Easter Sunday Sermon
“CSI: Jerusalem"
An one act play written by John Donnelly and performed at St. Michael's, Wayne, NJ (2005 & 2011) and at Christ Church Quaker Farms, Oxford, CT
(2013). Video available at
John: “ Good morning.
I am Joseph Arimithea, Crime Scene Investigator with the Jerusalem PD. Today we are going to examine an actual crime
scene of an alleged murder, which took place three days ago, right here… ON
The victim was a simple clergyman, named Jesus Nazarene.
There is disagreement as to whether or not this was a murder
or an execution. That will be left for
the Superior Judge to decide. On our
previous show, you heard eyewitness testimony on this case from the governor,
the police, from his friends, and even from his mother. Today, we are going to examine the forensic
evidence of this killing; to determine how the crime scene evidence is CONSISTENT or if it
differs from the eyewitness accounts. People may say what they want about this
Now, part of the truth of this case is that the victim was
clearly TORTURED
before he was put to death. Scatted
before us on the ground is evidence of that torturing. Now I’m going to call upon some people in our
studio audience to help us identify the truth behind the evidence.
WHIP. Why is this important? Cat of 9 tails,,,metal, Blood residue on the whip. Glass…sharp
metal.., ripped skin, 40 lashes. That
would have killed 90% of all people, but this victim was no weakling.
CROWN. How was
this used? You can see the blood
residue on the crown. Blood is the same
type and comes from the same person as the blood found on the whip. On one
level, they used this crown to make fun of him ---called him the King of the
fools. Eyewitness accounts—mashed thorns
through his skull. Some evidence of brain tissue on the thorns, which match the
DNA evidence of the blood.
DICE. Type of dice
issued by the Roman Army recreation dept…..
used by soldiers. Eyewitness
accounts—used to gamble for his clothes.
Stripped him and
He was left in his underwear. This was psychological torture—designed to
ridicule him and to break his spirit.
John: Now, we come to the actual weapons of the
NAILS---How were these used? Taken from the cross over
there, as we took the body down on Friday night. Pierced what parts of his body? Hands. Feet. Blood type consistent with what
we have seen already.
by hanging a person up by their hands, putting undue strain on the person’s
lungs until he suffocates. That’ what the eyewitnesses claim happened to
Jesus. We’ll confirm this when we go to
examine the body. Well, I’m tried of
dealing wityh dead bodies all the time.
I want to go see one that has Risen from the dead. So, that’s all for today. Folks. Be sure to join us next time, when I will have arranged a LIVE interview
with Jesus Nazarene.
SPEAR. How was
this used? Eyewitnesses claim that He
was already dead. But it’s up to us to
determine the truth about that, when we look at the body.
NOW, FINALLY, WE COME TO THE BODY ITSELF. On Friday night, my assistants and I took the
body of the deceased off the cross. I personally put the deceased in a body
bag. We then laid the body in this tomb
over there. We then rolled this huge
bolder in front of the tomb. We also
posted guards here. So, the crime scene
and the body have been left intact. No
evidence has been disturbed. So, if I could have some help to roll away the
stone, we can examine the remains.
Okay, do I have a volunteer to go into the tomb to get the
body bag with the body?
Hey, this is empty. All right funny guy, why did you take
the body out of the bag? You’re
contaminating the evidence. O, get out of here.
fired. I’ll have to just go
in, pull him out, and re-bag him.
[John goes into tomb, and comes out].
HE’S NOT HERE. The Body is not here. How can the body be gone? I thoroughly
examined him, when we took him off the cross.
He was dead. He was stone cold
dead and I put him in the tomb myself.
This is impossible.
Jeremiah beats the drums
loudly and the angel appears!!
Angel speaks into
microphone:” Do not be
afraid, for I know that you were looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He’s not here. Jesus is Alive. “
He has risen from the dead. Remember how he said that he must be
delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified, and on the third day be
raised again? Well, He did it!!
Now, go quickly and tell his disciples: He’s alive. He’s
risen from the dead and is going ahead of you to Galilee. You’ll see him there!”
Jeremiah hits cymbal one time.
Angel disappears.
Joseph: Oh, my gosh. I’m shaking.
Did you see that? Did you see the
She says that this Jesus is alive, but how can that be? I examined his dead body…but wait a
second. He was dead; but if there is no
dead body now, then now He’s not dead.
How can he be dead and be walking around Galilee? He must be alive. I’ve never seen anything like this.
(John runs off).
Soldier: Truly, this Jesus was the Son of God. (Tyler runs off)
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