through reading, hearing, and living God’s Word, you will begin to discover that the purpose of the Bible is to help you live out the purpose God has for your life. That you will be thoroughly equipped, that you will have all you need, you’ll be fully prepared, you’re ready to face life and you’re not insufficient for life.  You’ve got everything you need to take on life.  And he says the way God gets you ready for life, the way God gets you ready for his purpose is through the Bible.  And the Bible does four things.  He says it’s for teaching and rebuking and correcting and training.

Let me explain that in a little different way. Looking to your sermon insert, it says __________ is God showing me the path to walk on.  God’s Word, as in Jeremiah, says this.  Please repeat after me, “I know the plans that I have for you, says the Lord.  Plans not to harm you, but to give you a hope and a future.”  So God’s word says that He has plans for us to have a full, rich, and joyful life.

          Next ___________ is when God shows me how I got off the path, and I’m now in the ditch. That’s called rebuking.  So, the other night I was plotting revenge against someone, outside this church, who had hurt me.  Then, I remembered the Lord’s prayer: Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.”  At that moment, I decided to obey God’s Word, and then I prayed for the strength to forgive.”

          Correcting is how I get back on the path, the right path for life, for my life.
          And training is how I stay on the path and don’t fall off in the ditch again.
Previously, I have told you of the many dangerous paths that I took as a young man. After I had fallen in the ditch, I turned to God’s word to discover my life’s purpose.  In that way, to paraphrase Psalm 119, God’s Word was lamp upon my feet, and a light upon my path.”    Verse says, “Let the word of Christ, dwell I you richly.” By continuing to grow in God’s Word, I have fallen into much shallower ditches, from which God & I have quickly extracted me, to continue on the path that He has set for me.

That’s what those four things are.  Let me say it again. Conclude by saying this…… The Word of God is profitable for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in 

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