Friday, September 15, 2017

Testimony by Cathy Lee

                        TESTIMONY by Cathy Lee, Small Group Leader
       Christ Church has so much to offer, not just to the children of our parish with Sunday school and our youth group. There is also a great opportunity here that shouldn’t be missed with our bible study groups for adults in order to strengthen one’s self in Christ and their family, weather young or old, married or single, and all newcomers are welcome as well.
                I attended my 1st bible study group over 3 years ago, and have learned so much with each session, that I now look forward to each new study program.
                The inspiration and knowledge I have gained through the study materials, daily prayer, and learning with other fellow Christians have all helped to stretch my faith and keep me seeking the Lord.
                Each class has provided something valuable to me to walk away with and utilize, like communion now having a deeper meaning for me, the importance behind Jesus choosing the cross and the nails, my prayer time now feels more connected, and the unexplainable peace I feel through any circumstances.
                I treasure the friendships that have been made in our group and how we share our accomplishments in Christ as well as our obstacles, and there’s nothing like having other fellow Christians helping each other with the support of prayers, ideas, and a deeper understanding of the Gospel. We have even shared in the joy of obstacles that have been turned into beautiful victories.
                I encourage everyone seeking to learn more about Jesus and looking to experience the miracle working power of his word, or looking to have a deeper relationship, or understanding of the Lord in your life, to join one of these small groups.
                This year’s material is titled “Set Apart”, which is a study on the Beatitudes of Jesus. This covers such a powerful message of Blessings that Jesus is willing to produce in us through the work of the Holy Spirit, and is available to each of us, as we yield our hearts to him.
                The presentations in this study are inspiring, as they relate to everyday people living everyday lives just like us.
                We welcome you to open your heart and come share in some great fellowship and learn what Jesus holds in store for all of us, as we unlock his promises for us to use in our lives, with an in depth understanding for those that are meek and who they are, those that feel empty, ones that need comfort, the merciful, those pure in heart, and one’s searching for peace.
                This is just a highlight of some of the material we will be covering in this coming session, and I’m sure we can all relate to one or more of these in our lives.
                Coming to church shouldn’t just be an obligation we think we have to God. It should be for fellowship with other believers in Christ, to worship God, and to learn to live the life Jesus died for us to have and enjoy. I am reminded of the passage in 1 John 1:7 “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his son, purifies us from all sin.” In essence: By remaining attached to Christ’s body we become one by worshipping, loving, caring, & sharing together.
                This promises to be an encouraging study to experience real happiness and comfort, and to feel the abundance of God’s grace that is available to each of us, as well as, the promises of his power working in us to accomplish what we alone cannot. With a positive and heart changing study, the positive effects can radiate out into our circumstances, relationships, and into the world, allowing others to see the Jesus in us.
                There’s the added bonus of the deeper friendships you will gain with those you see on Sundays, and with a variety of groups running at different times, there are options to fit any schedule.
                I hope you will take the time to attend one of these groups for a most fulfilling experience as a member of this beautiful family at Christ Church.
                If you haven’t already signed up, there should be a card in your pamphlet today, so please join us by completing the card to attend, because we look forward to sharing this valuable life living & heart changing study with all of you.
Thank you

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