Sunday, October 13, 2013

40 DAYS IN THE WORD "How can we trust the Word of God? Week 1

Sermon by Rick Warren as abridged and adapted for CCQF

Today we begin our 6 week sermon series on “40 Days in the Word.”   Over the next 6 weeks, you will grow to learn the word of God like never before, love the word of God like never before, and live the word of God like never before.   Today we are going to  learn to love the word of God because God’s Word is trustworthy & true.

Now as an example, let’s look at this tractor over here.  This is a used tractor that I am interested in purchasing.  The salesman says that this tractor is a great deal, and it would serve me for many years to come.  But , how can I trust Him?  (Questions—wait)
·       History—track fax
·       Consistency—Does it actually do what the instructions claim that it will do?
                    //Test it.
·       Expert Opinion—Brand?  , Mechanic Check It Out.

Well, in a similar fashion, we can test the Bible to determine if it  is trust worthy.  So, why can we trust the Bible?

1.    The Bible is historically accurate.
So how do we know that the Bible is historically accurate?  By the same way you know that any other history is accurate.  You just go by the test of good history. 

For instance, one of the ways you test good history is, is it from eyewitness accounts?  An historian would say is this written down by somebody who saw it or is it second hand or third hand, or is it a legend written down a hundred years later?

The Bible is primarily eyewitness accounts.  That’s why it’s good history.  Moses was there when the Red Sea split.  Joshua was there when the walls of Jericho fell.  The disciples of Jesus sat in the upper room and saw the resurrected Jesus appear and then they wrote down what happened and we read about it.  So its eyewitness accounts of what had happened.

Another proof is in archeology.  You look at archeology and it proves again and again that the places and the people, all that the Bible talks about are true.  It’s not fiction.  You can go find these places.  We’ve dug up these places.  I was privileged to visit the Pool of Siloam where the blind man was healed.

One place that the Bible describes where Jesus ministered was his home town, Capernaum by the sea. For hundreds and hundreds of years skeptics said that this town was make-believe, because no archeologists   had ever found it.   30 years ago, they found it.  An ancient buried, beautiful ruined village located just where it is described in the Bible.  This is just one of hundreds of such stories.

2. We know we can trust the Bible because it is prophetically accurate.
What does that mean?  It means that the predictions in the Bible always come true.

There are over three hundred prophecies in the Bible about Jesus, the Messiah, up to a thousand years before he was born.  And over a thousand year period, three hundred prophecies said things like, This is when he’ll be born, this is where he’ll be born, this is how he’ll be born. 
.  This is how he’ll die, the manner he’ll die, and what he’ll die from.  Over three hundred prophecies, all of which were proven by Jesus’ life.

What are the odds of me making three hundred predictions about you and every one of them coming true?  The odds are so astronomical you couldn’t write that number down.  It takes more faith to believe it was all just a coincidence than to believe that God planned it.  It takes enormous faith to believe it’s all just random, that it all just happened, without a designer, without a creator.  A thousand years before Jesus came and died on the cross, David in one of his psalms describes what death by crucifixion is like.  He didn’t use the word “crucifixion” because nobody knew that word.  But a thousand years before the Romans are even thinking of crucifixion, David describes what the death of crucifixion was like.  How did he know that?  Only God could have told him.

2.    The third way I can trust the Bible is because of expert opinion.  Now, I’m not talking about scholars, theologians, or seminary professors.  I am talking of the one true expert whose opinion matters more of than everyone else combined. 
Jesus trusted the Bible. You may have heard somebody say, you may have even thought, “I trust what Jesus said, I’m just not so sure about those other guys.”  Here’s the challenge to that: Jesus trusted the rest of the Bible.  So if I trust Jesus then I have to trust the rest of the Bible, because Jesus trusted the rest of the Bible.  Jesus proclaimed the Bible as a unique book above all others.

Matthew 5:18, Jesus speaks about this.  Pls repeat after me: “I’ll tell you the truth,/ until heaven and earth disappear/, not the smallest letter,/ not the least stroke of a pen/ will disappear from the Word,/ until everything is accomplished!”

Jesus looks at the Bible and says, it’s going to last until the end of time.  It’s going to accomplish what God wants to accomplish in this world.  In John 10:35 Jesus said “Scripture is always true.”  Jesus proclaimed the truth of the Bible.  And when Jesus talks about the truth of the Bible, I’ve got to listen to that in my own life. 

When Jesus talks about the Bible, he doesn’t just talk about poetry and history.  He talks about it as something that is life changing.  Luke 11:28 here’s what Jesus had e true expert to say: “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”  Do it.  In other words, trust the bible and be doers of the Bible.

Jesus, as he talked about the Bible, he talked about it as a real book, talking about real people, and real places by a real God who’s really at work in our lives.

Just a real quick list of some of the people and places that the Bible talks about as real and Jesus also confirmed as he taught that were real. 

Jesus believed in the prophets.  He talked about all the prophets being real.  He talked about Daniel being real.  Jesus believed in Noah, everything that happened with the flood.  He  speaks about  in Adam and Eve.  Jesus believed in the tragedy of Sodom and Gomorrah and what happened there.  He taught on that.  For example, He believed  in Jonah, who was swallowed by the whale..

Jesus believed they really happened.  In fact he used this story as  an illustration of what was going to happen in his resurrection.  If Jesus really believed in Jonah, I believe it happened.  I don’t know how God created a fish that could swallow a guy, but he did.  I trust in it because Jesus trusted in it. 

It sort of makes me smile when two thousand or three or four thousand years later we look back at the Bible and go, “I’m going to trust that part and I’m not going to trust that part.  Based on my subjective or emotional feelings, I’m going to accept that part and I’m not going to accept that part.”  Jesus trusted it.  Jesus trusted it, so we can choose to trust it.

In so doing, we receive immediate benefits.  

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