Saturday, July 23, 2016


This morning we continue our exploration of the 4 Gospels by looking @ the Good News from Mark. This was the first of the 4 Gospels, written about 24 years after Jesus ascended to heaven.   Mark was the companion of Peter, who was the disciple whom Jesus commissioned as the leader of the Jesus movement once Jesus departed.   Mark accompanied Peter on his missionary journeys, and in leading the first Christian church in Jerusalem. He heard Peter tell many Jesus stories, over and over and over again. Thus, his Gospel was based on direct eye witness accounts.

This is the shortest Gospel; so if you have not read any of the Gospels, or if you feel inspired to give them a 2nd look, then I always recommend that you begin by reading Mark. IT  is a quick read.

Today’s Gospel reading describes Jesus calling his first 6 disciples.  The term “disciple” means learner; and the disciples learned the Good News of God’s love for all; but in the process of that learning, they created an extra ordinary community, where together, they became close friends with Jesus, and then with one another.

You see, Jesus calls the disciples to follow him---but that’s exactly what they did.  They did not become fishers of men and women evangelists  until 3 years later. PAUSE As one reads most of this Gospel, the only time Jesus had them do something was when the disciples passed out the loaves and the fish when Jesus fed the thousands.  So, what was the value of the disciples?

Well, they hung out with Jesus and one another.  In order to build community, you must spend some time together.  Just like you cannot be a real father without hanging with your kids;  so you cannot be a complete Christian without hanging out with other Christians.
·       Unlike some other religions, real Christianity has a vital social component.
·       Christianity isn’t something private; rather it is shared in relationships.

So, together, they listened to Jesus as he taught them God’s Word.
·       Together they watched Jesus serve others by praying for the sick, befriending the friendless, feeding the hungry, and helping the needy.
·       My favorite Woody Allen quote, is when he said that “90% of life is just showing up.”   So, they showed up.  They hung out...and their lives were transformed.

The Gospel of Mark ends with Jesus’ resurrection, and command to them to preach the Gospel and to make disciples.  PAUSE
·       Do you know what the Bible says is the  ONE product that the church is supposed to make?  The church is supposed to make disciples.  And what is the first and most important step of making a disciple?   You befriend him or her.
·       Friendship is the key.  Last weekend 5 of us attended a workshop on how to strengthen the local church.  And frankly, if I was to summarize the teaching, in my own words, I would day that NEW FRIENDSHIPS are the glue that keeps a church family together.  So, recent studies have demonstrated this:
a.    If newcomers don’t make at least one good friend within the first several months of their first visit, they will probably drift away.
b.    Likewise, if long time church members drift away and do not hear from their friends, then most of the time, they will stay away.

If we don’t make new friendships, then we could become a closed clique like many churches our size.       If we don’t make and keep friendships, then our church will shrink, and then we cannot pay for the many ministries that so many of you cherish.

Now, the fact is, most of you here this morning can count one, two or more friends, whom you value at church.  You are the fortunate ones in our church family.

One of the things that most folks appreciate about CCQF is the strong sense of community.  By and large, church friends tend to be more appreciative, loyal, caring, and committed.   Why? Because  your church friends share these values with you, as a part of their faith.

As part of our Vision, CCQF is committed to facilitating the growth of NEW FRIENDSHIPS.  Sometimes this occurs when we gather for food and fellowship; other times to happens when we serve with others in one of the many church ministries; but the best way that this occurs is through our popular Small Group program.

For the past four years, CCQF has hosted a Fall Small Group series, where people meet for friendship, bible study, and (non-threatening) prayer.  Most everyone who has participated in these groups have made new friends—whom they now treasure.  Within Small Groups, you can: sit back, be quiet, and listen; or you can ask the group to pray for your family, a loved one, or yourself.   Everything shared in a Small group is confidential.

This fall’s Small Group program will run for 4 weeks, beginning the last week of September.  Groups for men & women will be meeting for 90 minutes on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Others may be added later on.

More information will be forth coming.  We hope that you will consider participating, because you may not think you need a friend…but there are others who would love to become friends with you.

But this also relates to some of you, who have wondered about why you haven’t seen this person or that person in many months. Don’t just brood about that; give him/her/ them a telephone call. Our workshop leader spoke about this: If long time church members drift away and do not hear from their friends, then most of the time, they will stay away.  So reconnect with your absent friends, let them know that you miss them, and encourage them to0 return to the church family, which we all love.

And by doing that, you will let them, and the entire world know, that we are Christians by our love. 

Saturday, July 16, 2016

SERMON SERIES # 2: The Gospel of Matthew

One commentator has said that “The Gospels are important because they can make mortal men and women  immortal .” Every week, we read a Gospel selection, as Christians have done for thousands of years; and every week, God offers you the opportunity to hear His Good News, and to let it touch your heart.  Today we explore the Gospel of Matthew.
·       Matthew was one of Jesus’ 12 disciples.  He had been a crooked tax collector when Jesus called him to become a part of the Jesus movement.  He left behind his old life of crime, and started His new life as a  follower of Jesus.

The Great theme of Matthew’s Gospel is the Kingdom of Heaven. Matthew proclaims  that Jesus is the Messiah, foretold by the ancient prophets; and that through Jesus’ life, teaching, death & resurrection, Jesus has inaugurated the Kingdome of heaven on earth.  For Matthew , the Kingdom of heaven did not just involve the afterlife—it involves people in the here in now, hearing Jesus Good News and committing themselves to Him now, so that they  can live forever with Him in the next life.

With this in mind, Matthew describes Jesus’ anger at the religious establishment of His day, which was the opposite of the faith needed for the kingdom of heaven.  The religious establishment/leadership of the temple was hard hearted, egocentric, self serving, vindictive and closed minded.  Jesus contrasted these hypocrites with the people of faith, His followers,  as described in today’s Gospel.  The people listening to today’s Gospel had been attracted to Jesus like a magnet; not just by His great notoriety, His polished rhetoric, nor by his political savvy; but by His  life changing Words of encouragement and hope.

In today’s  Gospel, which is called “The sermon on the Mount,” Jesus had his audience eating out of his hands, for they were hanging on to his every word.
a.    Jesus could not have picked a prettier church to preach this extraordinary message.   The natural amphitheater over looking the Sea of Galilee as a dramatic cathedral in the wild.
b.    The people had walked many miles to be with Him—coming from many different provinces and nations, just to hear Him.
c.     Imagine 5,000 people gathered together in one spot—and all of them-- silent, as they listened to the voice of their hero.  This was a holy moment.
d.    St. Luke says that as Jesus preached that day, power came from Him. Divine power radiated out of Him—through His body and voice.
It is within this spirit-filled context that Jesus spoke the words of this immortal sermon, and the people believed Him:

Blessed are you when you seek reconciliation with one another, for you will be called children of God.
Blessed are you who encounter rejection because of your believe  in me—Rejoice & be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven.
 Blessed are you who are poor in spirit because you know that you need God ---for you will be satisfied.

PAUSE /  SLOW   As the power came out of his voice & body—I believe that those present experienced the  very presence of God Almighty in His awesome holiness.

PAUSE His  listeners heard His words as promises from God almighty—promises that  would be fulfilled in the future, and  which were actually being fulfilled in their hearing.  This was the Kingdom of Heaven breaking into our physical world.

PAUSE    There was a time, a while ago, when I read the Sermon on the Mount quite differently than I do today.  I must have heard this reading hundreds upon hundreds of times, where I envisioned gentle Jesus, meek & mild, struggling to over some words of encouragement to the hopeless and confused masses. 
I imagined his audience listening to His words with polite interest, and then returning home to their own life struggles—unaffected by what they had heard.  And likewise, this message never really touched me, either. Back then, I did not appreciate the power of God’s Word.

However, that was prior to my visit to the very place in northern Israel, where Jesus preached this original sermon.   My wife and I were on a clergy tour of ancient Holy Land sites in Israel. As we stood looking down the hills at the beautiful water of the Sea of Galilee, in the very spot where archeologists believe that Jesus preached this sermon.  I heard one of our companions read the words that we just read this morning.
·       However, that day I heard these words with a sense of new meaning. I felt like Jesus Christ was directly speaking these words to me, personally.                I experienced the presence of God through the words of the scripture.  It felt rather surreal.  As a sense of His presence began to descend upon me, I was overcome with Jesus’ promise to me—to us all:
·       Blessed are you when you seek reconciliation with one another, for you will be called children of God.
·       Blessed are you who encounter rejection because of your believe  in me—Rejoice & be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven.
·        Blessed are you who are poor in spirit because you know that you need God ---for you will be satisfied.

Now, I do not wish to talk about myself; but rather I want to speak of the Bible as a possible link between you and God, which can be powerful.  Let us not read the Bible as some words and thoughts, written and spoken, long ago; but rather as a divine  message for you to discern how God wants you to hear it. God wants you to hear it. But it requires that you do some reflecting upon it, talking about it, praying about it—then you will experience His divine touch.  J  J  J  J

This is the power of the Risen Christ, linking earth to heaven and heaven to earth as on that first Easter Sunday, today, and in the future.

This is what Jesus is talking about in His parables in Matthew.  Jesus said, please repeat after me,  "The kingdom of heaven/// is like a mustard seed,/// which a man took and planted in his field. //// Though it is the smallest of all your seeds, yet when it grows,/// it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, ////so that the birds of the air come and perch in its branches."

The Kingdom of heaven begins as something small, and then it grows into some spectacular.    Give a little bit of time reflecting on God’s Word, and see if you do nothear Him speaking directly to you.

So, I would like for you to take a test drive on this.  I ask you to take home your bulletin from today, and spend some time reading today’s Gospel—slowly, quietly, reflectively.  Re- read it, and identify the verse that is most appealing to you, that you would love to believe. Circle it, and come back to it, asking yourself this question:  “What does Jesus want me to hear in this?   What promise is He making to me?  Can I accept it and embrace it and believe it?

For goodness sake, do not apathetically read this Gospel, as I did for most              of my life.  This little Bible study, for you, could be like the little mustard seed.  Plant God’s word in  your heart, and see if it doesn’t grow into something new and wonderful in your life.  You will then discover just how blessed you really are.


Wednesday, July 13, 2016

SUMMER SERMON SERIES #1--The Gospels--Matthew, Mark , Luke & John

Today we are beginning a 5 week sermon series on “The Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke & John.”  The term “Gospel” is simply translated as “Good News;’ and the 4 Gospels reveal  different aspects of Jesus, like different facets on in a diamond.   But, first,  we begin today by exploring some back ground information, because we have 2 thousand years of devotion to the Gospels; and this background info reveals how Jesus’ followers have cherished His word as  a true treasure.

The Bible is a very controversial book, as we can see going back to the 1500s, when the Reformation began.  The Reformation was that period of time when many churches, such as the Presbyterians, Lutheran,  French Huguenot-Protestants, and the Anglican/Episcopal Church left the Roman Catholic Church and the authority of the Pope.  You see, the Roman Catholic Church found truth primarily in the church doctrines and traditions and ecclesiology—all of which were human origin.  Well, the Protestant Churches, including the ones I just mentioned, believed that the Word of God, of divine origin, should be the primary source of truth. 
·       The Roman Catholic Church did not encourage regular, unordained people. like you, to read the scriptures; for they were afraid that you might make erroneous interpretations, contrary to the doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church.
·       But the Protestants had the Bible translated into the vernacular languages of the people, and printed them up and distributed them across the known world, encouraging all people to read the Bible.

Again, what is our primary source of truth?  Is it human or divine.  So, to understand where the scriptures come from, we need to focus upon the meaning of the Word of God.  If you would look on your sermon insert, I will read the question in # 1, and would you please read the answers.


Q.1: What are the Holy Scriptures? *  
A.1:  “The Holy Scriptures, commonly called the Bible, are the Books of the Old and New Testaments...”
·       So the scriptures are the small “w’ words of God, which we see written on the page.

Q.2: Why do we call the Holy Scriptures the (Big “W”) Word of God?*    A.2: We call them the Word of God because God inspired their human authors and because God still speaks to us through the Bible.”
·       ‘The Big”W”  Word of God is above and beyond the scriptures, which express the Big “W” Word of God through the written small “w’ words of God.”

Q.3: Now, who or what is the big “W” Word of God?
A.#: The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, full of Grace & Truth.—from the Gospel of John

Q.4:   Whom is the Gospel of John describing?
·       Jesus is God’s perfect communication of God. Jesus is the Word of God.


·       Yes. You see, Jesus, the big “W’ word of God is present among us, through the Holy Scriptures and the Church, to help us interpret the scriptures as they apply to our ”lives today.  Also, as Christians, we interpret some of the confusing parts of the  Old Testament through the lens of the person & teaching of Jesus.  So, if you read some part of the Hebrew scriptures, the Old Testament, which is confusing to you, compare and contrast that to the Good News  of Jesus; which super cedes everything else in the written scriptures.  Jesus is the the truth. Keep focused upon him, then you can discover the truth.
·       So, there are times in the Old Testament when God tells his people to kill his enemies.  What does Jesus say that we are to do to our enemies?

The New testament, including the 4 Gospels, began as stories told around the dinner table and the camp fire by the 12 disciples, and later, then, after they died,  their followers continued telling the stories, and then writing them down on parchment.

There were many other oral and written accounts of Jesus life, but over the period of years, the people of the church rejected those.  The written Gospels that we have today were originally written in Greek, and then Latin.  A consensus across the early world wide  Christian community began to develop around the  Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These  which were written by two of the original disciples and 2 others who distinguished themselves in the early church as being well known servants of the Lord.  Finally, the 4 Gospels, the letters from Paul, from James and Jude, Jesus brothers; and other letters were confirmed as Holy Scripture by world wide Councils of the Church during the 4th century AD.

The scriptures are a treasure.  The question for you is, are they buried treasure that you never dig up, or have you open the treasure of God’s Word to share in the abundance God intends for you.  As always, during the next 4 weeks we will explore the height, the depth and the wonder of God’s Word; and it in the fall, we will be offering another another Small group series so that you can learn more about God’s Word in the best way possible; which is through  interacting in our popular small groups.  More on that later.

Meanwhile, once there was a wealthy man who had a son graduating from college.  The son begged his father to give him a new car as a graduation present. Finally, when the commencement exercises had been completed, the son went home to  speak to his father.  The man gave him a box, which the young man quickly unwrapped.  Inside the box was a beautiful, leather bound bible.

“Is this all?” said yelled the young man.  Before his father could answer, the boy threw down the Bible and left his father’s house—never to return. The boy ran off from home, and never spoke to his father.

One day the boy received word that his father had died, quite unexpectedly.  By the time the boy returned home, his father had already  been buried.  Filled with grief, the boy walked around his late father’s house. He walked into his father’s study, and there, on the desk, was the Bible that his father had given him so long ago. He picked up the bible, and a note fell out. Inside the note was a $50,000 check, dated the day of his graduation. The boy read the attached note, also dated the day of his graduation.  The note read,
“Dear Son, Happy graduation. Use the attached note to buy the car of your dreams…and use the Bible to guide you on your way.  Love, Dad”

How ironic.  How sad. The boy would have found his gift of his father—if he had only opened the Bible.”
How about you?  Have you opened your Bible to found the gift of your Father in heaven?  Are you willing to do it on your own, or in a Small Group?

Or, are you like the boy?     Amen.

[With thanksgiving to The Rev. Ellen Donnelly for originally speaking about the "Little w" word of God and the "BIG W" Word of God.]

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Summer Time Bible Study

CCQF : Shining the Light of Christ’s Love through Spiritual Growth

Please read this selection from scripture (Luke 8:4-8, 11-15)  Note: We are not reading this material to learn “head knowledge” , but to learn “heart Knowledge.”  How does this passage speak to me about my life?

4-8 As they went from town to town, a lot of people joined in and traveled along. Jesus addressed them, using this story: “A farmer went out to sow his seed. Some of it fell on the road; it was tramped down and the birds ate it. Other seed fell in the gravel; it sprouted, but withered because it didn’t have good roots. Other seed fell in the weeds; the weeds grew with it and strangled it. Other seed fell in rich earth and produced a bumper crop.
 “This story is about people. The seed is the Word of God. The seeds on the road are those who hear the Word, but no sooner do they hear it than the Devil snatches it from them so they won’t believe and be saved.
13 “The seeds in the gravel are those who hear with enthusiasm, but the enthusiasm doesn’t go very deep. It’s only another fad, and the moment there’s trouble it’s gone.
14 “And the seed that fell in the weeds—well, these are the ones who hear, but then the seed is crowded out and nothing comes of it as they go about their lives worrying about tomorrow, making money, and having fun.
15 “But the seed in the good earth—these are the good-hearts who seize the Word and hold on no matter what, sticking with it until there’s a harvest.

Reflect upon your Life in Light of this reading. 
1.    As you read the description of the 4 soils in this passage, what was your first impression? 
                        (Check on ore more)
___This sounds life advice for a gardening handbook.
___Oh, no, this is going to be another boring Bible study.
____What is Jesus trying to say?
_____I wonder which soil represents my life?

2.    Looking back over your life, to a time when your spiritual life was not fruitful, what was the main reason?   (Choose 1 or 2):
____I had many problems.
____I did not know of Jesus’ love for me.
____My priorities were messed up.
____ I did not have a supportive Christian church family.
____  I was living my life MY WAY

3.    Comparing yourself to a garden , what was the main factor in your life which produced the best crop in your life 9or the best times of your life?)
____I sought God’s will
____I had my priorities in order
____I had fewer distractions in life
____I had Christian friendships (like a Small group, etc), which supported me.
____My family was very supportive.
____I had a stronger prayer life and/or read the bible more.
____ Other: _________________________________________



4.What do you have now which gives  “depth to your soil” and nurtures your personal growth (Choose as many as apply).
___Christian family/parents/ spouse
___Other Christians in your life, such as friends who’s faith you admire
___You participate in Small group Bible studies at church or in the community.
___Personal times of prayer  and/or bible reading
___Christian music
___Attend church on a regular basis
___Books you have read
___Counseling with the pastor   
___Church activities

5.    What are the “thorns” and “rocks” in your life which run you down by choking  out your spiritual growth?
_____PRESSURE from family and/or friends and/or peers
_____Too much time watching TV or on the internet
_____Worries about money
_____Lack of commitment or discipline
_____Laziness or apathy
_____ Sports/hobbies, etc.
_____Suffering that makes it hard to believe in God?
_____ Sexual temptations
______Over scheduled/ too much to do
_____Parties/drugs/ alcohol
_____Worries about the future

6.    How would you describe the “ root system” of your spiritual life right now?
____Pretty shallow   ____Growing      ____Strong & deep     ____really dry
7.    Identify one  or  two thing(s)  that you can choose to (from the items listed in question #4) to enrich your spiritual life and live the fuller, more balanced life that Jesus wants you to live?


Note: Should you wish to speak with Fr. John about this prayer exercise, please let him know.  He is your full time rector.  Make use of him.   Call 203-888-4936

Terrorism: Orlando

WE of south central CT can identify with those who now mourn in Orlando; because back in December, 2013, we walked in their shoes. In contrast to other parts of our nation, which have not suffered such horror,  we can better empathize with the people of that city,  who have been devastated by this hateful terror of radical Islam. PAUSE Like similar tragedies which preceded this one, the TV talking heads and the politicians abuse and confuse the public discourse on the meaning of this heartless slaughter.  But for Christians, there is really only one voice that we need to hear.

The first thing we hear from today’s reading is that all people—all people—are equally loved and are invited into the circle of God’s love.
·       Innocent Muslims are equally loved by Jesus, in spite of their sins, just like we are loved, in spite of our sins.
PAUSE There are voices who too broadly paint  Americans with the brush of Islamophobia, and Christians have unjustly received most of the blame. PAUSE
 That is a lie. Most Christians respect people of different beliefs, because in this nation we believe in freedom of religion.  And even if some innocent Muslims oppose us, we understand the mandate from Christ to love our enemies and others who are different from us.

We called not to judge, PAUSE for to judge another means that we will face that same judgement when we come face to face with our maker.

Let’s take this one step further. The LBGT folks are equally beloved by Jesus, in spite of their sins; just like you and I are equally, in spite our sins.
·       When Christ Church called me 5 years ago this fall, they called a priest who is deeply committed to traditional lifelong heterosexual marriage as the God given covenant and context for sexual relations. Now, I know that there are parishioners who agree with me and that there are others who don’t…AND THAT IS JUST FINE.  We do not all have to march in lock step with one another.  We are big enough to relate to people who share different convictions that what we do. Further, at the beginning of our life together and priest and people,  I made a public commitment  that our church now would avoid the senseless conflict in our denomination and other congregations, who are divided over church and national politics…. That we would strive for the unity of the Spirit which comes from centering upon Jesus Christ, the head of our Church. PAUSE And over the years, we have made great progress in actualizing the unity that he desires for us.  Hallelujah!
·       However, we also need to keep in mind that the overwhelming number of Christians who support traditional marriage would never wish harm to anyone in the LBGT community.  Too frequently, some members of the press & talking heads try to couple  Christians with the bigots and  the radical Isalmists,  who hate those of a different sexual orientation. That is not true.
·       Likewise, most Christians understand that not all Muslims are guilty of the atrocities of the Muslim extremists, just as we are all NOT GUILTY of the sin of Islamophobia.

Why? Because we are empowered by that which defines us: Jesus’  Great commandment of loving our enemies, our neighbors, those who persecute us, and other sinners, all through the power of God’s supernatural love—for He hates the sin, but loves the sinner.  None of us deserve His love by what we do, think, or say.  We only deserve His love by what we pray.  PAUSE

Slow  We all  will go forward from Orlando with some reasonable anxiety—for our world, our nation, our families, and ourselves.  And in that anxiety, most believers turn to Jesus for His assurance and help, in the full knowledge that there are no divine guarantees that we may be harmed.

So, what does Jesus offer us?  He invites us into the Circle of Love.  The Circle of Love is open to all who wish inclusion.
·       It does not promise that bad things will not happen to us.
·       Rather, it promises that when bad things happen, that Jesus will help us.
·       From Psalm 23. Please repeat after me.’ Yea, though I walk//through the valley of the shadow of death//I will fear no evil//for though art with me// thy rod and they staff, they comfort me.//

We receive comfort from a God who watched as His very own & only son was tortured & murdered by terrorists.  No one can empathize more than he does, as He cries for every drop of blood falling from anyone inside and outside His Love Circle. ENERGY    But  through His resurrection, He demonstrated that there is new and continuing life.
·       Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
·       Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
·       Blessed are those who make peace, for they will be called children of God.
·       Blessed are those who are humble before me, for they will inherit the earth.

The Circle of Love has different priorities than that of world; and that priority is you and me.

But, there is even more comfort—because we worship a God of justice, whose justice is severe to those who would harm any in His Circle and other innocents.  The Bible quotes God, saying, “Vengeance is mine,” says the Lord.”
·       For those who commit these terrorist crimes, they will not be meeting 70 virgins.  They will fall into the hands of angry God, who does and will punish evil doers—and that would be especially true for those who escape from justice on earth.
·        Without believing and embracing the justice of God, then Christians  would be the most pitied of all; for such a God would be weak &  heartless in light of the suffering all around us.

But, within the suffering of the world, we can enter the circle of love.  Today, Grace & Gabriella Orlowski   will be baptized into the circle of love.
·       For a moment, I would like for you to imagine a red line on the walls, circling this room .   That red line is the circle of God’s love.
·          We are here together, not just in a building, but in the Circle of God’s love, initiated  by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 
·       You see, Jesus, who was and is pure love, and that divine love is stronger than death.  That divine love brings healing and peace and hope for those in His circle throughout the world.  When people do not know where to go, then come to the circle of God’s love.  PAUSE

However, many of us know family, friends, & loved ones who have wandered away from the Circle of Love, or who never entered it in the first place.  Jesus loves them too.  So we are going to conclude today’s message by identifying and praying for them.
·       Paper clipped to your bulletin, you will find a red circle of love.  In a moment, we are going to have some silence, so that you can write in the name or names of anyone needing, in your opinion, the circle of love.   We are going to pray that the Holy Spirit would use us to invite or to reinvite them to become a part of a loving circle, that will positively change their lives for the good. PAUSE  I know you want that for some people in your life.  You can write in as many names as you like, and you are going to keep this circle.  Maybe you will stick it on your desk, or computer, or mirror, or whatever…and every time you see it, you will be reminded to continue praying, PAUSE and you will watch God answer that prayer. 

·       So now, we begin the Great silence—so that you can hear God’s voice.


If life is a journey, do you know where you are going?  Do you know where you are going?
·       Some of us have goals and bucket lists and progeny to care for, which could constitute a cluster of goals.
·       Many people just wander through time, day after day, looking back & sometimes feeling that their best days are behind them.
·       Others of us have our sights set on heaven, with the knowledge that our actions now have eternal consequences.
·       Others just take one day at a time; and still others are totally lost.

During the past 50 years, professional psychologists have maintained that we grow through different stages in life, and that each stage centers upon accomplishing psycho-social tasks in order to grow to the next stage.

Today I would like to speak about a two stage model.  In the first stage, each person is challenged to develop his or her provisional identity, answering such questions as:
·       What kind of teenager do I want to be?  What kind of adult? 
·       Do I aspire to a career?  Do I want to become financially wealthy?
·       Do I want to get married and to have a family?
·       Where do I want to live?  Do I want to own a home?
·       What kind of friends do I wish to associate with?
·       What will my morals and values be?  Do I want to be a just and fair person, or do I just want to get ahead at any cost?

So we spend decades answering these questions, and maybe we discover different answers as we grow.  But all of this is key for the development of our provisional identity.  And some of us are happy with our provisional identity as it is now; and we hope that it doesn’t change. But for others of us, pieces of our provisional identity are beginning to crumble, or bust, or have been stolen from us; or never developed the way that we had dreamed.
·       Loss of a job, the death of a loved one, divorce, poor health, economic hardship, trouble in the family, friends who are close, but who then drift away, & declining health and aging can all threaten our provisional identity.

The Apostle Paul describes his provisional identity in today’s first reading.
·       Paul was born to a wealthy family.   He had the best education possible, in the then vassal state of Israel. He was a highly renown religious scholar, a Pharisee.
·       Pharisees taught and lived a strict and harsh interpretation biblical precepts.  For the Pharisee, living one’s life in perfect obedience was your key to success.  In devotion to Phariseeism, Paul persecuted the new sect of Christianity—roughing them up, chasing them out of their homes, arresting and punishing them, and even being an accomplice to murder.  In all this, Paul felt more than justified—and that was his provisional identity.
·       But one day, the scales of anger and rage fell from his spiritual eyes, and he saw himself as he really was: murderer; abuser; prideful; furious; self-righteous; and alienated from God.  With that recognition came the complete shattering of his provisional identity; PAUSE and from that emerged the resurrection of his eternal identity.  You see, Paul was so full of himself, that God could not reach him; Paul was worshipping a God of judgement and anger; not the God of mercy & forgiveness, as expressed in the person of Jesus Christ.
·       So, God in his mercy confronted Paul with the reality of his life.  Paul repented and turned to accept Jesus’ love; and then Paul began developing and growing his eternal identity.  And in so doing, Paul spread the Good news of God’s love throughout the Roman empire.

Another story—from our Gospel:  Now, there is a lot that we do not know about the woman in today’s Gospel.  If she had been married, she was not now.  Either being single or divorced, met that she was considered to be the lowest of all.  So, her provisional identity was not good. 

She was either sexually promiscuous, or a prostitute, or both.  Her reputation was well known in town.  At some point, prior to today’s reading, she heard Jesus teach. She experienced his kindness, forgiveness, mercy and love.  Within Jesus followers, she found acceptance and friendship like she had probably not experienced since she was a child.  Thus, rejecting her provisional identity as a whore, she inaugurated her eternal identity as a child of God & a friend of Jesus.

This all takes place before today’s Gospel.  She had probably heard that Jesus was having dinner with one of his enemies. Scholars believe that Jesus was invited to this dinner so that his enemies could ridicule and belittle him.  You see, Jesus had accepted this invitation in the hopes that He might teach the host and his guests the good news of God’s love.  But, he arrived and was not greeted by the host. No provision was made of the washing of his feet, which was normally done by a servant.  Normally, oil would be offered to the guests so that they could straighten out their hair and wash their faces.   So, Jesus’ friend decided to come to his rescue. Where he was friendless, she came and stood by her friend.  She demonstrated her worship of Him as the Son of God by anointing his feet with oil. The Gospel is clear that this was expensive perfumed oil, the purchase of which would have been a sacrifice for this woman.  After she applied the oil, she then cleaned his feet with her hair.  And Jesus?  He was deeply touched.  And all this occurred as an expression of her eternal identity.

Now the fact is, many of us have been blessed by being initiated or baptized into our eternal identity, at a young age; and we have grown in our eternal identity simultaneously with our provisional identity.  In some people’s lives, they have neglected their eternal identity, which has stunted the growth of their eternal identity.   
·       As part of the preparation for the Confirmation of our young people, which occurred yesterday, each young person wrote an essay on “what Jesus means to me?” Although most of the young people requested that their essays be kept private, it was wonderful to read how they are embracing their eternal identity, name faith in Christ Jesus, as they grow and mature into young adults.   And I know that this is true for many of us here today.

Because one day, we will be stripped our provisional identities.  Maybe they will fall apart, or maybe they will just dissolve when we die.   Then, what we will have, is our eternal identity with an eternal destiny, by the side of King Jesus Christ, Lord of the Universe.  And  NOW,  as you continue to worship him, to study his word, to cheerfully give and serve him, you will lay a foundation so that when you meet him in heaven, you will not meet a stranger; but rather, you will and old friend, stretching out his open arms to welcome  you.  Amen.