SERMON February 12, 2012
Jesus proclaims, “Everyone who hears these words of mine and acts upon them, is like a wise man, who built his house on rock. The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not act upon them will be like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against the house, and it fell—and great was its fall.”—Matthew 4:24-27
CONGRATULATIONS. You are here on this historic occasion for the 200th Annual Meeting Sunday for Christ Church Quaker Farms. 200 years ago, on this very date, the founders of this church, who were then called subscribers, signed their names on the dotted line, pledging to give money, materials, and in kind services, to erect this building in which we now sit. One year later, in 1813, the first Annual Meeting was held, as building construction continued, and as God began to form a community of people, of whom we are the spiritual descendents.
As I read today’s Gospel, I reflected upon the history of Christ Church Quaker Farms. Yes, the world wide, universal, one, holy, catholic and apostolic church is built upon the firm foundation of Jesus Christ our Lord. As we have previously discussed, this is the universal church which transcends space and time, which the Bible calls the Body of Christ. Jesus tells us that the powers of hell will not prevail against this church.
However, here in the local church, we need a solid foundation of a common Christ centered ministry, if our parish is to survive the winds and storms of life. Christ will give us all we need out of His riches in glory, but we have to be willing to do our part, or the church will sink in the sand.
(PAUSE & SMILE).There is a 600 year old church in Mexico City, which in 1960 was discovered to be literally sinking in the sand. They discovered that part foundation was faulty, because it had been built upon sand and clay. The church was endangered of permanent structural damage, until they shored up the foundation to save it.
About a year ago, I had my initial interview with the Search Committee and Vestry of CCQF. I remember how they proudly affirmed that this church is a, quote, “ Christ centered , bible believing, spirit filled, & eucharisticly oriented parish.” Some spoke their strong faith in Jesus Christ. Others spoke of the strong children’s ministry; and still other though the church was like a big extended family. Certainly, these sentiments revealed part of a Rock-solid-Christ-foundation, which under girded this parish.
However, the Search Committee and Vestry also openly spoke of aspects of the of the spiritual and community foundation which were not Jesus-rock-solid. Figuratively speaking, it appeared that some aspects of church life were built upon “sinking sand,” which was not supporting the weight of the church. So, my visual aid here is our model of Christ Church, which is teetering off the rock, into the sand. In particular, the Vestry spoke to me of 3 foundational weaknesses, which needed some Christ centered foundational strengthening:
The first concerned church music. I was informed of many disappointments and concerns about the turnover of organists during the previous three years; and the inability to secure even temporary musicians to provide for Sunday worship. Others told me of their efforts to use recorded music, which was really just a stop gap measure. (BRIEF PAUSE & SMILE) Obviously, a solid ministry of music is crucial to joyful worship (Ps. 100). So, my priority has been and is the development , enrichment, and expansion of a joyful program of church music, whereby we can express our love to God and deepen our communion with Him. Your lay leadership and I are devoted to using BOTH traditional (user friendly) hymns & organ music AND tasteful and sing able contemporary music. We believe that this style of blended music will best enable us all, in the wide variety of folks who call this church their home, to give glory to God, and to receive His blessings of praise and song. During this past month and a half, we giving this plan a test drive now, using two wonderful musicians , who really have to drive a distance to get here—Mike Beresford, leading contemporary music, and this parish’s old friend, Rob Simon, back up there on the organ bench. We appreciate their ministries, don’t we?? Further, we are seeing a resurgence of our Kid Choir and our Youth Group Band under the leadership of Amy Cody. I believe that this is a powerful underutilized resource, unlike what I have previously seen in any other of my parishes. Come back next Sunday, and you will delight in what you hear.
So, as we offer all this to God, He is guiding us to strengthen our worship music, that it would grow Rock solid in Jesus Christ.
The second foundational weakness , of which I was apprised, concerns stewardship. This was appeared to be a large hole in the foundation of this church, and this hole would fill up with red ink once a new rector was called.
However, this past fall, this church took one huge giant step on towards a more solid financial foundation. In 2011, 33 of you made financial pledges to support your church. However, in 2012, we have seen a huge increase over last year's number. In 2012, we have received 20 additional pledges—that is an increase of over 60% in the pledging base of this church!!!!!! Now, counting on everyone to do the right thing and to fulfill your pledges, this will be an income increase of 25% for 2012.This is one of the largest increases that I have ever heard of . Also, 18 of you increased your previous year’s pledge. I think that the Lord and this church deserve a clap offering, don’t you???
With a growing commitment to cheerful giving through biblical stewardship, we are beginning to drain the hole of red ink, and it in with the solid rock of Christ centered cheerful giving. We are off to a very strong start together. However, the Vestry is still using reserve funds to pay for non funded operating expenses. But as we continue to build upon our stewardship program in 2012 & 2013,
we can achieve a more solid financial footing in Jesus Christ, our Lord. Right????
So far this morning, we have discussed how both music and stewardship are growing in strength. The last foundational weakness identified by the Vestry concerned some divisions within the congregation. Over the last several years, some parishioners had been upset by various disputes---
• over diocesan and national church politics;
• and over disputes between sub groupings within this congregation.
The Vestry told me that they lamented that such conflict had weakened the foundation of this church, and had resulted in declines in membership and stewardship.
Well, as I said last week, now is the time to leave all that in the past. Paul tells us top fprget what is past and to press on to the upward calling for Jesus Christ.
• So now is the time for us to to forgive, to forget,
and to forward march.
So, together, some “concrete” steps have been taken to bring better unity to the congregation:
• First of all, some of you, who had temporarily stopped worshipping here, have come back to the fold. Praise God. That is a sign of growing healing and unity.
• Secondly, church politics and other divisive issues are not, and will not be included in my preaching or ministry. Period. My calling is to proclaim that each and every one of us, through the grace of Jesus Christ, is important to God. Neither I, nor this parish, can afford to engage in needless/ and futile arguments, which the Bible speficly condemns as sin against the Body of Christ. All of our energy and resources must be directed toward building up our parish here, so that we can shine the light of Christ into the world.
•Also, the people of Christ Church are initiating new activities which actually bring us together. Already, we are seeing this congregation come together through more intergenerational & family activities, such as Family Eucharists, Bicentennial festivities, dinners, and more. This all demonstrates that we are making efforts to work, play, and come together on the rock foundation of Jesus Christ.
So, it seems to me that in the past 5 months, that we have seen some real progress….progress involving you , me, and the Holy Spirit.
• I continue to marvel at the opportunities that God has given us, and I am thrilled to be part of this growing family of faith.
• You see, before arriving here in mid September, I did not know you; but I knew that “you are Important to God.” But now , I know you better; and now, you are important to me, too.
(Put the church on the rock)
As we begin this church’s 3rd century, I trust that we are shoring up the foundation,
• and keeping faith with our parish’s founders, and all spiritual foremothers and forefathers,
• that we will shine the Light of Christ , into our homes, into our neighborhoods & communities, and our world (Mt. 4:14-16).
--The Rev. John Donnelly
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