Thursday, November 7, 2013

THE JUDGE JESUS SHOW--A One Act Liturgical Drama Nov. 3, 2014

--A One Act play by the Rev. John Donnelly-
Presented AT Christ Church Quaker Farms, November 3, 2014

Scene begins with the judge sitting in the Bishop’s chair, before the altar.  Plea-bargain Patti is in the lectern.  Mrs.  Good  is in prison clothes, sitting on a chair just in front of the altar rail, stage left.  Judge Jesus is seated in chair at the altar crossing, behind the altar rail.  Fr. John is standing on standing in the witness box.. J  Narrator begins reading from the pulpit.   

Narrator:  We welcome you today to another exciting episode of "The Judge Jesus Show", the reality show that makes you pay for your sins,  right in the courtroom of heaven.  Today, we are hearing a criminal case against one Mrs. Good. Mrs. Good suddenly died   just a short time ago.  When she  was met by St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, she  was arrested for gross violations of the HRS Code (the Heavenly Revenue Service Code),  for not being a cheerful and generous giver.  

Choir & People: BOO

Narrator: This trial is to determine if the defendant is guilty.  For the defense, Mrs. Good’s lawyer is Plea-bargain Patti, an angelic, sweet, and prodigious defense attorney. She just recently earned her wings. (

Choir & People: YEA!!!!!!

Narrator:   She’s brilliant, but has not had much experience.  The prosecutor  today is Sam Saytan, perhaps the best legal mind in the universe.  His spell binding rhetoric, his contempt for his opponents, and his down  right dirty tricks, have made him the most forceful of accusers.  Let’s hear it for Attorney Sam Saytan.

Choir& People:  Boo. 

Narrator: As our scene opens up today, Attorney Plea-bargain Patti  is cross-examining a character witness.

Plea-bargain Patti: So, Fr. John, is it your testimony that Mrs. Good  is a woman of good character? 

Fr. John: She has been a pillar of the church for years.  She also always volunteered to help out whenever needed.  In her  time, before she became old and cranky, she was one of the major leaders of Christ Church Quaker Farms.

Plea-bargain Patti: Would you say that she is an honest woman?

Fr. John: Most certainly.  She is honored and respected by our entire parish.

Plea-bargain Patti: Thank you, your honor.  No more questions.

Judge: Mr. Saytan, do you have questions?

Satan:  Yes, your honor.  Fr. John,  are you saying that Ms. Goodwoman  is honest, or does she just appear to be honest?

Fr. John:  I believe her to be one of the most honest people I have ever met.

Saytan:    Did she ever cheat the church in her finances? Was she negligent in paying her debts?

Fr. John:  Well, to the best of my knowledge, no.

Saytan:  Fr. John, if hard evidence could be produced to demonstrate that she cheated the church and knowingly did not pay her debts, would you still call her honest?

Fr. John: Well, yes,  if such evidence could be could be produced to demonstrate that she cheated the church and did not pay debts, then, No, I could not say that she was honest.

Saytan:    (Evil laugh) . Good is going to hang herself with her own words. No further questions, your honor.

Judge: The witness may step down. (Fr. John goes and sits in the front pew)

Plea-bargain:  Your honor, as our last witness, my client would like to make a statement to the court.

Judge: Mrs. Good, you may take the stand. (Mrs. Good stands up and walks over to the  lectern, where she stays until the end of the skit).

Plea-bargain: Well, Mrs. Good, what do you have to say for yourself?

Good: I want to thank the court for this opportunity to set things straight.  You see, my parents never gave me a sufficient allowance.  I always worked for jobs where I was under paid and over worked.   I slowly worked my way up the ladder in my profession.  Then, I finally made something of myself.  In thanksgiving, each Sunday k I would put all my  loose change  in the offering plate.  In addition, once or twice a year,  I even  donated  a dollar or two..  We all should do our part. (PAUSE, WITH FLIRTY SMILE,  BATTING EYES)

At church, I also took on the jobs nobody else wanted, like telling Fr. John that his sermons were too long, when no one else would.   I don’t understand how a nice girl  like me could end up in court.   (Big frown, rub eyes with hands.  Quiet sobs)

(LOUDLY) Plea-bargain  Patti:.  I am sure that everyone can see that you are a model Christian.  That will be all, your honor.

Judge: Okay, Mr. Saytan. Your witness.

Saytan:  Mrs. Good, I have hear a list of prayer requests that you submitted to heaven over the course of your lifetime.  These are things that you prayed to God for, and that he gave you.  Is it true that you applied for a new job in 2010, that you received one?  And that that resulted in a 50% salary increase, plus appropriate benefits?

Good: Why, yes, and I told God that I was grateful.

Saytan:   After God gave you your new job, with the salary increase. Did you increase your annual financial giving to God through the church? go up?

Good:  Well of course, I was grateful to God.

Saytan:    Your honor, I would like to submit to exhibit A.  In the year that Mrs. Good received a $40,000 raise, she contributed an additional $15 to the church.   (PAUSE)  Mrs. Good, (sarcasm)  your lavish display of gratitude is a model to us all.   Now tell the truth, Mrs. Good.  God’s word commands His people to give cheerfully and generously to the Lord. YOU, Mrs. Good take everything God gives you, and you give practically nothing back to Him. 

Good:   Well, I, ugh, tried…….  (Saytan interrupts).

Saytan:   Is it true that over your life time, you prayed for and received these gifts from God: a  home;  children; good health; financial security; comfort when you were in trouble; joy in your heart; protection from evil; lots and lots of daily bread; forgiveness of sin; protection for your loved ones;  a good church; a new boat; fantastic vacations; a fat IRA and pension; Isn’t it true that God gave you all these things?  Was God generous in his attitude to you?

Good: Well. Yes.  God has been very generous .   But, actually, I  owe God a debt of gratitude.

Saytan:  Okay, Ms. Goodwoman.  Tell the  truth. ( Anger tone)  You can’t hide from God.  Do you honestly believe that you showed your debt of gratitude to God by the measly pocket change that you  put in the offering plate?  Did you really put your heart into what you gave?

Good: (Pause) No. I guess I was too selfish.

Saytan:   Now that you are dead,  Ms. Goodwoman,  answer this question: As you look back, would you have been any less happy if you had been more generous to God?

Good:  No.  if I had been more generous to God, I would not have been so afraid of not having enough.  The Bible says, “Where your money is, your heart will be also.”  ” If I had shown God more love by giving more, I would have been happier.

Saytan:   If you had shown God that you are grateful, by being generous in your financial giving, as God had been generous to you, would that have changed the quality of your life style?

Good: (Silent pause, looking down.  Then look up to speak).  It would have.  My life would have been happier. My life would have been happier if I had given more…because it really is more blessed to give, than to receive. God.  If I had it to do all over again, I wish I had been more generous to God.

 Satan:   Let me be clear, Mrs. Good. Are you now ready to confess that in regard to the Heavenly Revenue Service Code (LOUDLY)  that you (SHORT PAUSE)  cheated ( SHORT PAUSE) God?

Goodwoman: I guess I did.

Saytan:  You cheated the Lord God, King of the Universe, who gave you life and happiness and the forgiveness of sin?

Good: Yes, I did.  I am sorry.

Saytan:   Your honor, the defendant has just confessed to the crime. She never tried to repay his debts, and cheated God.  She is guilty, guilty, guilty.

Judge:  (Strokes his beard)  In light of the evidence produced by the prosecution, and the confession of the defendant, I pronounce that you, Mrs. Good ,  are  (LOUDLY) GUILTY AS CHARGED.!!!!!!!!!

Satan:  (Evil laugh).  Oh boy, was that easy.  The dame  just hung herself with her own words. But I was able to squeeze it out of her.  Three cheers for me.  Let’s hear it for me.

Choir & People: (Booooooo)

Judge:  Mrs. Good,  you have been found guilty of the crime. Had you been more generous in your life, and …you would have had so many more blessings than you ever imagined possible.    However,  Justice demands that you now be known as a sinner. The normal punishment is death.

Saytan:  Yes, yes, yes, she’s mine, baby.  All mine.

Judge:  But, I choose to show mercy.  I died for your sins. So, I will put it to the jury.  To you, the people in our studio audience,   Mrs. Good confessed her sins.  Should she be forgiven and be set free?   All those in favor, please say “Aye?”

Choir & people: AYE.

Judge: The ayes have it. 

 Saytan: (Crying) No, no, no. I object, your honor.

Judge: Over ruled.  Case dismissed. (Judge hits gavel on altar  rail) As the Chief Justice of Heaven, I have ruled in favor of mercy.  There is power in my blood. My blood has set you free.

Mrs. Good:  Isn’t he fantastic?  He’s set me free?  Let’s all stand up and hear it for Jesus.

Choir& People:  YEA.  With applause.

[Characters come to the center stage , bow]

Narrator: Now, our skit has ended. Let us hear for all of our actors---

Choir & People: YEA.  With applause.

Narrator:  So friends, remember the Words of Jesus, who said, “Give and it will be given to you: extravagant gifts, over flowing, straight from the Hand  of God.”   This is His promise to us, the saints of God.    AMEN. AMEN.


WEEK 7 God's Word creates Community

                WEEK  # 7    “40 Days in the Word”

GOD’S WORD CREATES COMMUNITY                 By the Rev. John Donnelly

Today we complete the Sunday teachings on “40 Days in the Word.”  During the past month and a half, we have been growing to LEARN, LOVE, and  LIVE GOD’S WORD  like never before.

 We have seen how:
·         God’s Word can be the foundation for our lives;
·          how God’s Word can be a lantern to our feet;
·         and how we are called to be DOERS OF THE WORD.

In today’s first reading from the book of Acts (2:38-39, 41-47), we hear how Peter went out into the streets of Jerusalem to preach the Word of God. So many people were moved by the Word of God’s Love, that thousands of people sought to be baptized.  They came to form a community of people, which became the first Christian churches.  There were so many of them, that the Apostles broke them down into small fellowships, which met at peoples’ homes for prayers, worship, & fellowship.  In short, the first Christian church was composed of many different small groups.
·         ***There these people learned the Word.
·        *** There these people made new friendships in Christ.
·        *** There these people prayed for one another and cared for each other, according to their needs.

Now if you have been around Christ Church Quaker farms for any length of time—you will know that I am a big proponent of Christian small groups.   As a young man, my life was wonderfully changed by participating in Small groups, because there I learned that: Jesus loves me; that other people valued me: and there, I learned to give and receive love.  I grew from being a timid, lonely, agnostic to becoming confident, gregarious, & faithful.   Small Groups were such a wonderful experience that I arranged to become trained so that I could lead small groups.  This all happened before seminary, where for 5 summers I led 15 small groups, which thereby established my vision for the local Christian church.  THE REAL CHURCH IS MEANT TO BE A COMMUNITY WHERE PEOPLE GROW TO KNOW AND TO SHARE GOD’S LOVE WITH EQACH OTHER.

Well, that was 32 years ago. Recently I and several other small group leaders, from this program, were contacted by some of the participant alumni, who had graduated from these small group ministries.  They had attended these programs when they were teenagers and young adults.  But now, as adults in their 50’s, they called us to attend a reunion with them last weekend.

I COULD NOT BELIEVE WHAT I HEARD AND SAW.  All 20 -25 alumni participants spoke on how their lives had been changed in these small groups, so long ago.
·         One woman spoke on how her small group had helped her to overcome sexual abuse.
·         A man spoke of how He had learned that God truly loved him.
·         Another man said that his small group experience had empowered him to become a leader and later a small business owner, with responsibility for many employees.
·         Another woman spoke of how she had never had a loving community in which she could be honest about her feelings, and how her experience empowered her to love herself, and to love her husband & family.
·         And the stories went on and on, like that, for 2 hours.  I honestly had no idea what the people were going to say—and I was overcome with JOY that these small groups had had a life changing impact upon these 50-something people.

During the past 6 weeks at Christ Church Quaker Farms, 140 people 9ages 3 to 103) have been engaged in small groups and classes, learning God’s Word…and growing to understand that God’s Word is actively calling us all to share His love with one another.

We see this in the Bible, too.  Looking at John 1:1, we see that the WORD had a job to do.  What was that job? Looking at verse 3 (from John 1), we see that it was to make the world.  But then looking to verse 12 (John 1), we see that the crowning achievement was to create a community ..a community of believers. YOU are part of a Christian community being built up upon God’s Word.  Newcomers and visitors are being drawn to this community, which is built on the firm foundation of the Word of the Lord. And today, I want to celebrate how God’s Word has built up His people in our small groups during the past 40 days.

 This past week I undertook an informal survey of some folks from the 70 adults who attended small groups. Here is what they said that they appreciated about their groups:
·         " .......the sense of unity and fellowship. I also appreciated how others
helped me to understand God's Word." --Taffy Ritcher
·         ".......the sharing and felling comfortable enough to share myself." --Michele Macisco
·         ".......seeing newcomers to our group feel accepted & welcomed; and seeing everybody praying out
loud, together." --Marilyn Stebar
·         "On Sundays we can talk. But by coming to this group, I could interact on a more personal level. It
means a lot to me." ---John Peterson
·         ".....the fellowship. We got together & grew as we sat around the table and talked to each other,
getting to know each other" --Mike Evancho
·         "....getting to know people more, now that I know more people." ---Jordy Evancho
·         "...being reminded by God's Word not to be anxious. but to cast my cares upon Christ.
I turn to that every day. ---Jim Luviconi
·         "... This group was amazed by the presence if the Holy Spirit throughout our 6 weeks and how all things
came together, what a blessing. New friendships, bonding and trusting each other, as well as our honesty
with each other. "My heart was opened to The Lord”, “using scripture as a prayer.  We don't want to split
up". Again an amazing journey.—Molly Turchuk

So, we celebrate the reality that God’s Word is up building this community, which we call Christ Church Quaker Farms.    He is building it one friendship at a prayer at a time…one insight at a time.  So, let us continue together on our  journey of faith so that we can continue to “Shine the Light of Christ’s Love through our church and into the world.”  AMEN.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Week 6: 40 DAYS IN THE WORD "Understanding the Meaning of the Text" by Rick Warren

By Rick Warren

John 15:1-7  Jesus said, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no FRUIT, while every branch that does bear FRUIT he prunes so that it will be even more FRUITFUL. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear FRUIT by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear FRUIT unless you remain in me.  I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much FRUIT; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much FRUIT, showing yourselves to be my disciples. As the Father has LOVED me, so have I LOVED you. Now remain in my LOVE. If you obey my commands, you will remain in my LOVE, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his LOVE. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: LOVE each other as I You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear FRUIT- FRUIT that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. This is my command: LOVE each other.”   

1.       OBSERVATION—           The first thing you do is to ask  what does it say?  What does the Bible say?  It’s just what is it obviously saying in this passage? 
2.      INTERPRETATION –Next,  you ask the question, what does it mean?  The Bible means what it means.  We’re going to talk about that more today. 
3.       CORRELATION-- That is where you ask, what does it say in other verses in the Bible that explain this verse?  Because the best Bible commentary is the Bible itself.  When you don’t understand a particular passage, you look at what other verses say to help you understand it.  That’s called correlation.
4.      APPLICATION-- That is, what am I going to do about it?  It isn’t a Bible study until you actually do something about it.  It’s not enough to just put thoughts in your mind; it must change your life. 

                             WHAT DOES IT MEAN?
 A.       BEARING FRUIT IS  PRODUCED BY ____________   ___     __________.



D.     I BEAR FRUIT BY ASKING IN _________.

   This week I will pray for:  _______________________________________

by  Rick Warren  (ABRIDGED)

Today’s sermon was written by Rick Warren, to use as a part of our “40 Days in the Word” series.   Today we are going to look at one of Rick Warren’s bible study method, which is rather foundational.  Rick Warrens says  that regardless of any type of bible study that we do--- you always come back to four main categories of questions, which are: Observation, Interpretation, Correlation, and Application. 

So, as a case study, today we are going to look at our New Testament reading from the Gospel of John.   Would you please take out your sermon notes, which we are now going to follow.  

1.    OBSERVATION—         The first thing you do is to ask  what does it say?  What does the Bible say?  It’s just what is it obviously saying in this passage? 

Now you can see from this passage, John 15, that the word “love” is used nine times and the word “fruit” is used nine times in seventeen verses.  Most of us would figure out, I think I know what love is.  But what is fruit?  If I’m called to be fruitful, if God expects me to bear fruit in my life, I’d better know what it means.  What is fruit? 

Well, it is clear that Jesus is using  the vine as an image/ as a metaphor.  So, to help us to better understand what He is saying, we can  make a correlation.   So, look at # 3 in the types of questions listed above: CORRELATION-- That is where you ask, what does it say in other verses in the Bible that explain this verse?  Because the best Bible commentary is the Bible itself.  That’s called correlation.

 Looking at today’s  First reading, we see that  fruit of the Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, kindness, self control – those nine qualities.    So, these are all great things.  Most everybody would want them, right?  So,  how does that fruit get manifested or produced in my life?

Well, we now move to interpretation..  Point # 2 in your sermons notes: INTERPRETATION –you ask the question, what does it mean?   Most of the time, it is best to assume that the  Bible means what it means.   
In verse 4 it says this, “Remain in me, and I will remain in you.” “Remain” means to stay, to continue, to abide, to connect, to last.  A branch that’s disconnected from the vine is not going to bear any fruit.  It’s got to stay connected or it won’t bear any fruit.  That’s all he’s saying.  Be connected to me and I’ll be connected to you. 
So let’s look at point   # A , please fill in the blank,
What does that mean?  Fruit is an inside job.  You can’t just tack it on to your life and pretend like you’re bearing fruit.  That would be like taking a barren tree, with no leaves on it and tying apples to it and saying, I’ve got an apple tree.  No.  A lot of Christians try to do that.  They try to tie on good works to their life and say, see I’m bearing fruit.  The type of fruit that the Bible is talking about has  got to come from within.  He says the Holy Spirit flowing in you is going to bear fruit.  Fruit is produced by remaining in Christ. 

Next, verse 11 we get the third characteristic.  “I have told you this [Jesus says] so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”  Jesus tells us his motive for talking about bearing fruit.  It’s joy.  So, look at point B in your sermon notes, and write this down:
He says that.  “… so that your joy may be complete.”

BEARING FRUIT produced by REMAINING IN CHRIST, will give me great, COMPLETE JOY. Please repeat that after me:  BEARING FRUIT ----produced by REMAINING IN CHRIST---- will give me ----COMPLETE JOY.
Now I’m interested.  I want to live a joyful life of complete, complete, joy.

But there is more to it than that. Verse 7 in chapter 5 says this “If you remain in me and my words remain in you,  you may ask whatever you wish, and it will be given to you!”  Now he’s talking about prayer.  So I fill in the blank for #C.

That’s no stretch of that verse; that’s just what that verse says.  ‘If you remain in me and my words remain in you, you can ask whatever you wish and it will be given to you.’  So remaining in Christ, being connected to Christ, produces answered prayer.

Have you ever thought about the fact that prayer can do anything that God can do?  Prayer can do anything that God can do!  So why are you asking these little tiny prayers?  Why not ask him for big prayers?  Prayer can do anything that God can do.  Don’t expect a thousand dollar answer to a ten-cent prayer. 

You say, wait a minute !  I’ve asked for a lot of things I didn’t get.  Whatever you wish.  Let me just say this to you.  If God doesn’t give you what you ask for it will always be something better.  God will never give you something worse than you asked for.  “I didn’t get what I asked for!” God knew ahead something better in mind.  Maybe you don’t think it’s better.  But God knew it was better, and God is God and you’re not.  God will never give you something worse than you asked for.  He will only give you something better than you asked for.  And when you pray don’t ask God for what you think is good for you.  Say, God I want you to give me what you think is good for me, because you know what I need more than I do.

So, if we put this all together, we see that Jesus wants us to be devoted to the apostles’ teachings (which is God’s Word) and to prayer, so that connected to Jesus, we can bear the fruit of a good, joyful lives. So, the basic lesson is, please repeat after me, “I BEAR FRUIT--- BY ASKING IN PRAYER.”  So, fill in blank # D : I BEAR FRUIT BY ASKING IN PRAYER

However, here is the problem:   We treat prayer like a spare tire.  The spare tire is there when we have a flat.  When you have a flat and your life goes flat and you’re in trouble you pull out prayer.  In fact we say, all we can do now is pray!  Then people say, has it come to that?  Like it really must be bad if that’s all we can do is pray!  Prayer is the last resort.

 So, here is the application: Prayer  should be your first choice.  God does not want prayer to be your spare tire.  He wants it to be your steering wheel for your life.  It is where you get all the fruit in your life.  Much prayer, much fruit.  Little prayer, little fruit.  No prayer, no fruit.  If you are not praying you have no fruit in your life.  You’re just hanging apples on a barren tree.  It all comes through prayer.  That’s what Jesus is saying. 

The more I pray, the more fruit I’m going to have.  The more fruit I’m going to have the more prayer I’m going to give and the more fruit I’m going to have after that.    So, you have heard sermons about the value of prayer before.   The Message is the same.  But the problem comes with our application of the message.

Jesus said,  “Every one who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is a wise man.  But everybody who hears these words of mine and doesn’t do anything about it, they’re foolish.”  So, today,  the last thing I want you to do  is write out an application, a one sentence of what you are  going to pray about this week so that you  might bear fruit. 

Where do you need to bear fruit?  Maybe you need to bear fruit in your finances.  Maybe you need to bear a little fruit in your marriage.  Maybe you need to bear a little fruit in your heath, in your friendship, in your job, in your education.  I don’t know.

We are going to take a minute here, and let’s follow Rick Warren’s instructions . He invites you and me to write down one thing that you will pray about this week.    Please look at your sermon note, and write it down right there.   Each day this week, take a couple minutes to pray, and see if you do not bear fruit.  

After two minutes, read aloud this prayer;

Let us pray.  Lord God, your Word teaches us to pray, that we might receive good things from you.  This week, may we pray as you command, that we would receive what you promise, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. AMEN.

Our service now continues in your Red Prayer Book with the Apostle’s Creed, page 96. 

Sunday, October 13, 2013


                                                   TIME OUT   PART 2
                                                    By the Rev. John Donnelly

 Welcome to week 5 of 40 Days in the Word. Where we are growing to become learners of the Word, lovers of the Word, and Doers of the Word.  This week it has been my joy to hear some praise reports from some of our small groups who are already becoming doers of the Word through Micah Outreach Projects:
·       The Wed. young men’s group is wrapping up its clothing drive.  They are now considering the possibility of coordinating a movie night for all men, and  a living nativity in December.
·       The Friday night group reports, “Last week our small group was touched by the Holy Spirit, as something amazing happened.  Previously we seemed to be having a hard time coming together with an inspired idea for the Micah Outreach  Project. A suggestion was made to reach out to a particular family in Oxford outside of our parish.  Turns out someone else in our group has a direct connection to the mother of the family! So, the whole idea started to roll with lots of heartfelt suggestions and enthusiasm. We are becoming doers of the Word! “
·       As previously reported, the women & men’s Wednesday night group beginning to raise some seed money to provide Thanksgiving dinner at a school in an impoverished community in Waterbury.  They report,” We all feel a very deep commitment to its success. The excitement in our small group  was amazing…. We were not burdened with this project, we were blessed. We will all be doers of the word! 

Meanwhile. We continue today looking at our real need for God’s Word on a personal basis.  Today we are going to build on last Sunday’s discussion on our need for spiritual rest in God’s Word as we navigate the waters of our overly frenetic ,  fast changing, fast paced, fast tracked life in the 21st century.  Those of you present will recall that we need God’s word to teach us to find spiritual rest in the midst of the chaos of our times.

Looking at our daily routines, we are such a busy people.   Demands on our time come from families, work, community, church, and our own children.  In our relationships with w/ all these groups, we have: errands to run   meetings to attend…problems to be solved…and work to be completed. 

Of course, we all have good motivations for doing all the things we do, but the sheer volume of activity is so tiring ands frustrating.  
·       So many necessary and urgent things to be done.  And after they are done, there are more demanding our immediate attention.
·       Our Calendars are filled with appointments & dates;  our weeks are filled with engagement & tasks; our years are filled with projects and plans.

Too people are addicted to frantic activity, which can lead to neurotic excess and/or burn out.  And, such crazy lives hurt us and others:
Thomas Merton, great spiritual writers of themed 20th century writes, “To allow oneself to be carried away by a multitude of conflicting concerns, to surrender to too many demands and to commit oneself to too many projects, to want to help everyone in everything, is to SUCCOMB TO VIOLENCE—TO COOPERATE WITHJ VIOLENCE.”
·       The violence that emerges from our extending ourselves is self-inflicted violence—damaging our own mental health, wounding our relationships, draining our enthusiasm, and alienation us from God.
Today’s psalm speaks of this: IT IS IN VAIN THAT YOU RISE UP EARLY AND GO TO BED LATE, AS YOU EAT THE BREAD OF ANXIOUS TOIL. “How many of us not only eat the bread of anxious toil, but we choke loaf after loaf every day?”

Now last Sunday we spoke about our need for quiet time to rest in God’s Word, that we might become spiritually refreshed.  Today I would like to look at this concern from the perspective of our priorities.      God has given each person 168 hours per week. In this regard, all people are equally blessed by God, who shows no partiality.  However, here is the big question. Please repeat after me: How will I choose to spend my time.   Now, some people reply that they do not choose how they spend their time.  Rather, the circumstances of life dictate their schedules. That is certainly what most unbelievers think.  But the Bible gives us a different perspective.  God’s Word says that our own PRIOROTIES GUIDE US IN DECIDING HOW WE WILL SPEND OUR TIME.



3.  Optional Activities       

2.                   MY PASSIONS

1.       WORK    (HOMEMAKING)

MY PASSIONS-Internet, TV, movies, reading, creative cooking, hygiene, bodybuilding/exercise, ‘couch potato’ing, sports-football, kid activities, house hold chores, investments, gambling, hiking, dining out, etc. Your “passion” is what you think about the most and always spend time doing.

Optional Activities— EVERYTHING ELSE.       Activities &/or quiet time alone with spouse, and/or children; worship & prayer; church activities; volunteering; self-reflection; personal improvement, etc.
You do these things if you have the time and desire.  If WORK & PASSIONS require more time, these activities frequently get dropped.

THE PROBLEM IS MOST PEOPLE THINK THAT THEIR WORK AND HOMES ARE THEIR CHIEF PRIORITES AND THE FOUNDATIONS OF THEIR LIVES.  PEOPLE DO NOT COMPREHEND THAT GOD IS THE TRUE FOUNDATION OF THE PEOPLE’S LIVES, WHETER THEY RECOGNIZE IT OR NOT.  GOD HAS MADE PEOPLE TO BE RELATED TO HIM.  WE ARE NOT WHOLE IF WE ARE NOT RELATED TO GOD, LEARTNING HIS WORD, AND LIVING OUT HIS PRIOROTIES. This is what Jesus is speaking about in our memory verse about building our lives on the solid foundation of His Word.    So, looking above, that life is unstable because THERE IS LITTLE OR NOT RELATIONSHIP WITH God to hold it up.  Worship is optional.  Nurturing love within your family is optional.   If I can fit it in, great.  If not, well, there is always next week.  (PAUSE)   This life is designed to fail.  This is not the design created by the architect & creator do the universe, who is the author of all life.  Like so many human constructions, this one will eventually fail.

                                                BIBLICAL PRIORITIES
Now, looking below—we see God’s design for human life,
Here we build our lives upon God’s priorities, AS WE HEAR THEM IN God’s Word.
You SEE, THERE AE SPIRITUAL LAWS IN THE UNIVERSE, just as there are physical laws, too.  Let us pretend that you do not know about the law of gravity.  Is gravity still going to impact your life?  Of course. 
Well, unknown spiritual laws likewise impact our lives.   God calls us to allocate our time according to his priorities.  If we do, then we will have stable lives.   J

So, in the Bible, the most important time in your week is your time with God in worship and prayer.  Now that may only require an hour and a half & 45 minutes out of the 168 hours that He has given you.  But that time is the foundation of your week and life.  The 2nd biblical priority is loving and caring for your family.  What we are speaking of here does not involve earning income or doing chores.  This sacred time is where you spend some quality time for conversation and fun, where you can create and recreate relationships.  This is the time required where you focus your attention and energies not upon yourself, but upon the needs, happiness, and wellbeing of others as you spend some quality time with them.  This may only take a minimum of two to three hours, but this is sacred time.  Without such family time, the rest of your life will cave in.
3.    Everything else

2. Family—not chores

1. GOD

                                                  Rock Solid foundation 
GODWorship & prayer only.   Not church activities

So, what happens when we learn God’s priorities and live them out in our lives?

1.    RESTORATIVE RELAXATION.As I said last week, God’s Word & Worship stimulate the “Peace of the Prince of Peace, the Peace of God, which surpasses all logic and understanding.  Jesus said, “Peace I give to you, my own peace I leave with you….not as the world gives to you.”
2.    RENEWED RELATIONSHIPS—as we devote time just to be with our spouses and families.  The family is meant to be a class for learning how to love, and as we learn to love within our families, we can forth to do a better job loving our neighbors as ourselves.

So, this week, I invite you to reflect on God’s priorities and yours. 

[Preacher gives encouragement for people to do the Bible Study—

Take Home Bible Study for Week 5

                        “PICTURE IT” 
             BIBLE STUDY METHOD  
Try to imagine the scene in your own mind.  See yourself as the active participants.  Ask yourself, ”How would I feel if I was that character? What would I think, feel, say or do?

1.      READ THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE TWO TIMES, TRYING TO IMAGINE YOURSELF AS EACH OF THE TWO SISTERS. Luke 10:38-42   As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. 39 She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. 40 But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”41 “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but few things are needed—or indeed only one.[f] Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”


                                      Circle one :         Martha        Mary  




                          Check appropriate responses as apply to you.
_____  I  (or ‘My spouse and me” or “My family and me” or “Fr. John & I” need to examine my priorities in my life, because I feel off balance.
_____I need to attend Sunday services on a more regular basis. 
_____I need to read the Bible on a more regular basis . [Note:  Bible study guides will be made available on Oct. 27].
_____I am really sort of lazy.  I need to pray to God, asking for his help, at least for 2 to 3 minutes every day.
_____Other :_______________________________________________________

6.       PRAY IT  Dear  Father God, thank you for speaking to me in this bible story. I do want to be closer to you. Empower me to make time for you, because I love you, Jesus Christ, and I value your spiritual companionship  Amen.