Thursday, May 1, 2014


There is a brand new product on the market which can make you rich by reading the Bible. The Bible money code contains secrets, hidden in the Bible, to help you play the stock market and win.  If you wish to buy this code at discount, see me after the service.

Throughout the history of God’s people, there have been many “so called” self-promoted bible experts, who claim to have discovered hidden truths from the Bible.  Most such speculation is fraudulent; but in today’s Gospel, there is a biblical number code which I take seriously.

Prior to today’s Gospel, the Gospel tells us that Jesus had appeared to his disciples 2 other times.  This third occasion, he told them where to fish after a night of catching nothing.  To their surprise, they hauled out the largest catch they had ever had.  And Luke tells us that that their nets contained 153 large fish.

Jerome, a biblical commentator from the 4th century, is perhaps the most revered biblical scholar of all Christendom.   In writing about today’s passage, he cited scientific study from the time of Christ, which claimed that there were153 species of fish in the known world.  Jerome believed that this number represented not the fish of the world, but the all peoples of the world. So, according to Jerome, this number expressed God’s love for every single person.  Each person is important to God.

IN today’s New Testament reading from Paul, this same theme is echoed by Paul, who was the virtual founder of the church. Please open your bulletin to page_____, and look the First reading from the Book of Galatians. Let us read that together, saying,  In Christ’s family there can be no divisions into Jew and non-Jew, slave and free, male and female. Everyone is equal. God shows no partiality. Every person is important to God . This is true, because  we all share  a mutual    relationship with Jesus Christ.  “
·       One of the most unique aspects of Christianity, in contrast to other world religions, is that Jesus Christ is the great equalizer.  All people are not only welcome, but are actively sought to join the universal fellowship of the church.  Now, of course, most of us understand that Christ’s love is not dependent upon ethnicity, race, gender, age or nationality.  We get that.  And our founding fathers and mothers took this biblical principal to heart, when our nation was established. 
·       However, it is in the local church where this mutuality and inclusion is supposed to take place, not as a general concept, but in each of our relationships with one another.  You see, in the Bible Jesus calls us His friends, and he wants us to be friends, together, in Christ---to be friends with one another.
·       So, are you friends with the people of CCQF? Being friends with the people of CCQF doesn’t mean that you have a small group of friends.  Being friends with the people of CCQF means that you treat all our people as you would treat a friend.
If you would please turn to the front cover of your bulletin, you see that one of the ways that Jesus is calling Christ Church to shine the Light of Christ’s Love is through new friendships.  Now, we have made some great strides in this area.
·       Three years ago this church was much smaller.  Three years ago there were more factions in the church.  Three years ago there were parishioners who did not feel welcome in this church, and so they stopped attending.

So, what happened?  Well, your church leadership decided to make significant changes to promote reconciliation, to avoid needless arguments and divisive partisan politics. We grew to better understand that our church exists not primarily for our members alone. Rather, our Church has been called to shine the light of Christ’s love through a community of friends in Christ into the world around us.   As a result of God’s with us, there are approximately 3 to 4 times more of you worshipping with us today, than was the case 3 years ago.  Jesus did that through us and He deserves a clap offering of praise.

Okay, so what is next?  Do we rest on our laurels, or is there something more?  It seems to me that CCQF is being called to make a renewed and expanded commitment to facilitating the growth of new friendships at CCQF.
You see, Jesus  is not satisfied.  Jesus will not be satisfied until these two things happen more frequently:
1.    Every person needs to have one or more friends here at church. Church is not just about worship, but it is about relationship—and not just relationship with Jesus, but with one another, too. Christianity finds it fulfillment by sharing friendship in Christ. Studies show that if a newcomer has not made at least one or more friends within the first 3 months of so, that that newcomer may drift away. So, facilitating the making of  NEW friendships is key.
2.    Secondly, every person needs to be needed by cheerfully serving the church.
Our church would be dead, if not for the any of you who volunteer.  So, cheerful service is important from that vantage point.  But also, cheerful service is key to making new friendships. Would you please open your bulletin to the cheerful service section on page_____?    YAs you can see, many people have been cheerfully serving recently.  And all there ministries have one thing in common—in each case, new friendships were made by serving together.

So, there is a message here for those of your newer to our church, as well as those of you who have been around a while.  And this message is best demonstrated  by our circle of friendships.

1.    The basic level of friendship is knowing the other person’s name.  This is why we promote the use of name tags. You see, to know a person’s name is to demonstrate that you care for the person.  Nobody, including the rector, can remember everybody’s name. So everybody—wear your name tags to make us a friendlier parish.
2.    Once you have read the person’s name, engage in a conversation about  what work she does, who is in his family, where do they live.  Now such conversations can take place when you cheerfully serve with others; but we provide this opportunity for  such conversations every Sunday, during our Coffee Hour-Refreshments and Friendship times.
·       Here is the deal.  If you never stay for coffee hour, then you are less likely to make new friends.  Sunday worship is not about making friends.  Sunday worship is about worshipping Jesus.  While worship is the main course of the meal, Coffee hour is the dessert.
·        I know most of you and I can tell you that there are some wonderful folks here at church, who would love to be friends with you.   But if you rush off all the time, then you are depriving yourself of the full Christian experience.
·       Now, this is true for newcomers but also for those of you who love this church, and demonstrate it by your cheerful service. Every single ministry in this church could benefit from more helping hands.  But if you ministry leaders and helpers do not meet people, then you are liable to sit around and complain because you have too much to do---when there are people here who might help you if you got to know them enough by asking.  So go shake somebody’s hand and introduce yourself.

Friendship in Christ is wonderful, and in my opinion, it finds its full flowering in Small groups, which are intentional safe fellowships designed to reach a deeper level of friendship, as we see in the inner most circle.  This depth of fellowship is truly wonderful, and we will discuss it at another time.

So to you, my friends, I ask.  Do you want to become a closer friend in Jesus?  Then make a new friendship with one of his children here.  Just as human children can tell us volumes about their parents, so God’s children, here, can teach you more about the height, the depth & the breadth of Christ’s love for you. Amen.

--The Rev. John Donnelly,  May 4, 2014
   Christ Church Quaker Farms

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