Saturday, March 23, 2013

FREEDOM to Be Your Self in Christ March 17, 2013



Today we move to a new a new era in our continuing  journey through time, as we “Experience the Bible”  right here on Sunday mornings.     We began this series by reflecting upon how Jesus was tempted by the devil in the dessert while He was praying.  Jesus was a man, and He suffered from temptations, just like we all do.  But Jesus found the “Word of God” to be a source of strength and comfort, so  was freed from the devil’s overtures to sin.  Jesus found the strength to stand his ground, and the devil gave up….at least temporarily.  (For those of you watching the Bible series on the History Channel, tonight you see this story dramatized as part of the show)


So, three weeks ago we built on that by exploring just how God is working to free us to live in communion with Him.  Would you please take out the insert from your bulletin, entitled “Basic outline of Old Testament History.”  This is a document that you should take home and put right in your bible.  It makes a wonderful reference.  Let’s look at the introduction at the top of the page:




 (Introduction) The term’ Old Testament’ means ‘Old Covenant,” containing the Hebrew Scriptures.  God spoke His Word through the Hebrew scriptures, establishing His unique relationship with the descendents of Abraham, & his wife Sarah, Isaac & his wife  Rebecca, Moses, King David, and the people of Israel.   The ‘New Testament scriptures’ refer to the New Covenant of Jesus Christ, whereby He invites all people to become part of His family



I.    PATRIARCHS     2000BC In our 2nd sermon, we saw how the story of ABRAHAM AND Issac prefigures the sacrifice Christ made so that we can be freed from sin.


II.   SOJOURN IN EGYPT    So, moving to point # 2----from 1875 to 1450 BC, God’s people were enslaved in Egypt. However, God is a god who opposes tyranny and oppression, and so we learned how God miraculously freed the slaves   in the Exodus.


III.  EXODUS   1450 BC




Then, moving down to point 5---We saw how David defeated Goliath,  the giant &  leader of those who wished to imprison and kill God’s people.

V. UNITED MONARCHY of ISRAEL —Kings Saul, David & Solomon—1100 BC


VI.  DIVIDED MONARCHY: Israel (northern tribes) and Judah (southern tribes) 933 BC



( Outline from William Carey College)


        Today’s installment takes place in point # 7—God’s people   had been defeated by the Persians, and they were then exiled to Persia, where the King of Persia could keep an eye on them.    During that time, numbers of God’s people turned away from the worship of the God of Abraham, Moses & David—because that made it easier to fit in with the crowd in this foreign land.  However, there were those faithful few who continued to worship God.


One man who remained faithful to God was the refugee named Daniel. Daniel had distinguished himself as a man of profound wisdom, insight, conviction, and courage. He was so outstanding, that the King made him a major leader in his government.  However, Daniel had political enemies, who tricked the King into sentencing Daniel to death because of his faith.  You see, Daniel understood that his purpose in life was not to curry favor with the King, but to love and to worship the one true God.  So, when Daniel refused to worship the statue of the King, he was sentenced to death.

He was thrown in a den of wild, vicious, and hungry lions. However, God sent and angel who closed the mouths of the lions. The King was so shook up, that Daniel not only walked out a free man, but he was promoted to be chief administrator of the Persian Kingdom.


One question that this story raises for me is how did Daniel have such courage…courage to face certain death?  He had the same courage of Jesus, who refused to renounce his faith.  But God delivered Daniel from the Lions’ Den—but God did not deliver Jesus from the cross.

·       Well, looking at Daniel—I believe that the source of his courage was that Daniel felt free to be himself, even when  the powers and  forces from the world  tried to pressure  Him to conform…….so that he could get along, so that he could be safe, so that He would not suffer the danger of standing out from the crowd. 

·       You see, it seems to me that the real miracle of Daniel’s story is not the fact that God sent and angel to rescue Him.  Throughout the Bible, God does miracles---but it is clear that we have no control over what God does or doesn’t do.   No, the real miracle here is that Daniel was determined not to let the world take away his identity, his personality, and his faith.  You see, Daniel was courageous because he understood his purpose in life.


  Daniel lived a purpose driven life.  Daniel understood that he was important to God; that God loved him, and that Daniel’s purpose was to love, worship, and serve God.  Anything that distracted him  from his life  purpose was of far less importance, even at the risk of his own life.


Now most of us will never be asked to sacrifice our lives as we live out our faith. But like Daniel, we live in a world  where there are forces, powers,  and people who seek to make us conform……to go along and get along, to keep our faith hidden under a bush basket, for fear of incurring  rejection…. one way or another. Some of us may find that there are times when the opinions of others influence us more than the opinions of the Word of God.  Now, I am not talking about everyone going out and preaching on  a street corner and being obnoxious and offensive.  I’m talking about our desire to conform our behavior by disregarding the Word of God…to not rock the boat with those close to the Christian faith.


I know of what I speak, because for much of my life, I was a people  pleaser. My family background as a child of an alcoholic  taught me the importance of not rocking the boat, not speaking out , and hiding my true identity in order to protect myself from the rejection of others.  As I look back, it seems to me that my real purpose in life was to do everything possible not to be offensive in any way.


Well, as I participated in Small groups, as I read the Bible, as I received prayers for healing—I grew in God’s wisdom to reject that false purpose. I grew to accept God’s invitation to all of us—the invitation accepted by Daniel—to live a purpose driven life.  Knowing your purpose gives you courage, wisdom, confidence & clarity.


Now there are people I this parish who have know their God given purpose for many years.  There are people in this church who learned a lot about this thorough our Purpose driven Life last year. And then there are many, many of us, who are in a searching mode—seeking to understand and to grow.  My friends, here at Christ Church Quaker farms, you are free to be yourself.  You are free to have faith, you are free to have doubts.  You are free to search, and you are free to find.    And, there are two  resources currently being offered that can encourage and facilitate that growth process:

·       One is our Prayer and Healing Ministry, which we are offering today while communion is being administered, and every Wednesday—currently gathering at 6:30 Pm.  Come and let our trained prayer counselors pray with you, that you might find freedom to grow in Christ.

·       The 2nd resource that we are offering, as many of you know, is Small Groups.  The Bible becomes alive in Small groups as we talk and share and listen.  Please feel free to join us any Friday at 7 pm for our Experiencing the Bible discussions.  Try it one time, and you will come back.

So, the message of Daniel was later fulfilled by cross of Christ, who died that we might all be freed from the forces of sin which would reject us, that we can be free women and men of God. In so doing, you, too, will experience the Bible. Amen.


--The Rev. John Donnelly, Christ Church Quaker Farms

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