Part 2 of Easter Sunday Sermon by Cathy Lee
Finding Grace within Our Difficulties

I know everyone walks through
these doors under different circumstances, whether under the happiest of
circumstances and just wanting to be closer to the Lord or under difficult
circumstances and looking for the Lord to guide them. As for my family, our
journey may not have been under the happiest of circumstances, while my husband
was battling terminal cancer, but I had a strong calling from the Lord to come
back. I did not feel the Holy Spirit move in my life right away, but received
the warmth and guidance of Father John and Renee immediately that was needed
and welcomed to sustain us through his passing. Upon heading home to tell my
boys that their father passed, 2 years ago today. I prayed fervently that the Lord
would give me the grace to say the right words and he went above and beyond. I
felt surrounded by God’s love and when I began to tell my boys, a dove appeared
on our railing that became a very impressionable Jesus moment, showing me that
he heard my prayer and sent the sign of Peace.
I began a deeper quest after that by
pressing in and prayed for him to fill me with the Holy Spirit and guide me
with wisdom and grace to get my children through this life. Nothing happened
right away, but through my perseverance to make him Lord and Savior of my life,
he has filled me with such joy in the midst of our circumstances that surpasses
all understanding. I know now that it was necessary because only a few months
later would be the unexpected passing of my mother.
A simple procedure turned to sepsis
and she went to be with the Lord within 10 hours. I began reading scripture
even more and I would not have been able to cope with back to back losses
without Jesus in our life.
This little voice reminded me that there
was still too much to do because my father suffered for a long time with
Parkinson’s and he still needed me. It occurred to me that the promptings and
internal feeling I was having was indeed the Holy Spirit. We spent many days
with my father to feed him while he transitioned to pureed foods, and there was
always an overwhelming feeling of love and joy to just be in my father’s
presence. He began to decline rapidly after a few months and I felt the Lord
preparing me to stand firm and face these challenges, knowing I had such a fear
of being left all alone.
The day came 6 months after my
mother’s passing that my dad would join her as well. I didn’t face my father’s
death afraid however, it was a need to be with him and help him with his
transition to heaven and that his job here was done. I prayed over him that the
Lord would keep him free of pain and suffering and he didn’t let me down once
again and my father went so peacefully.
I began a quest to read scripture
daily and I could see certain verses more prominent on the pages that the Holy
Spirit began to show me were relevant to me.
In Phil. Ch. 4 it says, “Stand firm
in the Lord”, which is necessary to face the challenges in everyday life.
Standing means we are stronger than we think we are and putting this into
practice means the God of peace will be with you and to me it’s not just peace,
but a piece of God within me.
I am reminded daily of all of God’s
blessings in my life from the beautiful parents he chose for me that adopted me
and the wonderful upbringing with their guidance to the love I got to
experience in this life, and the beautiful healthy boys I have that need that
same love and nurturing. I have also formed some new deep friendships with the people
he has placed in my path that I am so thankful for.
I know we can all feel at times that
we might be in the middle of nowhere, but the Lord has turned that word around
for me to show me “He is Now Here”. He was here with my husband’s cancer, he
was here holding my hand in the midst of my mother’s passing, he was here
guiding me to help my father with his last breath, and he is now here helping
me this day and with all my future days.
Broken moments or crises in our
lives are where God does his best work in us, and these moments don’t need to
hold us back from walking into the Joy Christ has for us.
I am thankful that even though my
circumstances aren’t perfect at the moment, the Lord is working through me to
show my children the Joy in me that I hope in turn makes them want to love God
even more, and make a difference in the world. I am choosing to focus on Jesus
and do things that empower my spirit by holding onto joyous thoughts and
praising him for all the blessings and good things he is doing in our lives
like youth group, small groups, our church family, meaningful friendships, and
reaching out to serve others. With things like this we can all burst forward
with resurrection power by focusing on the cross.
There will always be things that try
to creep in to take a hold of us and steal our joy. In these moments we should
all remember that Jesus was thought to be the biggest failure and was ridiculed
while turning out to be the Greatest Victory the world has ever known.
I encourage everyone to see through
and beyond whatever you see as a battle or hurt in your life and let the Lord
help you overpower the things of this world. Through his word, God can do the
impossible by helping us find our strength during a loss, help one overcome
feelings of anxiety, cure that bad diagnosis, help us see we have much when we
have little, change that problem, and even take our fear by filling our soul
and mind with the joy of faith in the middle of nowhere by showing us he is Now
I am finding joy everyday while God
is taking me from Glory to Glory and I am on the continuous lookout for the
Dove of peace on my railing and refuse to let fear, what people think, or any
circumstances try to have a hold on us. I know that by being faithful, God can
change any resentment, loss, or any challenge into our greatest joy by
catapulting us to our greatest success and with one touch of his grace, he can
turn it all into a beautiful testimony making it God’s happiest and
praiseworthy moment.
I wish all of you and your families
a Happy Easter and Thank You for listening.
By: Cathy Lee
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