Friday, April 21, 2017

Easter Sunday @ Christ Church Quaker farms, 2017

Part 1 of Easter Sunday Sermon 2017 by John Donnelly

                                           Surprised by Joy: Easter Sunday


O, poor Mary and Mary.  They were crying and grieving over the unjust execution of their Master.  They saw Him die on the cross.  They received His dead body once it came down from the cross.  They wrapped his dead body in linen, and where there when the placed Him in the tomb.  His death was deeply engrained in their hearts.

Then Easter morning comes, and surprise!  Jesus is alive.  Initially, this was a surprise beyond belief. How could this be?  How can one be dead one day and alive 2 days later?  They were surprised by joy---a deep joy, life changing joy---a joy that would stay with them forever.  They were so joyful that they ran into town to share the Good News, which they continued to share for the rest of their lives.

I bet that many of you have been surprised by joy at one time or another.

 I was surprised by joy when my children were born. WOW.  Birth is not an unusual occurrence: it happens many times every day.  But this was first time it happened to us.  And I intellectually understood what was going to happen.  But when Patrick was born, and then 2 years later when Anna was born, I was so surprised by joy.  I was high as a kite.  I just wanted to tell anyone, who would listen, of this miracle of life.  To this day, it still seems incomprehensible. We were thrilled that Jesus had answered our prayers with these two lovely children.  And the surprise of their birth changed me: I just wanted to give and give to my family, and was inspired through the 20 odd years that they were our responsibilities.


Many of us have been surprised by joy in marriage, through children, through graduations, through reconciliations with formerly estranged friends, through new jobs, through hard won accomplishments, through major purchases, like a car or a home, or whatever.

 Of course, some of us here today feel like we have been robbed of our joy.  Severe financial down turns, poor health, the loss of a job, or a or a home, or the death of a loved one,  can devastate us and leave us without hope.  We are not denying the reality of pain & suffering.


However, there is good news for both joyful people and not joyful people: The resurrection of Jesus Christ can be the basis of a permanent & eternal joy, which can never take away from us. You see, when we decide to embrace and love Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord, His spirit comes deep within us. He works in our hearts to plant a fountain of joy.  Sometimes it may seem like that fountain goes dry; but it always bubbles back. 

This is what King David is saying in our reading from the Psalms: Though David was beaten and assaulted by His enemies, David was surprised how God’s love saved him and filled his heart with joy.

You see, we need to understand that there is a difference between “happiness” and “true joy.”   Happiness is based on the circumstances of my life—the good, the bad and the ugly.  But true JOY is based in the fact that Jesus rose to the dead, and pours his joy into our hearts now, tomorrow, and forever.

This is what the bible says, “Those with faith can expect JOY; but the hopes of the wicked come to nothing (Prov. 10:28)

C.S. Lewis was one of the great Christian authors of the last century. Many of you may know of his most famous book, The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe.  One of his famous books is entitled, “Surprised by Joy.”  In this book, remembers the joy that he had with his family.  But his mother died tragically and unexpectedly, and he spend years looking for the joy of his childhood. He describes his spiritual journey of coming to love the Risen Lord.  With each new step, as he grew spiritually, he. discovered mile posts of joy…. which kept getting better, and better, and better.

Finally, he made a commitment to love and serve God forever, and His life changed.  He was surprised by the joy he experienced—which was deeper and richer than any he had experienced before. This joy provided and undergirding for all his life, even at the untimely death of his wife.  He appropriately grieved, and soon God’s joy began to return.

I have heard from some members in our local community that Christ Church is known by some as “The Happy Church.” They see and hear of all the exciting and fun gatherings, where all are welcome and included.  But those who visit us see something in addition--- they see our JOYFUL WORSHIP.  Joyful worship is a chief priority of Christ Church, because every Sunday is a mini celebration of the   first Easter. So, we experience joy through song, praise, prayer, and positive preaching. We experience joy because for us, worship is not a spectator sport; but it is a time when we express our love to God, who in turns releases His joy as we put our whole hearts into worshipping Him. 

Now, some of you may be wondering if this joy is really as wonderful as described by the Bible.  Well, let us see how God’s joy has worked out in the life of one person.  Today, Cathy Lee has agreed to tell us some about her experience with God’s joy.  So, let us welcome her, shall we?


--The Rev. John Donnelly

Part 2 of Easter Sunday Sermon by Cathy Lee

Part 2 of Easter Sunday Sermon by Cathy Lee

Finding Grace within Our Difficulties

          I know everyone walks through these doors under different circumstances, whether under the happiest of circumstances and just wanting to be closer to the Lord or under difficult circumstances and looking for the Lord to guide them. As for my family, our journey may not have been under the happiest of circumstances, while my husband was battling terminal cancer, but I had a strong calling from the Lord to come back. I did not feel the Holy Spirit move in my life right away, but received the warmth and guidance of Father John and Renee immediately that was needed and welcomed to sustain us through his passing. Upon heading home to tell my boys that their father passed, 2 years ago today. I prayed fervently that the Lord would give me the grace to say the right words and he went above and beyond. I felt surrounded by God’s love and when I began to tell my boys, a dove appeared on our railing that became a very impressionable Jesus moment, showing me that he heard my prayer and sent the sign of Peace.

            I began a deeper quest after that by pressing in and prayed for him to fill me with the Holy Spirit and guide me with wisdom and grace to get my children through this life. Nothing happened right away, but through my perseverance to make him Lord and Savior of my life, he has filled me with such joy in the midst of our circumstances that surpasses all understanding. I know now that it was necessary because only a few months later would be the unexpected passing of my mother.

            A simple procedure turned to sepsis and she went to be with the Lord within 10 hours. I began reading scripture even more and I would not have been able to cope with back to back losses without Jesus in our life.

            This little voice reminded me that there was still too much to do because my father suffered for a long time with Parkinson’s and he still needed me. It occurred to me that the promptings and internal feeling I was having was indeed the Holy Spirit. We spent many days with my father to feed him while he transitioned to pureed foods, and there was always an overwhelming feeling of love and joy to just be in my father’s presence. He began to decline rapidly after a few months and I felt the Lord preparing me to stand firm and face these challenges, knowing I had such a fear of being left all alone.

            The day came 6 months after my mother’s passing that my dad would join her as well. I didn’t face my father’s death afraid however, it was a need to be with him and help him with his transition to heaven and that his job here was done. I prayed over him that the Lord would keep him free of pain and suffering and he didn’t let me down once again and my father went so peacefully.

            I began a quest to read scripture daily and I could see certain verses more prominent on the pages that the Holy Spirit began to show me were relevant to me.

            In Phil. Ch. 4 it says, “Stand firm in the Lord”, which is necessary to face the challenges in everyday life. Standing means we are stronger than we think we are and putting this into practice means the God of peace will be with you and to me it’s not just peace, but a piece of God within me.

            I am reminded daily of all of God’s blessings in my life from the beautiful parents he chose for me that adopted me and the wonderful upbringing with their guidance to the love I got to experience in this life, and the beautiful healthy boys I have that need that same love and nurturing. I have also formed some new deep friendships with the people he has placed in my path that I am so thankful for.

            I know we can all feel at times that we might be in the middle of nowhere, but the Lord has turned that word around for me to show me “He is Now Here”. He was here with my husband’s cancer, he was here holding my hand in the midst of my mother’s passing, he was here guiding me to help my father with his last breath, and he is now here helping me this day and with all my future days.

            Broken moments or crises in our lives are where God does his best work in us, and these moments don’t need to hold us back from walking into the Joy Christ has for us.

            I am thankful that even though my circumstances aren’t perfect at the moment, the Lord is working through me to show my children the Joy in me that I hope in turn makes them want to love God even more, and make a difference in the world. I am choosing to focus on Jesus and do things that empower my spirit by holding onto joyous thoughts and praising him for all the blessings and good things he is doing in our lives like youth group, small groups, our church family, meaningful friendships, and reaching out to serve others. With things like this we can all burst forward with resurrection power by focusing on the cross.


            There will always be things that try to creep in to take a hold of us and steal our joy. In these moments we should all remember that Jesus was thought to be the biggest failure and was ridiculed while turning out to be the Greatest Victory the world has ever known.

            I encourage everyone to see through and beyond whatever you see as a battle or hurt in your life and let the Lord help you overpower the things of this world. Through his word, God can do the impossible by helping us find our strength during a loss, help one overcome feelings of anxiety, cure that bad diagnosis, help us see we have much when we have little, change that problem, and even take our fear by filling our soul and mind with the joy of faith in the middle of nowhere by showing us he is Now Here.

            I am finding joy everyday while God is taking me from Glory to Glory and I am on the continuous lookout for the Dove of peace on my railing and refuse to let fear, what people think, or any circumstances try to have a hold on us. I know that by being faithful, God can change any resentment, loss, or any challenge into our greatest joy by catapulting us to our greatest success and with one touch of his grace, he can turn it all into a beautiful testimony making it God’s happiest and praiseworthy moment.

            I wish all of you and your families a Happy Easter and Thank You for listening.


By: Cathy Lee

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Jesus The Bread of Life

Maundy Thursday 2017

MAUNDY THRUSDAY    April 13, 2017

Beginning at our first wedding anniversary, my wife and I celebrated. Of course, this involved a special meal—either out, or at home.  For the first ten years of our marriage, we listened to the cassette tape of the sound track of our wedding. We look at all the photos.  And we gave thanks for the covenant of marriage.  Usually one of us asks, “Honey , if you know what you know now, would you still have married me.”  And, of course, we both respond with an enthusiastic ,”YES.”our wedding anniversary celebrates the vows we made in the past, and the vows we live by day after day.


Tonight is another love anniversary—the anniversary of the established of the Jesus’ New Covenant of Love with us all.

·       Like many wedding banquet, Jesus lovingly planned this Passover dinner with meticulous detail.  Likewise, tonight, our Seder dinner was  lovingly planned  and prepared with meticulous detail, as well.

·       And soon, we will partake of the 2nd meal, the sacrament of the New Covenant of love between Jesus and us.


We remember the events of that night, not by looking at wedding albums, but listening to the word pictures described in the Bible.

·       We see Jesus washing the feet of His disciples.

·       We hear Him command them, and us, to Love one another as he has loved us.

·       We hear his words of commitment and promise, “This is my body…this is my blood, given for you.”


Jesus is with us tonight as we celebrate his incredible gift of love. Some of us can feel His presence and His love—right now.  Others of us may not feel it , but we know it to be true.


So now, throughout the rest of gathering with Jesus—Savor His love; love given at a price; for You.

Jesus blood dissolving our sins (magic trick)

Blood of Jesus washes away Sin

                                    PALM SUNDAY    2017 CCQF


Okay.  We just heard a very sad story of Jesus being crucified on the cross.  Does anyone know why Jesus was crucified and murdered on the cross?

·       That’s right.  To forgive us of our sins.

·       Sin is Jesus’ enemy, because sin causes pain in our lives—like hurt feelings, upsetting our parents, fearfulness,  guilt, lying, stealing, fighting; but sin also causes diabolical pain throughout the world---like war, world hunger, poverty, torture, killing innocent people, sexual  abuse, and more.

So, if we want to be forgiven of our sins, what do we have to do?  

·       We have to tell Jesus we are sorry, and then poof! We are forgiven.


Now I have a little demonstration to show just how quickly Jesus forgives us of our sins.   ( Help?)

·       Okay—we have a bowl of water here.  Here is a piece of paper, which represents my sins.  Now let’s see if we can wash away my sins with water.

·       Okay, now we are going to add some red food coloring in here to represent the blood of Jesus.

·       Parents, this water is perfectly safe (drink some)

·       Okay—now let’s put this new sin paper, and see if Jesus can wash away my sin.  

·       Yes.   Jesus forgives sins instantly, if we ask Him.   If that is great, then shout “Thanks be to God”

Now, we have a short song that we’re going to teach you about this.  Choir willsing it first, then we will sing it.


Now, in a moment, I am going to invite all of you to make a witness that you are grateful for that Jesus forgives your sins.

·       Children: We are going to give you some pieces of paper  with the word “sin,” written on it, to represent your sins.  And then we’re going to put them in the red bowl, and watch them dissolve—which represents how Jesus dissolves our sins when we ask him.

·       Adults & teens—we are going to invite you to join us .  Please open up your bulletin to the inside back cover.  Now take off your sin papers and hold them.  At the appropriate time, we are going to make an offering of this symbol of our sins, by placing them in bowls of red water.  There are bowls up on both sides of the balcony; and there are 2 bowls up here in the front pew.  For those wishing to make this offering, I invite to come up clockwise---so that we don’t have a traffic jam.

·       Why would you want to do this?  This is a powerful symbol to  ourselves, to this church, to the world, and to God that you appreciate Jesus’s sacrifice to demonstrate our gratitude. 

·       Week after week we tell Jesus we are sorry from the comfort of our pews. We remain anonymous.  But by making this symbolic offering---if you mean it—you will touch the heart of God, and you’ll receive His gratitude.
So, let us begin with a prayer. Please repeat after me:   Lord Jesus,// by this symbolic offering// that we now make,// we will give you the honor, glory, and praise// that you deserve;// because your blood was not shed in vain.// AMEN