Saturday, December 31, 2011


New Year’s Day,  Sunday, January 1, 2012

From today’s Gospel:  And at the end of 8 days, when he was circumcised, he was called ,”Jesus,” the name given by the angel before he was  conceived in the womb.”  Luke 2:21

Going back to the time of Moses, it was the practice of God’s people that every male child should be circumcised on the 8th day from his birth.  On this Day, 2011 years ago, Mary & Joseph’s new born son was circumcised, but he was also  named, “Jesus,” which means, ”Savior.”   On this day, every year, the church celebrates this occasion, because the baby of Bethlehem was given , by God, this   holy name.
  • Yes,’ Jesus’  is a holy name to those who love Him.
  •  But to those who do not love Him, his name can be inflammatory.
  • It  can be a curse; or it  even be used as a weapon against to intimidate his people.

When Jesus’ name is blurted out as a curse, it can bring shock and fear to the innocent on the receiving end.  Or, cursing the name of Jesus might not be directed anyone in particular, but as an expression of frustration and rage, maybe against God, or maybe against life in general.  I wonder if those angry people, who take the Lord’s name in vain, have any idea of the righteous indignation  that God  must feel  towards those who abuse the Name of his son?

But those are the non believers, from whom God expects rejection  and ignorance.  But what about the believers , who have smeared the Name of Jesus by word and deed?
·         Think of all the  violence, rape, torture, war, genocide  throughout the past 2000 years, all undertaken by those claiming to be Christians:
·           Christians versus Muslims, Catholic versus Protestants;  one hundred years wars; the inquisition; Catholics warring against other Catholics; and Protestants  fighting among themselves; clergy committing all sorts of notorious crimes;  Cult leaders  stealing the money of their followers, and others inspiring their followers to commit  mass suicide--- all of which was done in the name of their religion—their God—their Jesus.
·          Jesus’ identity and good name was stolen, slandered,  and used to justify the very sins that Jesus condemns.  But, in the court of public opinion, who is the one who has ended up getting blamed?  Jesus.

However, there is another group of Christians, whom we are much more likely to encounter. These are faithful Christians,  who are not intentionally evil, but who appear to have hijacked the name of Jesus for in order to puff themselves up, and to put others down.  Some Christians throw around the Name of Jesus like they are his best friend, like they have an inside track, while others of us have been left standing on the sidelines. Sometimes it reminds me name dropping to impress others. When I lived  in New Jersey, half the people in my town claimed to be best friends with local TV celebrities, like the Real Housewives of New Jersey, the crazy Jersey Shore Kids, and various notorious mob figures.

·         What is the motive of the speaker who invokes the name of Jesus? Is it being used to share God’s love with the listener, or to beat the audience  over the head, or to impress someone? 
·           Now being confident in faith can be a great joy, but some of us, and I include myself in this, someone  of us, who have received that gift of faith may need to remember that the gift of faith is indeed a gift; it’s  not something we have earned by our own merit.  So , I believe that when Jesus’ name is invoked, spoke So when  Jesus’ name is invoked, it is utilized as a blessing to those who receive that word.

Indeed, I believe that  when Jesus’ name is invoked, spoken, or read, it must be done with a humble reverence.
  • The Name “ Jesus” was intended by God to be direct communication to you and to me. He did not send us impersonal junk mail, or email spam, or  a twitter or text message. He did not use a marketing firm to purchase TV time at the Super bowl.
  • No,  God sent this message by giving his son the Name of Jesus, so that we could learn that through His Son, God is delivering us from evil in the world and reconciling us with him and with one another.  
  • So, in short, whenever you hear the Name Jesus, think of the fact that God is reaching out to save you from  powers and forces that would destroy us, if it was not for Him. The name of Jesus is meant to be a word of encouragement and hope for all of us seeking to live the abundant lives that God desires for all his children. The name of Jesus is the turning point in all of human the entire universe.  Love came down from heaven for all people, to give us grace, freedom, and  security now and forever.
  •  Let’s not dwell on the selfish and personal motives that some people have when they abuse Jesus’ name. Instead,   Instead, let us dwell on the motives of love which inspired God in the naming of His son on that first  Christmas, and as he speaks it today:

Would you please open your red and black hymnals to Song # 107?
  • This is a sweet lullaby written by a Grammy award winning artist, Bill Gaither.  The melody and tone of the song take the name of Jesus out of  the realm of the profane, and lifts it  up as a comfort and a joy.
  • Mike and I will sing it once, then we invite you to join us in singing it again.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There's just something about that name
Master, Savior, Jesus
Like the fragrance after the rain
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There's just something about that name
Master, Savior, Jesus
Like the fragrance after the rain
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Let all heaven and earth proclaim
Kings and kingdoms will all pass away
But there's just something about that name.

The Rev. John Donnelly
Christ Church Quaker Farms, Oxford, CT

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