Thursday, October 22, 2015

The New Covenant

I have a message from Jesus for you.  He wants you to know that He appreciates your responding to His invitation to come here this morning. He understands how busy some of you are. He understands that you could have stayed in bed, or done some other activity.

But you came here to join in the Lord’s Supper—the Eucharist----Holy Communion.
·       Some of you have  just recently responded to & accepted Jesus’ invitation to His banquet.
·       Others of you, on the other hand, have accepted His invitation week after week, & year after year.
·       And still others of us may not worship weekly, but value attending this banquet, none the less. PAUSE

We all see one another receiving communion—but have you ever wondered what other people are feeling and thinking as they receive  the bread and drink the wine, of what Jesus calls the New Covenant?  My guess is that if we dared to speak to one another that our appreciation of communion would deepen.

 This morning,  instead of my talking all the time, we are going to offer the opportunity  for you to express your appreciation for Holy Communion, by not just receiving but by giving back to Jesus.

We will give back to Jesus by doing one thing that brings Him the most joy:  By standing up and telling Him, and telling all of us gathered here, “Why is communion important to you?”  You know, communion is shared experience, but if we talk about it, then we enter into greater communion with one another.  So, here is the question that I would like to invite you to consider answering.  Pls turn to page 5 in your bulletin—Looking under the section labeled “sermon,” you will see the question in print,” WHY IS RECEIVING COMMUNION IMPORTANT TO ME?”
PAUSE What does communion mean to me?  It means unconditional acceptance.  God knows what I know---that there are times when I canbe hypocritical, judgmental, narcissistic, and untruthful.  Much of the time I am more concerned about my image than I am concerned about my soul.  So, when I receive Holy Communion, I know that he just accepts you and me—as we are—and not as we pretend to be.
Communion is truly a sacred mystery:  Through the outward and visible signs of the consecrated bread and wine, we receive God’s grace. What is grace?  Please open your red prayer books to page 858. First question at the top of the page?
What is grace?
Grace is God's favor toward us, unearned and undeserved; by grace God forgives our sins, enlightens
our minds, stirs our hearts, and strengthens our wills.

Now, God’s Word states that we receive such grace through Holy Communion---and sometimes we feel or  experience it immediately, PAUSE

Or maybe it just grows within us over the course of time.  But His grace comes to us all.  And Jesus  wants you to accept that truth. And one way God has chosen to demonstrate this is through a legal contract, or covenant, which He wishes to make with us.

Over the summer, our sermons focused upon the Old Covenant that God made with the Hebrew people.  But on the night before He died, Jesus made reference to “The New Covenant,” when he said, please repeat after me, “This is my blood of the New Covenant which is shed for you.

The New Covenant, instituted by Jesus on that night, is the foundation of the new relationship that Jesus is offering between God and humanity. Let’s examine this further. Please open your red prayer books to page 850.  As before, I will ask some questions and you, please, read the responses:

What is the New Covenant?
The New Covenant is the new relationship with God given by Jesus Christ, the Messiah, to the apostles; and, through them, to all who believe in him.

Q What did the Messiah promise in the New Covenant?
A Christ promised to bring us into the kingdom of God and give life in all its fullness.

Q What response did Christ require?
A Christ commanded us to believe in him and to keep his commandments.

So, we now return to our Peace machine, which assists us in understanding covenant.  God gives us His Law to obey---which is to love Him with our whole heart, should and mind, and then the New commandment—to love one another as Jesus has loved us.

If we do not obey God’s commands—then we are off on our own.   But if we do---then we can live in peace and harmony with God and have peace with Him.

Now here is the catch and the promise:  We may not have peace in our worlds----we may be experiencing chaos, tragedy,  of trouble.  But if we have peace with God, then we have the sure foundation, which can enable us to withstand the chaos, the pain, trouble….and the  Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ,  will lead us to find peace in our lives.  That is why Jesus shed His blood for you and me….as His guarantee. 
Now, let us stand and reaffirm our faith, using the words of the baptismal covenant, page 304 in your Prayer Book.

--The Rev. John Donnelly

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