Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Rector's Report @ Annual Mtg Feb. 8, 2015

220px-CcrossCHRIST CHURCH QUAKER FARMS – Rector’s Report
February 8, 2015
                                                   The Rev. John Donnelly, DD


Most visions do not involve supernatural light, and God’s voice shouting from heaven, as they occurred in today’s Gospel when the disciples saw not just Jesus the man, but they saw a vision of Jesus as God.   But our God is a god of vision, who still imparts visons to his people, as He calls us to follow Him. Would you please take out your blue bulletin insert, which is a copy of my report.  Looking at page 1, let us together read the definition of vision:

“A VISION is a clear mental image of a preferable future imparted by God to his chosen servants [Sr. Pastor, elders] and is based upon an accurate understanding of God, self and circumstances.”

Now unlike the Vision that God imparted to the disciples in today’s Gospel, where that Vision happened suddenly and quickly with supernatural light, most of the time God imparts His visions to people  less dramatically, over a longer period of time.

For the past 3 years, we have been successfully living out God’s Vision for Christ Church Quaker Farms, as imparted to the Rector and Vestry back in June of 2012.  This vison was based on countless hours of prayer and discussion by the Vestry and the Rector Search Committee prior to my arrival in 2011.  It continued during the interview process as Christ Church and I sought whether or not Jesus wanted us to serve together; and that discussion continued on until   the Vision statement was unanimously adopted by the Vestry.

Please look to the front cover of your bulletin, and let us read that Vision statement together.

Christ Church Quaker Farms:   SHINING THE LIGHT OF CHRIST'S LOVE
through our Church & into the World as a Kid & Family Friendly Church with      ***Joyful Worship ***New Friendships

***Spiritual Growth ***Cheerful Giving & Service

Now, how do you know if a vision statement is really from God, and not just a human idea?  Well, the Bible says to test it.  Take it for a test drive.  And that is exactly what we have been doing.  And in the process, God has blessed us with growth--- spiritual growth (also known as discipleship), growth in worship, in new friendships (also known as fellowship), growth in Kid & family ministries, and growth in cheerful giving and service.   These have all been the ways that we have shined the light of Christ’s love in and though this church, and into the world around us. As a result, God has blessed us with growth in membership, too.  Many of you here saw the light of Christ’s love shining through this church, and have now joined us to share the light of Christ.

·         Prior to my accepting the call to become your Rector, the average Sunday attendance was 30 to 40 people, as I have been told. Currently, our average Sunday attendance, excluding the summer, is around 110.

·         During this time the Youth Group grew from 12 to 24 or more.  Our Sunday School has grown from 40 active registrations in 2011, to  90 this winter.


Now many of you are aware of this growth, but we have more Good News to report, and that is this: Jesus Christ has been alive and active at Church in this year now passed:

·         Bob Knapp: Tell us how Jesus has been active in our ministries of spiritual growth—2014 has been an amazing year for CCQF in terms of our spiritual growth and development as well as the participation level in our Small Group Bible Studies.  Our Walking with God series that ran from Sept. through Nov. had 80 adult participants and 15 children in eight different Small Groups who gave us great feedback on their experiences. 

·         Barb: Tell us how Jesus has been active in our cheerful service ministries: Over 60% of those attending our Sunday services are involved in volunteering at Christ Church, in one way or another. This is a huge amount--because in most churches, that number is only 20% of the people who do all the work.  So, praise God."

·         Ralene, what has Jesus been doing in our Music Ministries: The music ministry continued to celebrate growth during 2014. We grew in numbers of choir members. We were blessed to receive official choir chairs. We welcomed new guitar players. CCQF music worship also expanded to include a musical production titled "Happily Forever After" which was performed in the spring. The annual Christmas pageant included an intergenerational cast of almost 50 people. We look forward to seeing what God has for us in 2015!

·         Jackie, pls tell us how Christ’s love has shined through our youth ministries:  Our youth at Christ Church are one of the most wonderful group of people to work with.

a.         They are eager to grow closer in their relationship with Jesus;

b.      They seek to have a better understanding of Him in order to live more like Him.

c.        They beg for opportunities to help others or show love to others.

d.       They love to play and have fun in ways that bring Glory to God.

 Our youth are also led by a committee of members who are dedicated to serving Jesus through loving the young people of in this group.  Join us in prayer as we respond to the needs of the teens and join us in praise for God’s work in their lives! Thank you.

·         Let’s now hear from Bob Taylor, our Sunday School Lead Teacher: The Lord continues to guide and bless our Sunday School Program. Currently we have around 90 young people attending our PreK- 12 Sunday School.   The VBS Wilderness Escape was attended by about 50 young people, plus 16 or so  teens that helped. For the 2014 -2015 year the church adopted a new program “All Together Now”. The Lord answered our prayers for additional coaches and assistant coaches. During 2015 there will be a tremendous opportunity for growth and further program development. Praise the Lord.  


·         Renee, what is happening with our Newcomer Ministry: We have 20 new parishioners who come to church regularly this year.  And of those, only 3 (who started attending CCQF in the late Fall/early Winter) have not become involved in one of the available ministries or small groups. Praise God for bringing these friends to our doors!


So, we all helped on this—but we could not have done this by ourselves.  This was not a mere act of men and women.  This occurred because we submitted to Jesus as Head of the church, follow where he led, and lived out the power of His love with one another.  If you think that Jesus deserves the glory, then please join me and giving Him a clap offering of praise—a standing ovation.



So, what does God have in store in the next chapter of Christ Church Quaker Farms?  Well, I believe that we are going back to the future.


·         Back to the night that Jesus initiated the New Covenant, as he called all His disciples to “Love one another as I have Loved You.

·         Back to 2012 when the Vestry accepted God’s call to Shine the Light of Christ’s Love.

·         And going forward into the future, as we follow Jesus as he leads us to share His Love. My dream, my hope for CCQF is not that we would have the best music, or the best preaching, or even the best ministries to your people. My dream is that the world will look at Christ’s church and know that we are Jesus’ disciples by the way we love one another.

·         Now to him who died and rose from the dead, that we would not perish but have everlasting life – to Him be power, glory and majesty – for he is exalted as Head of the Church and Lord of our Lives. Amen   


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