Sunday, July 10, 2016

Summer Time Bible Study

CCQF : Shining the Light of Christ’s Love through Spiritual Growth

Please read this selection from scripture (Luke 8:4-8, 11-15)  Note: We are not reading this material to learn “head knowledge” , but to learn “heart Knowledge.”  How does this passage speak to me about my life?

4-8 As they went from town to town, a lot of people joined in and traveled along. Jesus addressed them, using this story: “A farmer went out to sow his seed. Some of it fell on the road; it was tramped down and the birds ate it. Other seed fell in the gravel; it sprouted, but withered because it didn’t have good roots. Other seed fell in the weeds; the weeds grew with it and strangled it. Other seed fell in rich earth and produced a bumper crop.
 “This story is about people. The seed is the Word of God. The seeds on the road are those who hear the Word, but no sooner do they hear it than the Devil snatches it from them so they won’t believe and be saved.
13 “The seeds in the gravel are those who hear with enthusiasm, but the enthusiasm doesn’t go very deep. It’s only another fad, and the moment there’s trouble it’s gone.
14 “And the seed that fell in the weeds—well, these are the ones who hear, but then the seed is crowded out and nothing comes of it as they go about their lives worrying about tomorrow, making money, and having fun.
15 “But the seed in the good earth—these are the good-hearts who seize the Word and hold on no matter what, sticking with it until there’s a harvest.

Reflect upon your Life in Light of this reading. 
1.    As you read the description of the 4 soils in this passage, what was your first impression? 
                        (Check on ore more)
___This sounds life advice for a gardening handbook.
___Oh, no, this is going to be another boring Bible study.
____What is Jesus trying to say?
_____I wonder which soil represents my life?

2.    Looking back over your life, to a time when your spiritual life was not fruitful, what was the main reason?   (Choose 1 or 2):
____I had many problems.
____I did not know of Jesus’ love for me.
____My priorities were messed up.
____ I did not have a supportive Christian church family.
____  I was living my life MY WAY

3.    Comparing yourself to a garden , what was the main factor in your life which produced the best crop in your life 9or the best times of your life?)
____I sought God’s will
____I had my priorities in order
____I had fewer distractions in life
____I had Christian friendships (like a Small group, etc), which supported me.
____My family was very supportive.
____I had a stronger prayer life and/or read the bible more.
____ Other: _________________________________________



4.What do you have now which gives  “depth to your soil” and nurtures your personal growth (Choose as many as apply).
___Christian family/parents/ spouse
___Other Christians in your life, such as friends who’s faith you admire
___You participate in Small group Bible studies at church or in the community.
___Personal times of prayer  and/or bible reading
___Christian music
___Attend church on a regular basis
___Books you have read
___Counseling with the pastor   
___Church activities

5.    What are the “thorns” and “rocks” in your life which run you down by choking  out your spiritual growth?
_____PRESSURE from family and/or friends and/or peers
_____Too much time watching TV or on the internet
_____Worries about money
_____Lack of commitment or discipline
_____Laziness or apathy
_____ Sports/hobbies, etc.
_____Suffering that makes it hard to believe in God?
_____ Sexual temptations
______Over scheduled/ too much to do
_____Parties/drugs/ alcohol
_____Worries about the future

6.    How would you describe the “ root system” of your spiritual life right now?
____Pretty shallow   ____Growing      ____Strong & deep     ____really dry
7.    Identify one  or  two thing(s)  that you can choose to (from the items listed in question #4) to enrich your spiritual life and live the fuller, more balanced life that Jesus wants you to live?


Note: Should you wish to speak with Fr. John about this prayer exercise, please let him know.  He is your full time rector.  Make use of him.   Call 203-888-4936

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