It is a message that has been proclamed for 1000s of is a message proclaimed in the Good News of Jesus is a message that I heard for many years, but I did not beleive. But, finally the wonderful truth of this message sunk in. Imagine, if 10% of the world's population heard, embraced, and acted upon this message, would not our world become a different place? Come engage in this message, so that you can share it too. Yours in Christ, The Rev. John A. Donnelly
Friday, October 20, 2017
Once upon a time two
men held a conversation:
“I have a mountain of
credit card debt”, one man told another. “I have lost my job. My car is being
repossessed and our house is in foreclosure, but I am not worried about
it. No, I’ve hired a professional worrier. He does all my worrying
for me, and that way I don’t have to think about it.”
fantastic!” his friend replied. “How much does your professional
worrier charge for his services?”
“$50,000 a year”, the first man answered. “$50,000 a year? Where are you going to get that kind of money?” “I don’t know”, responded the first man. “That’s his worry.”
“$50,000 a year”, the first man answered. “$50,000 a year? Where are you going to get that kind of money?” “I don’t know”, responded the first man. “That’s his worry.”
From today’s reading
from the SERMON ON THE MT., Jesus says, , please repeat after me, “ Do not
worry//about your life.”
Americans living in the 3rd millennium ---we are a people
bombarded by stress, anxiety, and worry, according to one author reporting on
recent polls. He writes,
· 43% of all adults
suffer health effects due to worry and stress.
· 75% - 90% of all
visits to primary care physicians are stress & anxiety related complaints
or disorders.
· · Worry has been linked to all the leading
causes of death including heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents,
cirrhosis and suicide.
Wow. That’s
a lot anxiety.
It think it’s safe to
say that most of us expect some short term and minor anxieties, which we
typically face in a normal day of life. Most of the time, we can deal with them,
using our own personal resources and
coping skills. But the type of anxiety that Jesus is
discussing is what I call MAJOR WORRIES. The English word “worry” is actually
rooted in old English and German words, which mean to “strangle,” or to
When faced with upon
problems, which we cannot resolve with
our own efforts and resources, many of us frequently react with “life choking
· For example--declining health and disease,
like cancer, heart trouble, Alzheimer’s may threaten us, or those we love.
· Or think of the many, many dangers that our
children face, including drug & alcohol abuse, car accidents, predators,
immorality, and the like.
· Financial concerns and loss of employment, in
a very uncertain economic climate, can cause us to worry.
· Caring for infirmed parents or spouses can be worrisome—just
wondering if you have the strength to carry on.
The potential dangers
we face are real---but what about our many unnecessary worries, that are
self-imposed? I am convinced that many of us, including me, have
lost many precious years of our lives by overindulging in unnecessary anxiety
and worry.
Unnecessary worry has
happened in my life when a potential or real problem emerges, and I ponder it ,
in my mind, mushrooming the problem into some catastrophic disaster. So, there
was a time in my marriage when my wife and I would had a knock down, dragged
out fight, and we stopped talking to each other . I began worrying that we would
divorce. While that was a genuine fear of mine, it was not entirely
realistic. The truth is, there is
conflict in all healthy marriages, which
never results in divorce. But by anxious spinning out the worse case scenario,
I denied the power of God and the commitment of my to me.
· In this, and in many other
ways, Anxiety had taken over like some bully tinhorn dictator. Well, that was
it. I had had it. I wanted to over throw that dictator,
and put Jesus back on the throne of my life, where he belonged. So,
I decided to take some action. Now, it didn’t happen quickly. Indeed,
there were lots of fits and starts over the years, involving prayer and many
conversations with my loved ones, friends, and a therapist. But eventually, the
Lord led me to win over worry. And there were three major factors that led to
that victory:
SOME OF US NEED NEW PRIORITIES. Across our whole culture,
too many of us are consciously or unconsciously on a quest for materialism,
which adds unnecessary anxiety to our lives. Materialism is doomed to let us
down, because the love of things can separate you from loving God.
· Jesus points
out that some Christians are so worried about worldly rewards, riches, and
pleasures, that they cannot hear God’s word. They are like
seeds, planted in the thorns, which are choked to death before bearing
· It’s interesting
that the root word for “worry” in the Greek, means being of a double
mind. This is what Jesus means when he says, “No one can serve two
masters. Either he will hate the one, and love the other, or he will
be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” Rather than elevating money to such an
important place in our lives and being choked with worry, Jesus has a different
idea. He says, “Seek first my kingdom anomy righteousness, then all things will
be added to you.”
Instead of living
life, where we are whacked around by anxiety and worry, we need a champion who
can help us. For some of us, we need to confess our excessive worry as sin, and
receive God’s forgiveness.
When I choose to ask
for God’s help in that way---most of the time, I begin to feel my burdens
Would you please take
out the tricolored insert, and look at the line in blue, on the right side of
the center page: Repeat after me, “Rest in my love.” (REST IN MY
LOVE.) That
comes from Jesus words, when he said, “Come unto me, all you who travail and
heavy laden burdens, and I will lift your burdens, and give you
rest.” (Mt. 11:28) When I come to God in this way, I feel
released from oppressive worry, because I have humbled myself before God, and
articulated before Him and me, the true priorities of my life.
· God’s word is so encouraging in helping to
change our perspective from exhausting anxiety, to resting in
faith. Let’s look at another word: This one is printed in red, and
is one the right hand center page, above the red tulips. Please
repeat after me, “Trust me, and I will not
fail you in anyway.”
· As each of us grows to more fully embrace
God’s perspective that 'we are important to Him,' we will also learn to trust
him more, and not be so anxious.
And that leads to our third point of winning over worry,
which is to remember and to receive GOD’S PROVISION.
Let’s look at the top right hand corner in blue, and
read together, where God says, “I am your provider.”
· Then let’s look at the very last line in blue
on the page, saying together, “I will give you good gifts.”
· And next let’s read the read line above the
center, which is in red, “Nothing that is good will be withheld from you.”
· The
there is one last piece, in black at the top left side of the page. Let us read in unison, saying, Do not be
anxious about anything.” That particular verse goes on to give us the
The key word in this section
is “THANKSGIVING.” Tell God you are thankful for what
he has already given you. If I give you a present, and
you never thank me, can you expect me to give you another? Giving
thanks to God is a powerful force that acknowledges the truth that we proclaims
every Sunday, “Praise God from whom all blessings flow.”
· When we thankfully
remember the ways He has already helped us, we find greater inner confidence to
believe Him. For the last while, I have spent some of my prayer time listing
ten or more things for which I am grateful to God---without repeating the same
one two days in a row. So, I can thank
God for a nice note that I just
received; thank God for a beautiful day; and thank God that my new grass is
growing. But then I will thank God how
He helps me to address issues and problems at church; thank God for you all;
for my family; for all little and big things. Consequently, my heart is not filled up with worry, but with
faith. Yes, I have anxieties like everyone else, but they no longer dominate my life.
So, three steps to
diminishing anxiety involve perspective, priorities, and
provision. 1) Get God’s fresh perspective; 2) set Godly
priorities; and 3) remember & and receive God’s provision.
You see, like the man
in the story at the beginning of the sermon, God hired a man to take all your
worries upon himself. He carried them to the cross and died.
THEN HE rose from the
dead, lifting those burdens for all who come to Him. Through Him you have been
Friday, October 6, 2017
"Blessed arfe the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God."
Note: This sermon was preached on Sunday, Oct. 8, the week following the sniper attack in Las Vegas, Sunday, Oct. 1.
1. PRE-FLOOD in the times of Noah. "The Lord saw that the wickedness of humankind was great in the earth… and it grieved Him to His heart" (Gen. 6:5,6 NRSV). YES, GOD CRIED.
2. EUROPE (1096-1100). During the crusades, Christian soldiers enroute to the Holy Land slaughtered Jews on the way. Some were herded into their synagogues. Cries of anguish shrilled unto heaven as the wooden structures were torched. All this, plus the countless slaughter of Muslims; followed by the Muslims slaughtering Christians. AND GOD CRIED
3. EUROPE (1204-1799). Protestant blood flowed freely in Roman Catholic countries. The victims of the so-called "Holy Inquisition totaled in the millions. AND GOD CRIED.
5. EUROPE (1941-1945). Six million Jews were hunted, hounded, driven, butchered, gassed and burned in the Holocaust. AND GOD CRIED.
6. HIROSHIMA (August 6, 1945). A single atomic bomb claimed 129,558 victims and terrified the world. AND GOD CRIED
q THE WORLD (1914- now) estimated 225 million were killed as a result of the insane policies of governments like Germany, Communist Russia, Cambodia, radical Isalamic terrorists, other horrors etc. AND GOD CRIES.
Then there are the personal tragedies of loved ones endured daily by hundreds of thousands—senseless death or mutilation on the highways, babies born physically deformed or mentally deficient and victims of senseless crime. Hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, and other disasters steal the lives of millions in their onslaughts of destruction and deprivation. Psychological tragedies of dysfunctional families, drug addiction and the multitudes of lonely, neurotic, homeless people in turn have left tens of thousands of families emotionally scarred. AND GOD CRIES.
Yes, these statistics fill the daily news, but only when they strike us or our loved ones are we overwhelmed with the pain of tragedy. Everyday these statistics have faces—millions of faces of real people shattered emotionally and mentally. The cries of sickness, sorrow, suffering and death encircle the globe. Not one of us can comprehend the enormity of the total sufferings of all humankind. Only God can and does see this humongous picture of human miseries. AND GOD CONTINUES TO CRY.
So, we worship a God who shares our sorrows. But crying is not his final word. God decided to take defintitive action to defeat this evil. He sent the Mighty Warrior, Jesus Chirst, head of the Angel armies. For God so loved the world, that He send His one and only Son, so that all who believe in Him would not perish, but have ever lasting life.”
This past
week, people kept saying,
· How could that happen? Why did he do it?
· Dumfounded by another senseless
massacre of innocent people; we all know that we have previously been here, and
many of us worry that we’ll cOme back here again.
But many faithful
people, also ask another question: “How
could God let this happen?” Silence
· Boy, when people are grieving and
shocked, there is just no answer to that question. How could a loving and all
powerful God let this happen? This seems to be just another example of how our
world is going down the tubes.
· Most of us feel powerless to stop
it. We just stand back in horror, one more time. And where is God?
You know,
evil can take many forms. But this man of flesh and blood worked so hard to put
this plan of massacre together---meticulously arranging the details.
· And his brother, in absolute shock,
says that he was just a normal guy.
· Evil can be deceptive. Jesus warned
of wolves in sheep’s clothing.
massacre makes no sense, unless you factor in the problem of evil; indeed,
those who try to make sense of such horror just go around and around in
circles; because , as the bible says, nonbelievers cannot understand the
workings of spiritual world, which
directly impact our material world.
The Bible
tells us that the devil has been at work opposing God and murdering his
children, ever since the dawn of time. And on God’s part, his heart has been
broken by the cries of anguish from his children. Since God is love, he does what we do. He
prophet Jeremaiah quotes God saying, “Let my eyes run with tears, day and night let them not cease, for
my hapless people have suffered a grievous injury, a very painful wound."
Jeremiah 14:17 (JPS)
author puts it this way:
1. PRE-FLOOD in the times of Noah. "The Lord saw that the wickedness of humankind was great in the earth… and it grieved Him to His heart" (Gen. 6:5,6 NRSV). YES, GOD CRIED.
2. EUROPE (1096-1100). During the crusades, Christian soldiers enroute to the Holy Land slaughtered Jews on the way. Some were herded into their synagogues. Cries of anguish shrilled unto heaven as the wooden structures were torched. All this, plus the countless slaughter of Muslims; followed by the Muslims slaughtering Christians. AND GOD CRIED
3. EUROPE (1204-1799). Protestant blood flowed freely in Roman Catholic countries. The victims of the so-called "Holy Inquisition totaled in the millions. AND GOD CRIED.
(1490-1850). Over 20 million Black Africans killed in
Middle Passage on way to slave markets for purchase by white Christians.
5. EUROPE (1941-1945). Six million Jews were hunted, hounded, driven, butchered, gassed and burned in the Holocaust. AND GOD CRIED.
6. HIROSHIMA (August 6, 1945). A single atomic bomb claimed 129,558 victims and terrified the world. AND GOD CRIED
q THE WORLD (1914- now) estimated 225 million were killed as a result of the insane policies of governments like Germany, Communist Russia, Cambodia, radical Isalamic terrorists, other horrors etc. AND GOD CRIES.
Then there are the personal tragedies of loved ones endured daily by hundreds of thousands—senseless death or mutilation on the highways, babies born physically deformed or mentally deficient and victims of senseless crime. Hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, and other disasters steal the lives of millions in their onslaughts of destruction and deprivation. Psychological tragedies of dysfunctional families, drug addiction and the multitudes of lonely, neurotic, homeless people in turn have left tens of thousands of families emotionally scarred. AND GOD CRIES.
Yes, these statistics fill the daily news, but only when they strike us or our loved ones are we overwhelmed with the pain of tragedy. Everyday these statistics have faces—millions of faces of real people shattered emotionally and mentally. The cries of sickness, sorrow, suffering and death encircle the globe. Not one of us can comprehend the enormity of the total sufferings of all humankind. Only God can and does see this humongous picture of human miseries. AND GOD CONTINUES TO CRY.
So, we worship a God who shares our sorrows. But crying is not his final word. God decided to take defintitive action to defeat this evil. He sent the Mighty Warrior, Jesus Chirst, head of the Angel armies. For God so loved the world, that He send His one and only Son, so that all who believe in Him would not perish, but have ever lasting life.”
· Under Jesus, God is creating a force of resistence,
whom he calls “peacemakers.” Please repat after me, “Blessed are the
peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.”
· And God trains us not with guns and weapons , but with
what the Bible calls the sword of His Word.
This training revolves around the changing of our own hearts—so that we would be inspired to fully commit
ourselves to his work.
What is his work?
· As we heard today, instead of hating our enemies, we
are to learn to love them the way that Jesus can inspire us to love.
· Instead of nursing hatred and anger in our hearts,
which is the root of violence, we seek Jesus to help us to forgive, the way He
forgives us.
· Instead of passively sitting by when we see conflict
in our lives, we are to be reconcilers and peace makers. Indeed, God’s Word says that we are to be
Ambassators of reconciliation, so that Jesus can make his case to the world.
through us.
God’s word also
calls us to pray for peace. This past week, I was rather incensed to hear
public figures ridiculing those of us take a moment of silence and who pray for
those who were wounded and murdered.
They claim that “Prayer is simply an excuse for inaction. What we need
is legislation.” Well, I say to that
that prayer is the best action. Through
prayer, we support God and his angel armies who are winning the battle against
Because Jesus
Christ, who was torutured and murdered, because He rose from the dead—the
definitive battle has been won. Jesus
promises to return to defeat Satan and all his allies, sending them to hell
where they belong.
Then, as we heard
in today’s prophecy from Isaiah, Jesus, the prince of peace, will establish his
kingdom of peace on earth, with good will for all people.
So, in the end, it
comes back down to us. Previously we
have sung the old hymn, “Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with
me.” I know that some of us think that
this song is quite corny, but the lyrics tell the truth.
And today, I have
one concrete way that you can be a peacemaker. Inside you bulletin, you will
see a homemade greeting card. On the
outside, it says “I value you
because…” On the inside, it is blank so
that you can write your message to the person of your choice.
I want to
encourage you to use this card to reach out to someone for whom you care,
someone with whom you may have lost contact, or someone with whom you have been
estranged, or to someone whom you need
to forgive.
I have given out
these cards previously. One man in my
last church sent this card to his estrange daughter. This was the first step, which eventually
resulted in reconciliation with her.
Indeed, this past
week I sent a copy of this card to someone one, with whom I need
reconciliation. Whether it works or not, I will seek to be a peacemaker, as
Jesus leads me.
You can choose in
small and large ways to be a peacemaker—you can even use your card.
Then, in our
lives, the Peace of the Prince of Peace will bubble up; and Jesus will be
glorified...and the world will be filled with the glory of God, as the waters
cover the sea.
George Sarris as "Jesus" Sermon on the Mount
Did you miss George Sarris' one act play on "The Sermon on the Mount" on Oct. 1? You can view it here:
Many thanksto Andrew Peck for taping it.
Many thanksto Andrew Peck for taping it.
Saturday, September 30, 2017
SERMON ON THE MT: Beatitudes, Part 1
It is my
pleasure to announce the beginning of our new sermon series on Jesus’ famous “Sermon on
the Mount,” which may be found in the Gospel of Matthew, Chapters 5-7. This is
Jesus’ quintessential proclamation that you are important to God, and that you,
with Him, can change the world. You see,
Jesus was a change agent. As we
spiritually grow in our relationship with Him, he makes us change agents to
bring His Kingdom values into our homes, neighborhoods, schools, churches,
places of employment, and the like. This
is Jesus ambitious vision, which he lays out for all who have ears to hear.
Today we are
discussing the first part of this sermon knowns as the “beatitudes.” The
beatitudes is simply a Greek term for “becoming happy.” Following the values of Jesus can make us,
and our world, much much happier.
‘beatitudes” are meant to compare and to contrast with the 10 commandments,
which we just recited.
· Moses, the patriarchal figure of the
Old Covenant, received the 10 commandments on the mountain of God, from which
he announced them to his people as the way to be blessed.
· Jesus, the patriarchal figure of the
New Covenant, sits on the mountain and teaches his people about a new way to be
· Jesus made it clear, elsewhere in the sermon
on the mount, that he came not to abolish the law, but to fulfill the law
through grace. His approach is totally positive in contrast to the “Dos” and
“Do nots” of the 10 commandments.
· The 10 commandments were laws given
by a distant God. Whereas the beatitudes are positive attitudes meant to be
voluntarily cultivated in our hearts, given by personal God in the form of the
human Jesus.
Please open
your bulletin to page _____, and let us look at the Gospel. Does anyone notice anything different about
the translation?
· Yes, it says “happy,” where other
translations say “blessed.” Here is the
deal. In the Greek and Hebrew, the word
“blessed” means, please repeat after me, “TO BE SET APRT FOR HAPPINESS.”
Indeed, this is the title of our upcoming Small group study, which begins next
week, where we will study the beatitudes in depth.
· , favor. So, Jesus is speaking to his
disciples, both then and now. Disciples
are those who have made a commitment to follow and to learn from Jesus. Jesus
is saying that we are a people of privilege…we are a people of great privilege. We are insiders in the 2000-year-old Jesus
movement, and insiders of his grace.
So, let’s
look at this Gospel verse by verse:
somebody read verse 3 for us? HAPPY ARE THOSE WHO KNOW THEY ARE POOR IN
In 1989, I
was standing on the Mt. of beatitudes in northern Israel, at the very spot
where Jesus had preached the sermon on the mt.
I had heard the words of today’s gospel 100s of times, but on this
occasion, it pierced my heart—and I felt loved.
· “Happy are those who are poor in
spirit…or, happy are those who know they need God. Why? Because it is only when
we admit to God and to ourselves that we really need Jesus, that we can receive
· Am I spiritually poor? Yes. I sin. I
lie. I envy. I dishonored my parents. I made my career and idol, and put it
above God and my family. Although to the world I may have looked like a
strongman of faith, but inside I knew that I had tried to operate on my own
power and not Jesus’
· You see, we who are poor in spirit
are empty without Jesus forgiveness and healing. By making that admission to
God and ourselves, Jesus instantly and automatically comes by our side.
Okay, moving
to verse 4, let us all read this in unison, saying, ’HAPPY ARE THOSE WHO MOURN,
· Think of all the millions of people
who mourn man’s inhumanity to man.
· Think of those Christian in the
Middle east, who mourn the martyrdom of their loved ones at the hands of
Islamic terrorists. Think of the millions
of refugees who mourn the loss of their homes.
· Speaking of mourn the loss of their
homes, think of the hurricane victims who have lost everything.
· Think of ourselves, when a loved one dies;
or a marriage dies; or when our dreams die, and the like. How can we, who mourn, be happy?
Well, Jesus’
mission is comfort the grieving. He does
that when we come together to cry when it’s time to cry; to listen when
mourners tell their stories; to visit when it’s time to visit; to pray when it’s
time to pray; to give hope to the hopeless; and finally, to encourage our
mourners to accept the reality of now, and to accept that there is new life in
Jesus. Jesus is there is to help us resurrect from mourning, to find new life
for the rest of our lives, and beyond.
· And when you comfort those who mourn,
you are doing the work of Jesus.
Moving ahead
to verse 5, the meek are those who are content with their lives and what they
have. They are not people who will push
the other guy aside, or stab him in the back, just to get ahead. They are not
the folks who are so anxious about money, that they obsess about it and make it
an idol. Meekness does not mean you are
weak. Meekness means that you take a
courageous stand against the rat race of the world, because you have found
contented and peaceful way to live, inspired by your faith.
Looking at
verse 6, let us read that together. ‘HAPPY ARE THOSE WHOHUNGER AAND THRIST FOR
We look at the world, and see people starving
because their crazy /evil dictator is spending all the nation’s money on build
We look at
the corruption and selfishness in business and in government, realizing that others
are receiving illegal preferential treatment at our expense.
When we
seriously consider the millions of children who are hungry, both at home and
abroad, many of us wonder if God will do anything. And God’s word says, “Let justice roll down
like a river, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.
What that
means is that one day, the Lord will bring justice to the needy, and
retribution to their oppressors.
as we act with fairness towards all people, Jesus promises us that He will
treat us fairly.
We must stop
here for now; we will finish up on the beatitudes next Sunday.
But I want
to direct your attention to this door picture, which has the 8 beatitudes
printed on this. To sum up what we
have heard today, one might say, “Blessed are you when you are poor in spirit,
when you mourn, when you are meek, and when you act and work for justice,
because yours is the Kingdom of heaven.
· So, this door, represents
heaven. The keys to open it here on
earth are spiritual poverty, mourning, meekness, and doing justice, and the
like. This is how we will live together
in heaven once we go to our reward.
Jesus is encouraging us start practicing now—so that we can find our
heaven on earth.
Friday, September 15, 2017
Testimony by Cathy Lee
TESTIMONY by Cathy Lee, Small Group Leader
Christ Church has so much to offer, not just to the children of our parish with Sunday school and our youth group. There is also a great opportunity here that shouldn’t be missed with our bible study groups for adults in order to strengthen one’s self in Christ and their family, weather young or old, married or single, and all newcomers are welcome as well.
I attended my 1st bible study group over 3 years ago, and have learned so much with each session, that I now look forward to each new study program.
The inspiration and knowledge I have gained through the study materials, daily prayer, and learning with other fellow Christians have all helped to stretch my faith and keep me seeking the Lord.
Each class has provided something valuable to me to walk away with and utilize, like communion now having a deeper meaning for me, the importance behind Jesus choosing the cross and the nails, my prayer time now feels more connected, and the unexplainable peace I feel through any circumstances.
I treasure the friendships that have been made in our group and how we share our accomplishments in Christ as well as our obstacles, and there’s nothing like having other fellow Christians helping each other with the support of prayers, ideas, and a deeper understanding of the Gospel. We have even shared in the joy of obstacles that have been turned into beautiful victories.
I encourage everyone seeking to learn more about Jesus and looking to experience the miracle working power of his word, or looking to have a deeper relationship, or understanding of the Lord in your life, to join one of these small groups.
This year’s material is titled “Set Apart”, which is a study on the Beatitudes of Jesus. This covers such a powerful message of Blessings that Jesus is willing to produce in us through the work of the Holy Spirit, and is available to each of us, as we yield our hearts to him.
The presentations in this study are inspiring, as they relate to everyday people living everyday lives just like us.
We welcome you to open your heart and come share in some great fellowship and learn what Jesus holds in store for all of us, as we unlock his promises for us to use in our lives, with an in depth understanding for those that are meek and who they are, those that feel empty, ones that need comfort, the merciful, those pure in heart, and one’s searching for peace.
This is just a highlight of some of the material we will be covering in this coming session, and I’m sure we can all relate to one or more of these in our lives.
Coming to church shouldn’t just be an obligation we think we have to God. It should be for fellowship with other believers in Christ, to worship God, and to learn to live the life Jesus died for us to have and enjoy. I am reminded of the passage in 1 John 1:7 “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his son, purifies us from all sin.” In essence: By remaining attached to Christ’s body we become one by worshipping, loving, caring, & sharing together.
This promises to be an encouraging study to experience real happiness and comfort, and to feel the abundance of God’s grace that is available to each of us, as well as, the promises of his power working in us to accomplish what we alone cannot. With a positive and heart changing study, the positive effects can radiate out into our circumstances, relationships, and into the world, allowing others to see the Jesus in us.
There’s the added bonus of the deeper friendships you will gain with those you see on Sundays, and with a variety of groups running at different times, there are options to fit any schedule.
I hope you will take the time to attend one of these groups for a most fulfilling experience as a member of this beautiful family at Christ Church.
If you haven’t already signed up, there should be a card in your pamphlet today, so please join us by completing the card to attend, because we look forward to sharing this valuable life living & heart changing study with all of you.
Thank you
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Hello. My name is Charlie. I have lived in the Naugatuck Valley all my
life. Growing up, we lived in Seymour. I went to Western Connecticut State University,
where I met my future wife, Mary. After my son was born in 2010, we bought a
fixer upper and moved to Oxford. For the past 15 years, I have been selling
pharmaceuticals. I have made a good living and provided for my family. In 2013, I was named my company’s national
salesman of the year. I work hard, and I
am proud of what I can give to my family.
Now I am not
what you would call a religious guy. I
didn’t like church growing up, and I don’t care much for it now. OH, my wife, she goes to mass every week, and
makes sure the kids go to their CCD classes. I go with her every now and then. To be honest, I find it kind of dull. It is
just the same old, same old over and over and over again—blah, blah, blah, week
in and week out. I’m not really friends with anybody their…except some
hypocrites, who are trying to look better than they really are. The priest may not know these folk, but I
went to school with them and I will tell you what…they are no angels. I hate when I meet these folks at church
because I must put on a fake smile and act like I like them. Then, like a herd
of cattle we go up to receive communion. I suppose it’s a good thing, but it
doesn’t do anything for me.
Besides, I
am not a church person. I don’t claim to
be a church person. I cuss. I lie. I
cheat on my income tax. I cheat at poker. There are all sorts of associates at work,
who have stabbed me in the back, and I don’t forgive them. I don’t claim to be a saint. I have been
faithful to Mary, but I flirt too much with the girls in the office. And to be
honest, I envy some of the fat cats at the office, who work too little and earn
too much. Now, I work hard, and I am proud of what I can give to my
family. I wish I had more. I wish we could have a bigger house, like one
of those McMansions.
No, I don’t
fit in with religious people. Ah, I believe in God. But I like to have fun. I don’t want to walk
around with a prune face. Always going to confession to ask for forgiveness.
That’s not for me.
Well, about
a year ago, Fed invited me to attend a discussion at his house one, and then to
go out for a beer. I thought it was a good
excuse to get out of the house. When I told Mary where I was going, she
laughed, saying that I had better put in my sunglasses so that no one would
know me. I arrived at Fred’s house, and
I felt a little embarrassed as I walked in the door. But then I recognized one
of the guys. The rest looked like regular folks.
After introducing
everyone, Freed played a DVD of this crazy pastor, who wears a Hawaiian shirt.
He didn’t preach like others pastors; he just spoke to us, like we were his
equals. He said that most people really don’t know their purpose in life. After the DVD, we spoke about his ideas for a
while. No one was pressured to talk, and so I just listened.
During the next week, I got to
thinking about it. I work hard and I am proud of what I can give to my
family. But to be honest, I feel like I
am in a rut. I work hard. I avoid the people I don’t like, and gossip with the
people I do like. I come home, talk to my family, go to bed, and then I start
all over again the next day.
Well, I went back to the group the
next week, and saw another tape. Then, I began to realize that there’s more to
God than just church. Some of the folks in the room spoke about God as if was their
friend. Then I got to thinking—working hard is good. Giving to my family is
good. But I wondered if I might be missing out on something?
The following week, one of the women
in the group told us how her career had been flushed down the toilet, and how
devastated she was when that happened.
She spoke about learning to pray, not like a priest, but all by herself,
as if God was in the room with her.
Perhaps the thing that stands out in
my mind the most is the fella who told us about a severe illness in his family.
Now we keep everything confidential in in our group, so I am not going to tell
you about this fella. But I will tell
you about the group.
· Everyone is the group listened to
him. Everyone was concerned. Someone even shed a tear.
· Several questions were asked, so that
fella spoke some more. One guy had had a similar experience, so he shared that.
He talked about how hard it was, but how he got through it with help from his
church friends,
· One guy then said that he wanted us
to pledge to do everything possible to help this fella over the next several
months. Everyone agreed.
· The one older woman had us pray for
the fella and his family. She said all
the words, and I just listened; but others joined in, adding to her prayer.
· By the time, we were done praying,
the fella was smiling. He said he felt better. He said that he had never had friends
like us before.
Well several weeks have passed, and I
have attended the group each week. I’ve even gone with Fred to his church a couple
times. Boy, this church is not boring like mine. This church has great music
and friendly people, who smile and laugh. But their priest—this Father John—he gives
such great sermons.
I have never seen a church like this.
My kids are going to come with me next week.
Now, I am still not what I would
consider a religious guy, or anything. But I am so grateful that Fred invited
me to come to his group. I am learning that God is much bigger and more loving
than I ever imagined. I am learning that
I am important to God. This is like the beginning of a whole new chapter in my
So, the reason I am telling you this
is because you probably know a Charlie like guy: someone who might come to your
small group, if only you invited him or her. All Fred did was to ask me to come
one time. And guess what? If I had said “No,”
then it would have been NO BIG DEAL. But now I understand that Fred is not just
my poker buddy, but her is a true friend.
I bet you know someone who could use a good friend or two.
If you have not signed up for a small
group, give it a try…you might like it.
And if you have signed up—what is to
stop you from inviting a Charlene or Charlie to go with you?
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