Friday, July 24, 2015

Light must shine. Fire must burn. Love must act.

We Americans identify ourselves as the “United States”; and indeed, our states are united.  But as a people, we are so divided about so many things.
·       It is easy to see such divisions in politics, were Republicans and Democrats rarely agree on things.
·       And then there  all these factions & special interest groups with grievances demanding their rights---black rights, Latino rights, women’s rights, gay rights,  right to work,  gun owners’ rights, immigrant rights,  first amendment rights, and the rights of business to undertake commerce without undue government interference.
·       We are divided by family backgrounds, religions, economics, and by the different regional cultures in our land.
·       Just ask any teenager about the differences among the student population at school.
·       And sometimes these divisions are carried in to the home.
Not infrequently, these divisions can become destructive. Name calling, slander, rage, & condemnation can irrupt when our opinions become more important that civility & mutual respect.  I do ot know about you, but there are times when  I  personally get caught up in destructive divisions,  saying  things that I later regret.  Words can cause wounds.

Now, frequently  divisions can produce  winners and losers; and insiders and outsiders.  The insiders are the people who are on my side; the outsiders are on the opposing side. And those who try not to choose a side are left out, because the other 2 sides become suspicious of the outcasts.
And of course, when this gets played out among nations, the divisions can result in conflict and conflict can lead to war.

Jesus was a man who attracted conflict, because he refused to affiliate with any group. He wasn’t pro Sadducees, a religious sect, nor pro Pharisees or Zealots, two other sects.  And he certainly was not pro-Roman. He wasn’t pro any human divisions, because He was pro unconditional, universal Love as expressed by the Gospel.       And because He did not side with any of the various special interest groups,  all his opponents became enemies, who hated him.  But, as we hear in today’s Gospel,  the little people were, pro Jesus—the outcasts, the sick, the homeless, the sinners, and the lost;  and those who longed for a right relationship with God.  
You see, Jesus came to earth because all of God’s children were all divided into different conflicting nations, different languages, different races, different social classes, and different religions.  The root of all these destructive divisions was then, and is now, SIN. Sin—where we are out for ourselves and our side, striving to get what we want by pushing aside God and those different from us.   So Jesus, died on the cross & rose from the dead, breaking the strangle hold that sin had on the people. Now  sin is still around & still dangerous—but Jesus provided an escape route for all who choose to prayerfully invite Him into their hearts as your personal Lord and Savior.

Before Jesus’ death and resurrection, all people were infected and condemned by sin.   But by asking Jesus into your heart, you automatically receive the antidote for sin, which is His amazing grace. Now, you and I will continue to sin and tube hurt by the sin of others; but that is just temporary because you have become part of God’s family. 

St. Paul talks about God’s family in today’s first reading.  God’s family is unlike any other family, or group, or association.  In God’s people, all are welcome, irrespective of your ideology and/or your past sins. You see, what united God’s family across the earth is the saving love of Jesus Christ, which is so much more powerful than any human divisions.

So Paul says, “Now because of Christ shedding his blood, you who were once outsiders are now included in everything. “ Please repeat after me, “You are no longer strangers and outsiders, but members of the family of God.”

So, if you have not sked Jesus into your heart, we want to encourage you to do so. I will have more to say about that, later.  
What are the benefits of you accepting Jesus into your heart and being a member of His family?
·       You can discover God’s unique purpose for your life.
·       You can receive healing, forgiveness & comfort because Jesus’ mission to help us here and now.
·       You can receive hope, because no matter how bad life treats you, you have the hope of eternal life.
·       You can build new friendships with positive faithful people. This is especially true in our annual Small Group ministry, which we will soon announce.
·       And you can share in the important work of expanding God’s family to those who do not yet believe.
You see, Jesus cries for the people who do not know of His love.   You see, most people not attending church may have heard that Jesus loves them, but they really don’t experience in their hearts.  If you are one of those people, and you would like to change that, then I have some news for you that I will share at announcement grows; and as it grows, there comes a point where we wish to share what we have received

So, once we have received the love of Christ into our heart,  it grows; and  it grows through the word, sacrament, and fellowship of God’s family.   Then, there comes a point where we wish to share what we have received, just as Jesus has commanded us to do:

Those outside God’s family do not know what they are missing, so  God’s Word, as we hear in our readings, challenges us to love them.  Here are ways that YOU can share God’s love with those outside God’s family:
1.    You can ask them about their church background, and talk about yours.
2.    You can do good deeds.
3.    You can empathetically listen to someone in need,
4.    You can invite someone  to come to church.
5.    You can invite them to come to a small group, which will begin again in September.
6.    You can join our new Mission & Outreach Commission, which is being head up by Amy Sarris.
7.    You can offer to pray when someone tells you of and illness or other problem.
Now, what is the benefit for you to reach out in love like this?   It is simple.  God’s love is free—but if you do not share it, then over time it will diminish.  How many former Christians have burnt out simply because they neglected to share that love which had been given to them?
This past week, I understood a silent retreat at an Episcopal monastery.  It was wonderful, but I was so impressed by their motto:
Please repeat after me:
Light must shine.   Fire must burn.    Love must act.
We are so fortunate.  Our God is really opening the door for us all too really shine the light of Christ’s love through this church and into the world.  And you know that when you share God’s love, He gives you more back in return. 
·       You will see more blessings.
·         You will feel like you have made a difference.
·        You will create new friendships. 
·       You will find clearer guidance in times of need.
·        You will feel greater communion with God.
·        You will feel connected to God’s purpose in the world.
·       You will feel more confident in your walk with God.

So, Jesus Christ is God’s answer to all the destructive divisions and anguish of the world. And together, with us, we can overcome all estrangement & enmity—because His love conquered death and the grave.

The Rev. John Donnelly    7 19 15

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