Sunday, December 30, 2012

Two Babies in a Manger Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, 2012

In 1994, two Americans answered an invitation from the Russian Department of Education to teach morals and ethics (based on biblical principles) in the public schools. They were invited to teach at prisons, businesses, the fire and police departments and a large orphanage. About 100 boys and girls who had been abandoned, abused, and left in the care of a government-run program were in the orphanage. They relate the following story in their own words:

It was nearing the holiday season, 1994, time for our orphans to hear, for the first time, the traditional story of Christmas. We told them about Mary and Joseph arriving in Bethlehem. Finding no room in the inn, the couple went to a stable, where the baby Jesus was born and placed in a manger.

Throughout the story, the children and orphanage staff sat in amazement as they listened. Some sat on the edges of their stools, trying to grasp every word. Completing the story, we gave the children three small pieces of cardboard to make a crude manger. Each child was given a small paper square, cut from yellow napkins I had brought with me. No colored paper was available in the city.

Following instructions, the children tore the paper and carefully laid strips in the manger for straw. Small squares of flannel, cut from a worn-out nightgown an American lady was throwing away as she left Russia, were used for the baby’s blanket. A doll-like baby was cut from tan felt we had brought from the United States. The orphans were busy assembling their manger as I walked among them to see if they needed any help.

All went well until I got to one table where little Misha sat. He looked to be about 6 years old and had finished his project. As I looked at the little boy’s manger, I was startled to see not one, but two babies in the manger. Quickly, I called for the translator to ask the lad why there were two babies in the manger. Crossing his arms in front of him and looking at this completed manger scene, the child began to repeat the story very seriously. For such a young boy, who had only heard the Christmas story once, he related the happenings accurately – until he came to the part where Mary put baby Jesus in the manger.

Then Misha started to ad-lib. He made up his own ending to the story as he said, “And when Maria laid the baby in the manger, Jesus looked at me and asked me if I had a place to stay. I told him I have no mama and I have no papa, so I don’t have any place to stay. Then Jesus told me I could stay with him. But I told him I couldn’t, because I didn’t have a gift to give him like everybody else did.”

But I wanted to stay with Jesus so much, so I thought about what I had that maybe I could use for a gift. I thought maybe if I kept him warm, that would be a good gift. So I asked Jesus, “If I keep you warm, will that be a good enough gift?” And Jesus told me, “If you keep me warm, that will be the best gift anybody ever gave me.” So I got into the manger, and then Jesus looked at me and he told me I could stay with him – for always.

As little Misha finished his story, his eyes brimmed full of tears that splashed down his little cheeks. Putting his hand over his face, his head dropped to the table and his shoulders shook as he sobbed and sobbed. The little orphan had found someone who would never abandon nor abuse him, someone who would stay with him – FOR ALWAYS.


I recently just received this story, and as I read it for the first time, I shed a tear or two.

…Of course, the story about the Russian orphan is very compeling. 

…But the reason it touched me so deeply, is that this story has personal applicatiuon for me, for you, and for the whole world.

I don’t have to tell  you, that it’s a very cold world out there.The word ‘cold ‘is frequently used to describe hardship, or fear, or financial troubles, or confusion,  isolation, or grief, and the like.  Now one thing that adds to the frigidity to  our cold world—is being abandoned, or orphaned. When you are facing such hard times, all alone, &  you don’t have anyone with who9m to snuggle up, either physically, emotionally, or spiritusally---- That’s the sort of cold that blows though you like an arctic wind, and chills you to the bone.


But you know, each and every one of us either has, or is, or will become orphaned at one time or another.

·       The families of the victims of Sandy Hook were savagely orphsaned....some who lost parents and others who lost children.  These are the orphans for whom we grieve on this might, which must be the most painful Christmas that they could ever imagine.


Further, we all realize that if it has not already happened, you will become profaned .

·       Health problems may isolate us from others, or even make us withdraw from  those we love.

·       How many people this Christmas are feeling orphaned by the American economy, as the recession goes on and on?

·       At some point you will lose people you love—because they die or leave you---your parents , spouses, children, grandchildren, friends, colleagues, church friends…at some point, you and I will lose those who have been most precious to us.


·       And of course, if you have never been orphaned before, there will come a point where you and I will die—we will become stone cold dead, and that will be a journey that no one can take with us. At that time life will abandon you when you take your last breath,  YOU WILL ENDURE  the  coldness of death by yourself alone.


However, little, Misha, like you, can take a path to come of out the cold.  You and I can come and accept the warmth, the hope, and salvation, of the one whose birth we celebrate tonight.  You and I can embrace Jesus, who has promised that if we come to love Him and claim Him as our spiritual master and savior. Jesus promised us”I WILL NOT LEAVE YOU AS ORPHANS…  I will take you to myself, and you will have a home in my father’s house, with a place prepared just for you.


You see, 2,000 years ago, God almighty looked down at the earth and he saw billions and billions of orphans—orphans who lived in the past, orphans who lived in Jesus’ time, and orphans who would live in the future.  This sight broke God’s heart, so he sent  His son to tell us of God’s love, and   how he has a wonderful purpose for our lives, now and in the age to come.  He invites us to share in the love of his eternal family.  How does one accept this invitation to God’s family?  You speak to God & the same thing all Christians acknowledge ---- that you are sorry for your sins and that  tell you have  turned away from him by your apathy. He will then forgive you, because Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead that He might be your savior,  master, protector, friend, and family.



 Now, the love of God’s family is great. You will receive unexpected blessings in your daily life. You will learn that prayer is just talking to God.  You can learn to listen to God‘s caring answers to your prayers by joining a church family, kike this church or another.  You will join at the family dinner table, week after week, and be fed by Health problems may isolate us from others, or even make us withdraw from those we love.


Some of us may have been dragged to church at one time or another, and may have never really asked God to join his family.  Others of us may have previously asked, but drifted away. Still others of us find once such a commitment has been initially made, that we want to renew our bonds of faith and family for them to grow even stronger.


One of the times I made such a recommitment occurred on a cold starry night, when I was staying at lodge in the woods, with some of my friends.  That night, I was lonely.  However, the loneliness was not due to a lack of friends; rather, the loneliness was an inner feeling that I had drifted away from God’s family.  I walked out into the cold of that awesome starry night, looked up into sky, and asked God for welcome me back to into the warmth of his embrace. And then, I felt warmth in my heart which made me realize that I , indeed, was God’s son…that He would love me forever.


Maybe you would like to join me .  In a moment, I am going to make such a prayer of recommitment to share in the family of God. You are welcome to repeat it after me, and thereby prayer to God our father.  Or, maybe you wish quietly prayer on your own, using your own words. But for goodness sakes, come out of the cold into the warmth and the blessed life which is the promise of Christmas.


Let us pray.


Dear Jesus, we thank you for being born

So that we might live forever with you.

We thank you for dying

And rising from the dead

To offer forgiveness of sin.

Forgive us all our sins, known and unknown.

Come  now into my heart as my Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father,  Protector & Savior, and Prince of Peace.

Make my commitment sincere, now and forever.


Here the words of God for all who truly turn to him, words spoken to the shepherds 2000 years ago, and words spoken by God to you tonight,


“Glory to God and His  peace, which passes all human understanding ,  is now  with you, with whom He is well pleased.”


May His joy be in you this Christmas, and may that joy be complete.  AMEN.



The Rev. John Donnelly


4th Sunday of Advent    MARY       DECEMBER 23, 2012


According to the Bible, Mary, the mother of Christ was a brave and faithful woman.  God asked her to serve Him.  God is always asking people to serve Him.  Mary, like millions and millions of other faithful people, agreed to embrace God’s purpose for her life. Albeit, her ministry was unique—but frankly, your individual ministry, and mine, is all uniquely different, too.  And on God’s part, he led Mary through fearful and hard times, just as he does for all who let Him do so.  So Mary, like many heroes of the past and present, is a wonderful model for being a human disciple of Christ.


However, there is massive confusion about Mary in our popular culture and within many denominations who worship Christ.  I am afraid that I may offend some of you now, but I have to tell you the truth.  Roman Catholic and some other small ‘catholic’ denominations have erroneously elevated St. Mary above humanity—making her one step above us, and one step below the Trinity.  In so doing, for all intents and purposes, they have portrayed her as a demi-god.  Many catholic doctrines and teachings about Mary are not based in the Bible, but come for the imaginations and opinions of Popes, cardinals, bishops, theologians & philosophers; such teachings totally contradict the biblical teaching.


One such doctrine is the Immaculate Conception, which teaches that Mary was totally born and lived her entire life without sin.  The Bible says that all people have sinned and are in need of the forgiveness of God.


Another teaching claims that Mary remained a virgin her entire life.  However, the bible talks about Jesus siblings, who sometimes got on his nerves.  Also, James, Jesus’ younger brother not only wrote a Book of the Bible, but he led the apostolic church in Jerusalem until he was martyred for his Faith.


One the doctrine of Mary being the Co-Redeemer/ Co-Redemptress with Christ is confusing, misleading, and UN biblical.  The implication here is that Mary gets credit for our salvation.  Mary should get the credit she is due; but Jesus is the only one to receive the credit as our one and only redeemer.   Would you please open your bulletins to page 4, as we look at today’s reading from the first letter of John?  Would you please join me in reading the first two lines in cap print,



So, Christ alone is our redeemer. He gets the full honor for absorbing all the evil of the world and, that we might be forgiven through his amazing grace.


Next section:



You see, bible believing Christians do not need to pray to Mary, because we do not need a middle men, or a middle woman, between us and Jesus Christ.  Our prayers go straight up to the top, by passing the clergy, by passing the saints, and even by passing his own mother, because through Christ, we have direct access to the fullness of God almighty. God’s word says this, which I also would like for you to repeat:

 You will cry for help,    and I, Jesus,    will hear your prayer.   Cast your burdens   upon me (Jesus), because I care for you   and will help you.”


Now don’t get me wrong.  I am not down on Mary.  Indeed, there is one aspect of her heroic life which is especially pertinent at this time in our lives.  The Bible tells us about the wicked, tyrannical, Herod, King of Judea, including Bethlehem and Jerusalem.  When Herod learned from the three wise men about the birth of the new born King, Herod felt threatened and his paranoia reached a new low.  Three days after Jesus was born, Herod ordered the massacre of all male children, ages 2 and under, throughout Bethlehem. (PAUSE) I find this hard to believe, and you may be surprised to hear this too. Scholarly research, conducted several years ago, concludes that the number of babies massacred by Herod was 20, which as you know, is the same number of children murdered at Sandy Hook.


 Mary, Joseph, & Jesus just narrowly escaped, and went into hiding until Herod’s death.


The Bible describes the wailing and the inconsolable sorrow of the mothers of the infant victims, which, likewise, is all too similar to that we have all witnessed and shared in over the past 10 days.  And I imagine that Mary and Joseph must have felt the same survivors’ guilt being experienced now by the Sandy Hook families, whose children also escaped with their lives. 


God repaid Herod for his evil by taking his life.  However, he suffered a prolonged & agonizing death.   Biblical scientists, historians, and archeologists have studied this by using 21st forensics on the villain’s 2 thousand year old remains.  They have some evidence to believe that Herod’s long drawn out death involved chronic massive pain as a result of scabies, chronic kidney disease, and gangrene.


Shortly thereafter, Mary took her baby to be blessed at the temple in Jerusalem.  However, she received a word of prophecy from a of prophecy from the Prophet Simenon, who told her that Jesus  would bring salvation to the world, but that in the process, a sword would pierce her heart.  So, some 30 years later, the sword pierced her heart as she witnessed her son being tortured and executed. But despite her sorrows, she remained faithful to the promise of the angels, that Jesus was, and is, and will bring “Peace of earth and good will among all people.”


Christ was born for this.  Christ died and rose from the dead for this. Christ sent and sends now His Holy Spirit to empower us all in the work of peacemaking.   And we have the opportunity to do that now, beginning today.  Various local groups are encouraging us all to make a positive contribution to support Sandy Hook   by doing 26 acts of random kindness.  Actually, I think I know who is behind this idea…the one who was born at Christmas, incarnating God's greatest act of kindness for all people.   To help inspire us, in this regard, today we are being led by children.  Today our 7th & 8th grade Sunday School Class have prepared the green & white lapel ribbons for us to wear to show our support for the bereaved and the village. They will pass these out after you receive communion.  That’s nice. PAUSE Here’s how you can pay them back. Open your eyes today, and be kind to someone. Jesus said, “Blessed are you when you extend the peace, compassion, and kindness of the of the Prince of peace to others, for then you will be called children of God. Amen.

The Rev. John Donnelly

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Sermon for Advent I   December 2, 2012   Matthew 24:24,29-31, 37-42,44


Joe was about 12 years old, attending a new school.  He rode the bus with middle & high school students, which was exciting, but also scary.  It was scary because during the first several weeks in the fall, Joe was harassed by a senior. Joe had never formally met “Steve,” but soon his face became a very unwelcome sight,   because Steve was a “bully.”  Each day on the bus ride home from school,  Steve shoved Joe, or called him names to embarrass him. Joe never did learn why Steve picked on him, but he grew to hate it.


One day Joe had had enough, and he dared to push Steve back. Well, Steve beat him up, right there in the bus.

·       Joe softly  cried, and felt humiliated.


Soon anger welled up within Joe, and  formed in his mind. A few minutes later as Steve got off the bus, Joe sprang into action:

·       Just as the  bus doors closed,  Joe opened a window and yelled at Steve, saying, “ My Daddy is going to get you, you stupid jerk!”


That was no empty threat.  Joe went home and told his parents the full story.

·       They listened to him; they comforted him, and told him that they would not let this stand.

·        Joe’s father then got on the phone and spoke to Steve’s father.

·        An  hour later, Steve and his father appeared at Joe’s house. An embarrassed, but humbled Steve, then apologized to Joe, and promising  never to bother him again.  Steve’s father seconded that promise, and asked the boys to shake hands, which they did.

·        Joe felt better because now Steve was the one

 being embarrassed and belittled.

·       Later that evening Joe was alone in his room.  He took his fist and punched the air and smiled, as he whispered to himself, “My Daddy got you,                     you   stupid jerk.”


The fact of the matter is, at onetime in our lives or another, we have all faced off with bullies, who have embarrassed us, or belittled us, or beaten us up. Everywhere you look, you will find bullies or one sort or another:

·       As a nation, our country faces many bullies on an international level,                   who have ambushed and assassinated  fellow citizens, at home and abroad.        And the fact is, when one American is murdered by terrorism,                       we all share the pain.

·       However, on a personal level, we may encounter bullies at our place of employment, or at school, or even in our neighborhood.  Yet, too frequently,  some of the worst bullies can be people whom we love, who betray us:               Our parents, or siblings, or spouses, or even our children can all potentially be bullies.

·       But there are also secret bullies who hurt and wound us.  Sexual abuse,   loneliness, racism,  poverty, and grief are just a few of  those secret bullies known to some of us, but frequently hidden from those around us.


When bullies hurt us, or hurt those we love, we become deeply aware                                           of the fact that life is not fair.

·       It’s not fair for the strong to beat up the weak.

·       It’s not fair that bullies escape without punishment.

·       It’s not fair that, too often, we feel helpless to their aggression                                against us or against those we love.

·       Its not fair because some of us have family and friends, who may support and defend us, at least some of the time; but too often bullies are so aggressive and belligerent that our supporters fold and the bullies win.

·       It’s not fair because bullies deserve justice and we deserve vindication; and unlike Joe, in my story, most of us do not always have a  Daddy to stand up for us and defeat our adversaries.


BUT, we do have a Daddy, don’t we?   We do have a Daddy, who sent His Son, our big brother, to come fight the world’s bullies with  tough love. 

·       Those were the instructions from His Daddy and ours, and Jesus  obediently followed them right to cross. 

·       And there, our enemies and His,  ridiculed, slandered, and terrorized  Him.

·       Then  the barbaric bullies whipped, beat and tortured Him.

·        Finally, they lynched and murdered Him. 

·       So the score was bullies “one” God –“zero.”


However, Jesus’ murderers did not  understand  the Truth—the truth that  NOBODY bullies God or his children, and ultimately gets away with it.                 You see, our big brother rose from the dead, and is coming back to earth because  He has a score to settle.

·        Today’s Gospel tells us that Jesus has not finished his work; He is  coming back to earth to finish the job; And this time, He’s carrying a big stick.

·       The Gospel describes a divine intervention into human history,                       unlike anyone has ever seen or imagined.  The 2nd Advent of Jesus Christ will not be quiet, like His first Advent as a baby and then an itinerant rabbi. nation.

·       No, today’s first reading foretells of the  Conquering Christ appearing to the whole world, riding clouds &  accompanied by armies of angels.                           This second Advent is  so incomprehensible that,  indeed, the Biblical images are probably the best way to explain the unexplainable.  When this occurs, it will be visible to all people, as Christ  brings justice and vindication and retribution. This is the certain hope that we proclaim each Sunday as we recite the Nicene Creed, affirming, that “quote, “ He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and His kingdom will have no end, unquote.”


Inspiring this shared belief,  the Bible prophecizes that when Jesus returns to earth in power and glory, Jall believers will be gathered from throughout the world.

·       In plain English, this means that we will be delivered                                                 from the evil of this world.  J

·       J  We will be secured in the safe & healing presence J

of our Heavenly Father, while our Big Brother goes out                                                      to defeat and to punish His enemies and ours.  Evil people will be held accountable for their wicked deeds.

·       You see, God’s justice is “justice assured.” God, our Daddy never begins something that he doesn’t finish; and He will finish it in His way and at the time of His choice.  


 So, it is in this assurance that we believers  CAN face the bullies in our lives,

as we or think or say,My Daddy IS going to get you, YOU stupid jerk.”


Meantime, what do we do when the bullies of life assault us?                                Well, like Joe in our story, we go to Daddy…to Daddy’s home, right  here,                              this refuge, this community of faith and love:


·       HERE,   those of us who previously have BULLIED OTHERS,  can come to confess our sins.  Jesus will  then lead us  (1) to  make restitution  for past wrongs, (2) to change our attitude and behavior;(3)  to receive  forgiveness;  and (4)  to seek  reconciliation,


·       HERE, those who have been wounded can begin to find healing through prayers shared with others, or with our Healing Ministry, or with our Small Groups, or with the clergy, …or just privately praying to Christ in the silence of our own hearts.   For 200 years, people have received comfort & healing by feeding upon  God’s word, sacraments, and fellowship in this place. Indeed, many of us are finding that this church is not a museum for stained glass type saints, but a hospital  & rehab center for the spiritually wounded,  under the care of  the Great Physician, Jesus Christ.


HERE, Christ has chosen  to create a place where hearts are not only healed, but strengthened and fortified. Here, we are learning not just to survive and get along. Rather, we are growing in the power of Christ to stand up for what is right,  because He who is in us, is GREATER than  all the evil of the world.   Amen.











Back in February, 2011, I walked into this room, and for the first time, I saw the beauty of the sunlight, shining into this space: After a moment, I realized that the lights had not been turned on, and that it was only God’s light shining in.  I didn’t understand why at the time, but something told me that that was an important moment...with significance beyond the windows and sunshine.  Over weeks and months that followed, as I prayed about that experience, I grew in an inner conviction, which I believed was God imparted: and that was this: 

·       That God had chosen  to do something  new & wonderful here:

·       That just as the sunlight and has shined through the windows here for 200 years, so He had chosen this place and this time to SHINE THE SPIRITUAL LIGHT OF HIS LOVE IN A   NEW!!!!   WAY!!!!    ;

·       That God wanted this to be a church for both the young and the old, for both those who loved this church, and those who needed healing from institutionalized religion;  for both the rich & the poor; for both the lonely and the loved; for both believers and skeptics, all  who  would  come through these doors.  because they would be attracted to the Light of Christ’s love shining through this place.

My sense then, as now, has been that God is rebooting our  church into something that is  different from many others:

1.    A church which is full of warm people, who forgive one another, who reach out to one another, who welcome, embrace, and include all visitors and guests, especially families with children. That the fellowship would be so strong here, that new friendships would be made, and old ones renewed.

2.    Secondly, that God wanted a church where people  joyfully worshipped Him with their hearts, and not just their lips; a church that would understand that worship is telling God that we love Him, because He loved us first.

3.    And thirdly, that God wanted this to be a church where all are free to grow in their spiritual lives, without judgment, but with acceptance and support,  because growing in discipleship is not about academic knowledge, but it is all about love.  So, Jesus said, if you want the world to know that you are my disciples, then you must blank one another.

So, to make a long story short, at my final interview with your Vestry I shared what I believed to be God’s Vision, or God’s purpose for this church ; and low and behold, I found that the Vestry had a similar vision.  So, God opened up a new door  for all of us.

During the past year and a half, we HAVE SEEN GOD BLESS OUR SUNDAY WORSHIP.  To begin with, there are more of you worshipping here now. I was told that prior to my arrival, the average Sunday worship attendance was 35 or so. Today, our average Sunday attendance (not including the summer) runs an average of between 90 to 105 !!

·       Isn’t that wonderful?  I think we need to offer Jesus a clap offering.

·       As our music ministry has grown and blossomed in 2012, you all are worshipping with greater  enthusiasm in the service. The English word for enthusiasm comes from the Latin term, “en theos,” which literally is translated as “in God.”  When you worship God with your heart, they joy flows froth from here all the way to heaven.

As our congregation has grown, so has our opportunities to make and renew friendships.   In a couple moment, Mike Gibbons will share with you some of his personal reflections on fellowship here.  You know, every church claims to be a friendly church—even those which are snake pits.  But  our fellowship is growing beyond just being friendly, but to being friends—friends in Christ, who are growing to trust and to care for one another.

And it is in the context of such friendship, that many of us are growing spiritually in Christ. I do not know if you know the wide diversity of spiritual beliefs and presences in this congregation, but it is there. But unlike some churches, we are not fighting to make everyone the same. Instead, we are taking time to listen to one another, to learn from one another, and to accept one another as part of our family in Christ.  And you know, the more we grow in Christ, the more we discover that   our religious differences become less important, when we share receive ad share the love of Jesus Christ. We are learning that some of us are important to God, right?   We all are important to God.  And if everyone is important to God, then everyone here ought to be important to us, right?

It seems to me that our growth in worship, fellowship, and discipleship is occurring not because of some plan that came from Rick Warren, or  from the Vestry & or even from me.  No, God is leading us and we together are choosing to  follow and live out His purposes, that He is abundantly  blessing all of our offerings. So, today, on this Sunday before Thanksgiving, we have the opportunity to really show God that we are thankful for all his blessings.  Nobody likes to eat Turkey on Thursday more than me, but real thanksgiving is where we give back to God. And we will have that opportunity is a couple minutes.  To speak about this, let us welcome Vestry Member Mike Gibbons to the pulpit, wont you?


Organized religion means we are supposed to be "organized" and for the last few weeks we have heard the importance for  the Vestry to be able to plan and present a budget in 2013.  After all,  how else are we going to be able to tell our own resident parish  “Mr. Softee”, Michael  Baw lick,  how much ice cream he can buy for the church  machine?

So that's what's in it for the Vestry.  What are the advantages of pledging for you?

·       We have all learned as adults that it is better to give than receive.  I would like to suggest that being  a cheerful giver thru a  pledge  is a multiplier of that good feeling experienced when you give and that it is extremely satisfying.

·       There is a progression that takes place as you decide you want to become more involved in the church.    For many  it starts when we  see  the benefits  our children experience as they receive  a Christian education administered in a safe and fun environment.     Pledging  fosters the sense being involved and of belonging to our church community which we call "fellowship", or “new friendships.”

Or so, I have found that my  growing commitment to Christ &this church helps me  to focus more clearly on the  priorities of faith and family and is a terrific stress reducer.  This is because our  Christian fellowship here creates a place where many of us, including me, find that   we can be ourselves, encourage each other, support each other, forgive each other, speak the truth, admit our weaknesses and respect our differences.     This all happens because  your support enables us to pay the clergy & staff, who help us all in building up the  love and strength of this church.

Again - for those of you who have pledged in 2012 we thank you.

For those of you have not previously pledged, we ask you to consider supporting Christ Church in this way.  We have a great group of people here at Christ Church, and want you to join us.   So jump on in, the water's fine. thank you, amen, whew?


Hundreds of years before Christ, people would bring their offerings to the temple, which were then taken by the priests and placed upon the altar.  The problem was, the people were never allowed access to the altar.  Indeed, they couldn’t ever see it because it was hidden behind door and curtains and the temple police.  But when Jesus came, he eliminated  that.  Now, you sit in the presence of the altar.  You part take of the sacrificial meal at the altar. And today, you can come and place your pledge offering on the altar—giving it right to God, by passing the ushers, by passing the acolyte, and by passing the rector.  Previously this church has offered the opportunity for people to voluntarily undertake this act of personal devotion and gratitude to God, and we will offer you that chance in couple moments.  After we sing a song of offering, you will be invited to bring your pledge card up, with any family members present, and place it in the offering plate.  You can then depart through the side exits.   However, please remain up around the altar rail,  where once everyone has finished, we will offer a prayer and exchange the peace. 

·       If you have not  yet filled out your pledge card and would like to offer it today, please feel free to do so during this next song.

·       If you do not wish to offer your pledge this way, then you may place it in the offering plate.

·       Also, if  you are not making your pledge today and/or you are still thinking about it, then we will invite you to join us up here for the peace.  Everyone here is important to God and we want all to share in the joy of the Lord.

Remaining seated, let us open our bulletins to page 6, and offer to God all our hopes and dreams, through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


Father God

It is through your kindness

And through your love

That we thank you

For the gift of

This parish church.

Today we offer to you

A portion of our bounty.

We pray that you will bless this offering

That in the year ahead

That we would grow and serve you

According to plan

That the light of your love

Would shine through us

And into the world

In the Name of Jesus.

Amen. Alleluia!