Sunday, July 10, 2016

Terrorism: Orlando

WE of south central CT can identify with those who now mourn in Orlando; because back in December, 2013, we walked in their shoes. In contrast to other parts of our nation, which have not suffered such horror,  we can better empathize with the people of that city,  who have been devastated by this hateful terror of radical Islam. PAUSE Like similar tragedies which preceded this one, the TV talking heads and the politicians abuse and confuse the public discourse on the meaning of this heartless slaughter.  But for Christians, there is really only one voice that we need to hear.

The first thing we hear from today’s reading is that all people—all people—are equally loved and are invited into the circle of God’s love.
·       Innocent Muslims are equally loved by Jesus, in spite of their sins, just like we are loved, in spite of our sins.
PAUSE There are voices who too broadly paint  Americans with the brush of Islamophobia, and Christians have unjustly received most of the blame. PAUSE
 That is a lie. Most Christians respect people of different beliefs, because in this nation we believe in freedom of religion.  And even if some innocent Muslims oppose us, we understand the mandate from Christ to love our enemies and others who are different from us.

We called not to judge, PAUSE for to judge another means that we will face that same judgement when we come face to face with our maker.

Let’s take this one step further. The LBGT folks are equally beloved by Jesus, in spite of their sins; just like you and I are equally, in spite our sins.
·       When Christ Church called me 5 years ago this fall, they called a priest who is deeply committed to traditional lifelong heterosexual marriage as the God given covenant and context for sexual relations. Now, I know that there are parishioners who agree with me and that there are others who don’t…AND THAT IS JUST FINE.  We do not all have to march in lock step with one another.  We are big enough to relate to people who share different convictions that what we do. Further, at the beginning of our life together and priest and people,  I made a public commitment  that our church now would avoid the senseless conflict in our denomination and other congregations, who are divided over church and national politics…. That we would strive for the unity of the Spirit which comes from centering upon Jesus Christ, the head of our Church. PAUSE And over the years, we have made great progress in actualizing the unity that he desires for us.  Hallelujah!
·       However, we also need to keep in mind that the overwhelming number of Christians who support traditional marriage would never wish harm to anyone in the LBGT community.  Too frequently, some members of the press & talking heads try to couple  Christians with the bigots and  the radical Isalmists,  who hate those of a different sexual orientation. That is not true.
·       Likewise, most Christians understand that not all Muslims are guilty of the atrocities of the Muslim extremists, just as we are all NOT GUILTY of the sin of Islamophobia.

Why? Because we are empowered by that which defines us: Jesus’  Great commandment of loving our enemies, our neighbors, those who persecute us, and other sinners, all through the power of God’s supernatural love—for He hates the sin, but loves the sinner.  None of us deserve His love by what we do, think, or say.  We only deserve His love by what we pray.  PAUSE

Slow  We all  will go forward from Orlando with some reasonable anxiety—for our world, our nation, our families, and ourselves.  And in that anxiety, most believers turn to Jesus for His assurance and help, in the full knowledge that there are no divine guarantees that we may be harmed.

So, what does Jesus offer us?  He invites us into the Circle of Love.  The Circle of Love is open to all who wish inclusion.
·       It does not promise that bad things will not happen to us.
·       Rather, it promises that when bad things happen, that Jesus will help us.
·       From Psalm 23. Please repeat after me.’ Yea, though I walk//through the valley of the shadow of death//I will fear no evil//for though art with me// thy rod and they staff, they comfort me.//

We receive comfort from a God who watched as His very own & only son was tortured & murdered by terrorists.  No one can empathize more than he does, as He cries for every drop of blood falling from anyone inside and outside His Love Circle. ENERGY    But  through His resurrection, He demonstrated that there is new and continuing life.
·       Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
·       Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
·       Blessed are those who make peace, for they will be called children of God.
·       Blessed are those who are humble before me, for they will inherit the earth.

The Circle of Love has different priorities than that of world; and that priority is you and me.

But, there is even more comfort—because we worship a God of justice, whose justice is severe to those who would harm any in His Circle and other innocents.  The Bible quotes God, saying, “Vengeance is mine,” says the Lord.”
·       For those who commit these terrorist crimes, they will not be meeting 70 virgins.  They will fall into the hands of angry God, who does and will punish evil doers—and that would be especially true for those who escape from justice on earth.
·        Without believing and embracing the justice of God, then Christians  would be the most pitied of all; for such a God would be weak &  heartless in light of the suffering all around us.

But, within the suffering of the world, we can enter the circle of love.  Today, Grace & Gabriella Orlowski   will be baptized into the circle of love.
·       For a moment, I would like for you to imagine a red line on the walls, circling this room .   That red line is the circle of God’s love.
·          We are here together, not just in a building, but in the Circle of God’s love, initiated  by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 
·       You see, Jesus, who was and is pure love, and that divine love is stronger than death.  That divine love brings healing and peace and hope for those in His circle throughout the world.  When people do not know where to go, then come to the circle of God’s love.  PAUSE

However, many of us know family, friends, & loved ones who have wandered away from the Circle of Love, or who never entered it in the first place.  Jesus loves them too.  So we are going to conclude today’s message by identifying and praying for them.
·       Paper clipped to your bulletin, you will find a red circle of love.  In a moment, we are going to have some silence, so that you can write in the name or names of anyone needing, in your opinion, the circle of love.   We are going to pray that the Holy Spirit would use us to invite or to reinvite them to become a part of a loving circle, that will positively change their lives for the good. PAUSE  I know you want that for some people in your life.  You can write in as many names as you like, and you are going to keep this circle.  Maybe you will stick it on your desk, or computer, or mirror, or whatever…and every time you see it, you will be reminded to continue praying, PAUSE and you will watch God answer that prayer. 

·       So now, we begin the Great silence—so that you can hear God’s voice.

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